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Bug 526082 - Offering sending to MusicBrainz when not found
Offering sending to MusicBrainz when not found
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Component: Other Extensions
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 1.x
Assigned To: Banshee Maintainers
Banshee Maintainers
: 550575 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-04-03 22:55 UTC by Maciej (Matthew) Piechotka
Modified: 2020-03-17 08:23 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch to support visiting the album page on MusicBrains (AudioCd) (4.86 KB, patch)
2008-10-31 05:32 UTC, Philippe Gauthier
reviewed Details | Review
Screenshot how Rhythmbox responds to unknown audio CD (3.89 KB, image/jpeg)
2010-11-12 14:22 UTC, Bernd Schlapsi

Description Maciej (Matthew) Piechotka 2008-04-03 22:55:55 UTC
During ripping if CD is not published on MB please offer option to send it in similar way to SoundRipper. And to reload it after editiong as well.
Comment 1 Heikki Henriksen 2008-06-07 08:48:51 UTC
I'd like an option to go to the release-page on musicbrainz if the CD is found as well.

Sound-juicer got a nice way of handling this: if the CD is not found on MB it shows some text explaining the situation and a button for sending in information, as well as including a shortcut which is always available: Ctrl-S.
Comment 2 Bertrand Lorentz 2008-09-03 17:23:44 UTC
*** Bug 550575 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Philippe Gauthier 2008-10-31 05:32:46 UTC
Created attachment 121712 [details] [review]
Patch to support visiting the album page on MusicBrains (AudioCd)

This is a quick proof-of-concept patch supporting the feature described in the second comment.

It allows the user to visit the album page on MusicBrainz when the audio CD metadata has loaded successfully.
Comment 4 Gabriel Burt 2009-01-13 22:22:43 UTC
Agree that having a simple option to send your manually-entered info to MB would be very cool.  Thanks for the POC Philippe - it won't work unless a MusicBrainzId already exists for the album though, right?
Comment 5 Pacho Ramos 2009-07-24 12:44:33 UTC
Any news on this? Thanks :-)
Comment 6 Paul Smith 2010-01-13 16:45:00 UTC
I need this as well.
Comment 7 Bernd Schlapsi 2010-11-12 14:22:46 UTC
Created attachment 174327 [details]
Screenshot how Rhythmbox responds to unknown audio CD

+1 for this feature request. It would be very helpful if you're able to submit album information for unknown CD's.
Rhythmbox also have this feature. Look at the attached image how Rhythmbox respond to an unknown audio CD
Comment 8 Pavel Nazarov 2011-08-06 12:00:48 UTC
+1 for the option to publish on MB when CD is not recognized.

For now I'm forced to use other tools such as picard.
Comment 9 Glen Peterson 2011-11-07 21:35:39 UTC
+1 This is the only thing I still use Rhythmbox for.  Bernd Schlapsi attached a screenshot of how Rhythmbox handles an unknown CD.  Philippe Gauthier attached a patch for this issue in October 2008.  Why was this patch never applied?
Comment 10 André Klapper 2020-03-17 08:23:37 UTC
Banshee is not under active development anymore and had its last code changes more than three years ago. Its codebase has been archived.

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping to reflect
reality. Please feel free to reopen this ticket (or rather transfer the project
to GNOME Gitlab, as GNOME Bugzilla is being shut down) if anyone takes the
responsibility for active development again.
See for more info.