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Bug 512464 - doesn't show subscriber stations doesn't show subscriber stations
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 2.x
Assigned To: Gabriel Burt
: 543206 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-01-27 22:15 UTC by Asaf
Modified: 2008-07-30 02:22 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Always update channel list on state change (1.65 KB, patch)
2008-06-05 11:59 UTC, Karl Bowden
none Details | Review

Description Asaf 2008-01-27 22:15:56 UTC
On the radio plugin (which is simply great!) the following playlists are missing that I do not think a user can add by themselves: My radio, Loved - these are used once you have a paying user in which most people are not, but still, for those that are it makes sense to have this option. Thanks
Comment 1 Gabriel Burt 2008-01-27 23:13:24 UTC
If you are a subscriber, you should see those options.
Comment 2 Asaf 2008-01-28 04:52:39 UTC
I am a subscriber but I still do not see these options. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I have also logged in again, but still it is the same. Thanks
Comment 3 Gabriel Burt 2008-03-24 17:15:42 UTC
I have been told by a different subscriber that this is working on trunk.  Can you test and confirm?
Comment 4 Karl Bowden 2008-06-05 09:28:57 UTC
I have just checked out trunk and compiled and also tested on 0.99.3.
I am a subscriber.
[Debug 19:22:43.619] State Changed to Connecting
[Debug 19:22:45.011] State Changed to Connected
[Debug 19:22:45.016] Logged into as karlbowden (subscriber)

I was not a subscriber when I first started using banshee (a week ago), but I am a subscriber now.

The Loved and Personal (the channels listed as subscriber channels in the source) channels only show if I change the username to an invalid one. As soon as I change it back to my username, they disappear. The debug log is correctly identifying me as a subscriber, so I dunno.
Comment 5 Karl Bowden 2008-06-05 11:20:14 UTC
It seems the function SetUserName in src/Extensions/Banshee.Lastfm/Banshee.Lastfm.Radio/LastfmSource.cs is being called only after the connection state is disconnected or invalid.

In SetUserName is the StationSource filter responsible for filtering out channels for non subscribers.

I'm not sure what to change to fix this though or what consequence my lack of C# knowledge will cause.
Comment 6 Karl Bowden 2008-06-05 11:59:48 UTC
Created attachment 112207 [details] [review]
Always update channel list on state change
Comment 7 Andrew Conkling 2008-07-29 12:27:28 UTC
Can anyone test this in 1.0?

(comment #6 on bug 526613)
> As I just reported in bug 543206, I only get the ability to add a Loved station
> after I load the pane. Perhaps this is related to how the stations are
> loaded too.

Also, as I noted above, I have to load the pane first (which seems to log me in) before the station types are available in the Add Station dialog. Is that the same workaround behavior for you?
Comment 8 Karl Bowden 2008-07-29 13:43:10 UTC
I can confirm that this bug was also in the released 1.0. The channel list was only being updated before logging in to, not after once it is member status is updated.
The patch above for 1.0 made the channel list update after login to too.
I have not had a chane to test this bug in current or if the patch will still apply to current.
Comment 9 Karl Bowden 2008-07-29 13:44:17 UTC
Oh, and yes that is the work around I am using too. :-)
Comment 10 Andrew Conkling 2008-07-29 13:58:20 UTC
Thanks for checking. These three bugs all seem very closely related; maybe Gabriel can find the cause for all three. I'll see if I can find some time to test your patch to see exactly what it fixes. :)
Comment 11 Gabriel Burt 2008-07-29 18:14:59 UTC
Ok, I committed a patch that should fix this.  Please svn up and test!
Comment 12 Andrew Conkling 2008-07-29 22:00:51 UTC
Now the stations show up, but only when I click on the pane. Is this the intended behavior? (What's funny is that I have a dozen of them from when I had previously been adding them manually when I wanted to listen to them. :)
Comment 13 Karl Bowden 2008-07-29 23:01:44 UTC
The stations are stored per username. Until you are logged in Banshee does not know if you are a subscriber or not. I think this is the responsible behavior for Banshee (IMO only). If you change the username in Banshee and create new channels for that username they will only be specific to when that username is connected to

Gabriel: Thanks I'll try and check today.
Comment 14 Andrew Conkling 2008-07-29 23:37:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> The stations are stored per username. Until you are logged in Banshee
> does not know if you are a subscriber or not. I think this is the responsible
> behavior for Banshee (IMO only).

Makes sense, but since my username and password are saved, IMO Banshee should "remember" that and restore those stations when I start up. A minor bug, perhaps a separate one, but related.
Comment 15 Andrew Conkling 2008-07-30 01:04:47 UTC
*** Bug 543206 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Karl Bowden 2008-07-30 02:22:12 UTC
This appears to be working fine in svn trunk now. Will keep using trunk until 1.2 is released and keep an eye on it. Cheers guys.