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Bug 547733 - 7-zip tells about invalid command line
7-zip tells about invalid command line
Product: file-roller
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Paolo Bacchilega
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-08-14 09:35 UTC by Lavir the Whiolet
Modified: 2008-08-16 13:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.1/2.2

Description Lavir the Whiolet 2008-08-14 09:35:52 UTC
Please describe the problem:
I tried to make a 7-zip archive (".7z") from some file but File Roller showed me an error:

Invalid command line

Steps to reproduce:
1. Install 7-zip compression/uncompression tool.
2. Select some files, right-click them and select "Create Archive" (the item may be different, I have russian version installed).
3. Select ".7z" archive type and press "Create".

Actual results:
Message is displayed:

Error occured while adding files to archive.

Command line output:

7-Zip (A) 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06
p7zip Version 4.57 (locale=ru_RU.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,1 CPU)

Incorrect command line

Expected results:
Archive of "7-zip" type (with ".7z" extension) should be created.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Paolo Bacchilega 2008-08-16 09:04:23 UTC
can you please test the current trunk version to see if it works now ?
Comment 2 Lavir the Whiolet 2008-08-16 12:22:28 UTC
Sorry, I don't have time to set up checking out and building the source code. Please test is as follows:

1. Install "p7zip" or "p7zip-full" package.

2. Create ".7z" archive from some files using fixed file-roller.

3. Open created archive with file-roller and unpack the files.

If the program passed all these steps then please close this bug. I'll reopen it if needed.
Comment 3 Paolo Bacchilega 2008-08-16 13:04:05 UTC
it works for me, closing...