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Bug 54463 - db2html dependency prevents compilation (make fails)
db2html dependency prevents compilation (make fails)
Product: gnome-utils
Classification: Deprecated
Component: docs
Other Linux
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: John Fleck
John Fleck
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-05-10 22:09 UTC by Mike Bursell
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Mike Bursell 2001-05-10 22:09:39 UTC
I'm following the source build and install instructions at  Although they're lacking
several dependencies, I don't seem to be able to get past this one.  After
a (successful) ./configure, a make yields (very soon):

make[4]: Entering directory `/usr/src/gnome-utils-1.4.0/gfloppy/doc/az'
if [ ! -d gfloppy ] ; then cd . && db2html gfloppy.sgml; fi
/bin/sh: db2html: command not found
make [4]: *** [authors.html] Error 127

I've had a really good trawl around the net, and the missing db2html seems
to be from gnome-doc-tools, which I can only find as an rpm in the redhat
developers area.  Surely Jo(e) Public shouldn't need this - and if he/she
should, could it not be made available on the main GNOME ftp site as
source?  Those of us running non-rpm distributions have problems otherwise.

Hopefully it's an easy fix - if I'm missing anything, please let me know!

Comment 1 John Fleck 2001-05-10 22:36:18 UTC
Mike -
A thousand apologies. I thought the gfloppy az docs had been 
commented out of the build. They are messed up, and we didn't mean to 
ship them.
You should not have need of db2html - that's only required of package 
builders, who use it and put the html output into the build.
I can fix this in cvs (I'm traveling this week - won't be able to do 
it until next week), but that doesn't help you. Your best option is 
to comment the gfloppy/docs/az directory out of the configure.
Comment 2 Mike Bursell 2001-05-11 09:10:08 UTC
Commenting this out in configure doesn't seem to help.  Anywhere else 
I need to remove it?  I've tried make distclean, or even removing 
everything and then reinstalling from the tar.gz, but to no avail.
Comment 3 John Fleck 2001-05-11 17:56:15 UTC
Mike - 
Sorry about this. Trying to debug by remote control is hard,as I'm 
travelling and only have windows computers at my disposal.
Try also removing the reference to az in doc/Makefile.
Comment 4 John Fleck 2001-05-13 03:04:43 UTC
Changes to and gfloppy/doc/ checked in to cvs
to remove the gfloppy az docs from the build. They were incomplete and
were fouling things up.