GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 540488
Cosmetic error on Gnome Documentation library page
Last modified: 2008-06-27 16:24:48 UTC
There is error on page: In "header area", in line just before this blue table with contents. Regards, Marcin Dec
Are you talking about "book.label" in "book.labelOverview of the GNOME Platform"?
(In reply to comment #1) > Are you talking about "book.label" in "book.labelOverview of the GNOME > Platform"? Bingo! :)
I mean: yes, I'm talking about this "book.label" words. I think there should be link "Overview of the GNOME Platform" adjusted to the right.
Okay, gnome-doc-utils bug; I added a workaround. docbook/common/db-label.xsl has: <!-- = db.label.mode % book = --> <xsl:template mode="db.label.mode" match="book"> <xsl:param name="role"/> <xsl:call-template name="l10n.gettext"> <xsl:with-param name="msgid" select="'book.label'"/> <xsl:with-param name="role" select="$role"/> <xsl:with-param name="node" select="."/> <xsl:with-param name="format" select="true()"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template> but 'book.label' is not a msgid defined in gettext/l10n.xml
That particular code should never even be called. With the workaround, you're still getting the title repeated, which is just wrong (although better than the ugliness that is book.label). The crux of the problem is this: <xsl:param name="title_node" select="($node/title | $info/title)[last()]"/> This assumes that a title element comes after the *info element. For everything but books, this is true. But for some reason, in DocBook, title precedes bookinfo/title. The result is that bookinfo/title is taken to be the title, then the code that processes non-title (and non-a-few-other-things) blocks later on fails to skip the title element. The same problem exists with subtitle_node. I'm trying to figure out the best way of fixing this.
OK, fixed by explicitly setting the title_node and subtitle_node parameters in the matched template for book elements.