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Bug 525901 - After loading playlist from file, the application crashed.
After loading playlist from file, the application crashed.
Product: rhythmbox
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other opensolaris
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: RhythmBox Maintainers
RhythmBox Maintainers
: 542460 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-04-03 05:58 UTC by Ye Guo
Modified: 2008-07-11 23:51 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Ye Guo 2008-04-03 05:58:21 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1. Select top menu Music->Playlist->New Playlist. Enter a name for this new playlist, such as "Mylist" and press <Enter>.
2. Go to Library entry, select one or more musics, click the menu Edit->Add to Playlist->Mylist.
3. Go to menu Music->Playlist->Save to File and save this new playlist to a local file.
4. Select this playlist, click menu Music->Playlist->Delete to remove this playlist from source list.
5.Select "Music->Playlist->Load from File", load the saved playlist file.
And then the application crashed.

Stack trace:
2373:	bash
 fede5337 waitid   (7, 0, 80470a0, f)
 feda047b waitpid  (ffffffff, 804714c, c) + 63
 0808c343 waitchld (b35, 1) + 6f
 0808b59a wait_for (b35) + 112
 0807dcb5 execute_command_internal (81223a8, 0, ffffffff, ffffffff, 8121a28) + 575
 0807d5d3 execute_command (81223a8) + 43
 08071b26 reader_loop (8047374, 8047254, feffb7cc, 133f, 1f80, 8047254) + 18a
 0806ffca main     (1, 8047298, 80472a0) + 68a
 0806f8b2 _start   (1, 80473dc, 0, 80473e1, 8047442, 8047461) + 7a

Other information:
Solaris Express Community Edition snv_85 X86
wermillion 87
GNOME gnome-about 2.22.0
Comment 1 Jonathan Matthew 2008-04-03 09:11:51 UTC
fixed in svn.
Comment 2 Ye Guo 2008-04-03 09:50:19 UTC
stack trace:
11524:	rhythmbox
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 fef05337 waitid   (0, 2d06, 8045400, 3)
 feec047b waitpid  (2d06, 8045544, 0) + 63
 fe421116 g_spawn_sync (0, 8b39ee0, 0, 4, 0, 0) + 346
 fe4214ca g_spawn_command_line_sync (8b47400, 0, 0, 0, 80455cc) + 5a
 fa8215cf __1cNrun_bug_buddy6Fpkclp0_b_ (80fc198, 2d04, 0) + 6b
 fa821825 __1cMcheck_if_gdb6Fpv_b_ (0) + 129
 fa821325 __1cUbugbuddy_segv_handle6Fi_v_ (b, 0, 80457cc) + 89
 fef0143f __sighndlr (b, 0, 80457cc, fa82129c) + f
 feef6302 call_user_handler (b, 0, 80457cc) + 2bf
 feef6536 sigacthandler (b, 0, 80457cc) + d0
 --- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ---
 083cd560 ???????? (83cd550, 80cb4e4)
 0808a24b playlist_load_ended_cb (8ac55a0, 8b49148, 83cd550) + 23
 fe9c3bb3 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING (80fa220, 0, 2, 8045b8c, 8045aec, 0) + 5b
 fe9af063 g_closure_invoke (80fa220, 0, 2, 8045b8c, 8045aec) + 107
 fe9c2d63 signal_emit_unlocked_R (8b415d8, 0, 8ac55a0, 0, 8045b8c) + 75f
 fe9c205c g_signal_emit_valist (8ac55a0, 1df, 0, 8045dfc) + 8c4
 fe9c21f1 g_signal_emit (8ac55a0, 1df, 0, 8b16a78) + 25
 f5797d4a totem_pl_parser_playlist_end (8ac55a0, 8b16a78) + 32
 f579c7c0 totem_pl_parser_add_pls_with_contents (8ac55a0, 8b34508, 0, 8b68618) + 528
 f579c82c totem_pl_parser_add_pls (8ac55a0, 8b34508, 0, 0) + 44
 f579953e totem_pl_parser_parse_internal (8ac55a0, 8b34508, 0) + 46a
 f5799745 totem_pl_parser_parse_with_base (8ac55a0, 8b34508, 0, 1) + 8d
 f57997f3 totem_pl_parser_parse (8ac55a0, 8b34508, 1) + 23
 0808a335 rb_playlist_manager_parse_file (83cd550, 8b34508, 8045fac) + b9
 0808b31a load_playlist_response_cb (825d368, fffffffd, 83cd550) + 6a
 fe9c3723 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__INT (8b37e68, 0, 2, 804612c, 804608c, 0) + 5b
 fe9af063 g_closure_invoke (8b37e68, 0, 2, 804612c, 804608c) + 107
 fe9c2d63 signal_emit_unlocked_R (8402bf8, 0, 825d368, 0, 804612c) + 75f
 fe9c205c g_signal_emit_valist (825d368, 1a0, 0, 8046398) + 8c4
 fe9c21f1 g_signal_emit (825d368, 1a0, 0, fffffffd) + 25
 fe708383 gtk_dialog_response (825d368, fffffffd) + 3b
 fe707d26 action_widget_activated (8aee840, 825d368) + 2a
 fe9c34dd g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (8b37c28, 0, 1, 804653c, 804649c, 0) + 55
 fe9af063 g_closure_invoke (8b37c28, 0, 1, 804653c, 804649c) + 107
 fe9c2d63 signal_emit_unlocked_R (818c0c8, 0, 8aee840, 0, 804653c) + 75f
 fe9c205c g_signal_emit_valist (8aee840, 133, 0, 80467a8) + 8c4
 fe9c21f1 g_signal_emit (8aee840, 133, 0) + 25
 fe6c4a94 gtk_button_clicked (8aee840) + 38
 fe6c58c4 gtk_real_button_released (8aee840, 8173588) + 38
 fe9c34dd g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (8376588, 0, 1, 804697c, 80468dc, fe6c588c) + 55
 fe9af344 g_type_class_meta_marshal (8376588, 0, 1, 804697c, 80468dc, 1a4) + 40
 fe9af063 g_closure_invoke (8376588, 0, 1, 804697c, 80468dc) + 107
 fe9c2a18 signal_emit_unlocked_R (818c098, 0, 8aee840, 0, 804697c) + 414
 fe9c205c g_signal_emit_valist (8aee840, 132, 0, 8046be8) + 8c4
 fe9c21f1 g_signal_emit (8aee840, 132, 0) + 25
 fe6c4a28 gtk_button_released (8aee840) + 38
 fe6c572c gtk_button_button_release (8aee840, 8b4d508, 8172840) + 24
 fe77d99c _gtk_marshal_BOOLEAN__BOXED (817ca28, 8046d00, 2, 8046dbc, 8046d1c, fe6c5708) + 70
 fe9af344 g_type_class_meta_marshal (817ca28, 8046d00, 2, 8046dbc, 8046d1c, b4) + 40
 fe9af063 g_closure_invoke (817ca28, 8046d00, 2, 8046dbc, 8046d1c) + 107
 fe9c2f27 signal_emit_unlocked_R (817da18, 0, 8aee840, 8046f3c, 8046dbc) + 923
 fe9c1dfa g_signal_emit_valist (8aee840, 36, 0, 8047030) + 662
 fe9c21f1 g_signal_emit (8aee840, 36, 0, 8b4d508, 8047054) + 25
 fe88a511 gtk_widget_event_internal (8aee840, 8b4d508) + 20d
 fe88a1a5 gtk_widget_event (8aee840, 8b4d508) + 99
 fe77c5ec gtk_propagate_event (8aee840, 8b4d508) + 98
 fe77b658 gtk_main_do_event (8b4d508, 0) + 360
 feb089ea gdk_event_dispatch (81715a0, 0, 0) + 56
 fe3ee684 g_main_dispatch (81715e8) + 1e0
 fe3ef785 g_main_context_dispatch (81715e8) + 85
 fe3efba2 g_main_context_iterate (81715e8, 1, 1, 80ee378) + 3ce
 fe3f01a4 g_main_loop_run (8a390b0) + 1b8
 fe77afd2 gtk_main (80473a4, 8047298, feffb7cc, 133f, 1f80, 8047298) + b2
 08079018 main     (1, 80472dc, 80472e4) + 480
 08077eda _start   (1, 804740c, 0, 8047416, 8047437, 8047495) + 7a
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
 fef0139b lwp_park (0, 0, 0)
 feefb573 cond_wait_queue (8427478, 821b8e8, 0) + 3e
 feefba17 __cond_wait (8427478, 821b8e8) + 67
 feefba55 cond_wait (8427478, 821b8e8) + 24
 feefba8f pthread_cond_wait (8427478, 821b8e8) + 1e
 fe3cb140 g_async_queue_pop_intern_unlocked (8210a50, 0, 0) + f0
 fe3cb1fb g_async_queue_pop (8210a50) + 5b
 fee047de action_thread_main (82560a0) + 4e
 fe4142a4 g_thread_create_proxy (8adae98) + 118
 fef01102 _thr_setup (f70f0a00) + 52
 fef01360 _lwp_start (f70f0a00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Comment 3 Jonathan Matthew 2008-07-11 23:51:37 UTC
*** Bug 542460 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***