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Bug 511283 - Some Images Do not Display in Evolution Mail Reader
Some Images Do not Display in Evolution Mail Reader
Product: evolution-data-server
Classification: Platform
Component: Mailer
2.26.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-mail-maintainers
Evolution QA team
: 569486 570876 579199 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-01-22 15:46 UTC by Cynthia Jeness
Modified: 2010-01-20 12:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.19/2.20

The bad message my friend forwarded me (images didn't show up when he looked at it, nor in what he forwarded, but you can see the img links, they're there!) (28.43 KB, text/plain)
2008-09-09 01:46 UTC, Dan Kegel
eds patch (858 bytes, patch)
2009-06-12 14:43 UTC, Milan Crha
committed Details | Review
Text/message source from my always problematic email (25.18 KB, text/plain)
2009-07-24 14:39 UTC, Rick
A Windows-7 mail list message (40.05 KB, text/html)
2009-07-29 16:16 UTC, Ernest Wagner
Another HTML message from a mailing list (35.77 KB, text/html)
2009-07-29 16:19 UTC, Ernest Wagner

Description Cynthia Jeness 2008-01-22 15:46:09 UTC
Please describe the problem:
I have Evolution configured so that it always displays remote images.  When I receive HTML-based email, sometimes it displays correctly; sometimes only some of the images in the email display; and sometimes none of the images display.  For example, in the case of any promotional email received from, none of the images display.   In the case of promotional email received from, some of the images do not display.   I am using gmail as my pop mail server and the email looks correct on gmail.  I have tried using the "view" option to display the images and also CTL-I

Steps to reproduce:
1. Get a promotional image from
2. Open it

Actual results:
I see an email with a block where the missing image should be.

Expected results:
I see an image with the image displayed

Does this happen every time?
It happens everytime for email from specific sites.

Other information:
I can forward some of the offending messages from my gmail account.   When I look at the message source, the HTML is not correct.   However, if I get the email using Thunderbird and Suse 9.3 on a different computer, then the email displays correctly.   So it appears that something is being changed in email when it is received using the pop protocol under Evolution.  Gmail requires an SSL connection.  On Thunderbird, I could specify the recommended port but I did not see a way to do this on Evolution.
Comment 1 André Klapper 2008-01-22 17:06:59 UTC
can happen if the image is in css code, because evolution does not support css. we would need an example message for this
Comment 2 Cynthia Jeness 2008-01-22 18:02:10 UTC
How can I send(In reply to comment #1)
> can happen if the image is in css code, because evolution does not support css.
> we would need an example message for this

I have pasted the message source below.   Is there a better way to provide you with a sample message?

Received: by with SMTP id w20cs107550wff; Fri, 18 Jan 2008
        14:23:30 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with SMTP id l21mr2750770rvj.140.1200695009574;
        Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:23:29 -0800 (PST)
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( []) by with ESMTP id z20si5696563pod.4.2008.; Fri, 18
        Jan 2008 14:23:29 -0800 (PST)
Received-SPF: fail ( domain of does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=hardfail ( domain of does not designate as permitted sender)
Received: from ([]:36255) by with esmtp (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from
        <>) id 1JG0Yx-00056H-6i
        for; Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:23:52 -0500
Received: from localhost.localdomain (localhost.localdomain []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1312D27CD9D for
        <>; Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:23:00 -0700 (MST)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------=_1200694980-11544-0"
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: Palm Registrations <>
To: Cynthia Jeness <>
Subject: Welcome!
Message-Id: <>
X-LT-Bounce-Hook: EPVQ:16972480:901:PWrarff@lbexvrjbexf.pbz
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 15:23:00 -0700 (MST)
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-SAF-RCPT-Passed: Yes
X-Antivirus-Scanner: ClamAV - No Detected Virus, though you should still
        use a Local Antivirus on your computer.
X-Scanned-By: Tzolkin-Spam-Scanner
X-Scan-Server: NAVI-AND-CSTR-2
X-Tzolkin-SAF-Arrive: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:23:51 -0500
X-Tzolkin-Spam-Score: 1.2 (+) 
X-Tzolkin-Spam-Report: Spam detection software, running on the system
        "Spam-8", has identified this incoming email as possible spam.  The
        original message has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't
        spam) or label similar future email.  If you have any questions, see for details. Content preview: 
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Palm Welcome.
        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [...]  Content analysis
        details:   (1.2 points, 5.0 required) pts rule name             
        description ---- ----------------------
        -------------------------------------------------- 0.3 DIET_1              
        BODY: Lose Weight Spam 0.0 HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_08    BODY: HTML has a low
        ratio of text to image area 0.9 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included
        in message
X-Evolution-Source: pop://

This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable




Dear Cynthia,

As a special thank you for registering, here's a coupon for 20%=20
off your first accessories purchase at the Palm Store. Look to=20
the Palm Store for software & accessories to help you get the=20
most from your handheld.=20

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the great software you'll find at Software Connection. Here are a=20
few cool ideas:

Diet & Exercise Assistant=20
by Keyoe, Inc
Achieve your fitness goals by managing your nutrition, exercise, and=20
health - right on your handheld. Manage your daily nutrition, exercise,=20
and health. The software helps you to achieve your fitness and weight=20
loss objectives by giving you the tools necessary to manage your diet.=20

SplashWallet Suite
by SplashData=20
A wallet holds your most valuable possessions - identification, cash,=20
checks, credit cards, shopping lists, even photos of friends and family.=20
And now you can hold it all in your Palm handheld with=20
SplashWallet - a collection of four indispensable virtual wallet=20
applications bundled together.

by Astraware=20
Master one of the most popular handheld games out there. Amazingly simple=
to play. Unbelievably hard to put down! One of the rare games that you can=
play all day 'just one more go' at a time.=20

Learn more:


That's it for now. But look for more emails from us in your inbox. Because =
discounts will keep on coming - and so will the valuable tips and tricks.=

Thanks again,=20

Your friends at Palm=20


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=3D"232">&nbsp;</td>=0D                </tr>=0D                <tr>=0D     =
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td valign=3D"top"><font color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana=
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"arial, verdana" color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2"> <b><a href=3D"http://www.reg=">Diet & Exercise Assistant</a> =
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td><font color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana"><img src=3D"h=
.gif" width=3D"1" height=3D"15" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></font></td>=0D      =
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p"><font color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana"><a href=3D"ht=
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=3D"#333333" size=3D"2"> <b><a href=3D"
gi?=3Dm10448_37124596">SplashWallet Suite</a></b><br>=0D                   =
   <b>by <SPAN class=3Dcompanyname>SplashData</SPAN></b> <br>=0DA wallet ho=
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<td valign=3D"top"><font face=3D"arial, verdana" color=3D"#333333" size=3D"=
2"> <b><a href=3D"
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if" width=3D"1" height=3D"15" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></font></td>=0D        =
        </tr>=0D                <tr>=0D                  <td valign=3D"top"=
>&nbsp;</td>=0D                  <td>&nbsp;</td>=0D                </tr>=0D=
              </table>=0D                  </div>                  <font co=
lor=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana">&nbsp;</font><font size=
=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>=0D            <img src=3D=
er.gif" width=3D"1" height=3D"15" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></font><font color=
=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana"><br>=0D            <img src=
rey_line.gif" width=3D"480" height=3D"1" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"> <br>=0D    =
        </font><font color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, verdana"> =
<b><br>=0D            That's it for now.</b> But look for more emails from =
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;</font><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>=0D     =
       </font> <img src=3D"
us/plmw_treo650_us_en/spacer.gif" width=3D"1" height=3D"10" alt=3D"" border=
=3D"0"> =0D            <font color=3D"#333333" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial, ve=
rdana"></font> </td>=0D                           <td width=3D"20"  rowspan=3D"5"><img src=3D"ht=
gif" width=3D"20" height=3D"8" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></td>=0D                           </tr>=0D                =
                <tr><td><img src=3D"
mw_treo650_us_en/spacer.gif" width=3D"1" height=3D"10" alt=3D"" border=3D"0=
"></td></tr>=0D                         <tr><td><img src=3D"
mone/images/us/plmw_treo650_us_en/horizontal_rule.gif" width=3D"520" height=
=3D"1" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></td></tr>=0D                              <tr><td><img src=3D"http://ww=" wi=
dth=3D"1" height=3D"10" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></td></tr>=0D                             <tr>=0D                                 =
<td valign=3D"top" align=3D"left">&nbsp;=0D                                     </td>=0D                                </tr>=0D                                <tr=
><td colspan=3D"3"><img src=3D"
ges/us/plmw_treo650_us_en/spacer.gif" width=3D"1" height=3D"20" alt=3D"" bo=
rder=3D"0"></td></tr>=0D                        </table>=0D                     =0D                                             =0D             </td>=0D        </tr>=0D</t=
able>=0D<table cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" border=3D"0" width=3D"56=
8">=0D  <tr>=0D    <td rowspan=3D"2"><img src=3D"http://www.regconfirmation=
.com/i/palmone/images/us/plmw_treo650_us_en/spacer.gif" width=3D"5" height=
=3D"10" alt=3D"" border=3D"0"></td>=0D    <td>&nbsp;</td>=0D    <td rowspan=
=3D"2"><img src=3D"
treo650_us_en/spacer.gif" width=3D"20" height=3D"10" alt=3D"" border=3D"0">=
</td>=0D  </tr>=0D  <tr>=0D    <td align=3D"left">=0D        <br><br>=0D   =
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Comment 3 André Klapper 2008-04-17 10:46:15 UTC
please attach it here as an attachment, also remove any confidential data. thanks.
Comment 4 Shuai Liu 2008-06-03 01:59:41 UTC
Is this problem solved yet?
Comment 5 Dan Kegel 2008-09-09 01:43:50 UTC
Looks like this is still an issue.  A friend just installed
Ubuntu Hardy Heron (which comes with Evolution 2.22.2), and
complained of this very problem.  He forwarded the problem
message to me.  I found a copy of the same message on a
mailing list archive:
and I will attach the message.  One image that should show up
but does not is
which redirects to
Comment 6 Dan Kegel 2008-09-09 01:46:14 UTC
Created attachment 118338 [details]
The bad message my friend forwarded me (images didn't show up when he looked at it, nor in what he forwarded, but you can see the img links, they're there!)
Comment 7 Tobias Mueller 2009-03-22 14:13:09 UTC
Reopening as we have a sample message.
Comment 8 Milan Crha 2009-06-12 14:38:09 UTC
*** Bug 569486 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Milan Crha 2009-06-12 14:39:37 UTC
Thanks for the data, I realized (thanks to wireshark), that the camel "class" thinks the proxy is used, and asked incorrectly for files, thus was redirected on these servers again and again, until was mail closed. Some servers doesn't redirect, but returns files correctly, some does.
Comment 10 Milan Crha 2009-06-12 14:43:23 UTC
Created attachment 136440 [details] [review]
eds patch

for evolution-data-server;

Simple in lines, the first chunk is required, the second is just to be sure.
Comment 11 Milan Crha 2009-06-12 14:55:51 UTC
Created commit 09fe722 in eds master (2.27.3+).
Created commit 211c358 in eds gnome-2-26. (2.26.3+).
Comment 12 Jeff Cai 2009-06-15 02:11:49 UTC
*** Bug 579199 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 Rick 2009-07-24 05:36:58 UTC
I am still having problem with embedded pictures not opening.
Comment 14 Milan Crha 2009-07-24 08:25:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> I am still having problem with embedded pictures not opening.

Could you attach here a test message which doesn't work for you, please? Feel free to remove any private information from it. Thank in advance.
Comment 15 Rick 2009-07-24 14:39:07 UTC
Created attachment 139158 [details]
Text/message source from my always problematic email

this problem is persistent and constant for me refer to duplicate bug report but it did use to work in previous versions of evolution.

I can also send pics of email if needed...
Comment 16 Milan Crha 2009-07-27 14:30:34 UTC
Thanks for the data, confirming, as the lowest three images are not downloaded. The rest I see properly.
Comment 17 Milan Crha 2009-07-27 14:33:10 UTC
Created commit fc1dfcd in eds master (2.27.6+)

Parameters of the URL weren't passed to the host when not used with  
a proxy, thus the server didn't	return originally requested image.
Comment 18 Rick 2009-07-27 15:00:46 UTC
Thanks this will be nice to see this fix.
Comment 19 Tobias Mueller 2009-07-27 15:09:01 UTC
Hey Milan :)

(In reply to comment #17)
> Created commit fc1dfcd in eds master (2.27.6+)
Great to see this fixed.

> Parameters of the URL weren't passed to the host when not used with  
> a proxy, thus the server didn't return originally requested image.
I do hope that we do not load images off the internet if we haven't received the users explicit permission though (you know, privacy and everything...), do we?
Comment 20 Milan Crha 2009-07-27 15:20:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> > Parameters of the URL weren't passed to the host when not used with  
> > a proxy, thus the server didn't return originally requested image.
> > 
> I do hope that we do not load images off the internet if we haven't received
> the users explicit permission though (you know, privacy and everything...), do
> we?

Of course not. What I was talking about is an image src URL declared as
> /newsletter_generic_cmt;sz=120x90;ord=1
but evolution was asking for it as
> /newsletter_generic_cmt
when used without proxy. Not it should work properly in both cases.
Comment 21 Rick 2009-07-27 15:24:02 UTC
I am not sure if this would happen but in any case 
Email that will be received in that form are done and should be done by the
business /enterprise.
If some one else send you an email in that format and not authorized to do so,
he is the one doing something wrong. Just as some one creating worms or viruses
is. Last I am not expert but I would have to believe webmaster have option
available to block such process if they do not want this to happen.

This is something that works just fine in Windows and used to work just as well
in previous evolution versions.
Comment 22 Milan Crha 2009-07-29 07:55:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #20)
> when used without proxy. Not it should work properly in both cases.
here I meant "now", I'm sorry for confusion.
Comment 23 Tobias Mueller 2009-07-29 15:57:58 UTC
Yeah, I understand the problem and your fix is actually needed. Thank you :)
My question is a more general one though. (I know that it doesn't necessarily fit in this bug report, but it came up my mind and I felt that we can discuss it here since you are into the topic)

You don't want to load images off the internet if the user hasn't given you the explicit permission to do so, because you can track the user with every HTTP request. So do we load images automatically once we encouter a <img src="url"> tag?
Comment 24 Rick 2009-07-29 16:07:22 UTC
Personally I do not see why not. If some one send you an a link like that with out having the permission it is the responsibility of the sender and it has nothing to do with think with evolution itself I would like to believe that some one who wants to do this with full permission could.

It is the same principle as website with right protected a lot of them are not blocking download of their image. IT is a question of respecting regs.
Just my two bits
Comment 25 Ernest Wagner 2009-07-29 16:16:29 UTC
Created attachment 139484 [details]
A Windows-7 mail list message

(As requested by Milan in an Evolution-List message.)
Actually, No HTML message that I've received so far will display the images.
Comment 26 Ernest Wagner 2009-07-29 16:19:28 UTC
Created attachment 139486 [details]
Another HTML message from a mailing list

(As requested by Milan)
Yet another HTML message from a different mailing-list I subscribe to.
Comment 27 Milan Crha 2009-07-29 17:52:17 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> So do we load images automatically once we encouter a <img src="url"> tag?

Of course not, it's still driven by Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences, Tab HTML Messages, section Load Images, or basically with an explicit request by Ctrl+I
This bug isn't about this, from my point of view.
Comment 28 Milan Crha 2009-07-29 18:07:02 UTC
Ernest, thanks a lot for your test mails, after clicking Ctrl+I I see all the images there, in both messages. Just a wild guess, what do you have in options mentioned in comment #27?
Comment 29 Milan Crha 2010-01-20 12:20:29 UTC
*** Bug 570876 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***