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Bug 508305 - Text and tools dropdowns
Text and tools dropdowns
Product: tomboy
Classification: Applications
Component: General
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Tomboy Maintainers
Tomboy Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-01-09 14:39 UTC by Michael Monreal
Modified: 2013-10-29 16:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.21/2.22

Put a down arrow on ToolMenuButtons (3.00 KB, patch)
2008-01-10 17:48 UTC, Boyd Timothy
committed Details | Review
Draft attempt of adjusting to Gtk.ToolbarStyle (5.43 KB, patch)
2008-01-10 19:25 UTC, Boyd Timothy
committed Details | Review
The code I've reversed temporarily (5.53 KB, patch)
2008-01-11 21:29 UTC, Boyd Timothy
committed Details | Review

Description Michael Monreal 2008-01-09 14:39:34 UTC
In tomboy trunk, the Text and Tools toolbar icons don't have the dropdown arrow anymore... I think this is bad, as toolbar icons normally don't pop up a menu. Together with the arrow, this was much clearer.

Also, the icons currently used are sub-optimal. "Fonts" uses the fonts capplet icon and "Tools" uses the execute icon. Perhaps tomboy should ship its own icons for those? Like, some actual tool (hammer?) for tools for example. Those special icons could perhaps have a small dropdown arrow in the lower right corner?
Comment 1 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 05:34:29 UTC
Thanks for pointing this out.  When I switched over to use the newer toolbar API, I thought the arrow to the right of the buttons looked out of place, so I reimplemented it to not use an arrow.  In retrospect, I shouldn't have changed it.  Oops!  I'll change it back.
Comment 2 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 16:15:30 UTC
Okay, I can see why I didn't use Gtk.MenuToolItem again.  It adds a button in the toolbar and an additional arrow button to the right of the button.  When you click on the button (on the left), nothing happens.  When you click on the arrow (on the right), the menu drops down like normal.
Comment 3 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 16:18:10 UTC
ToolMenuButton in Tomboy/Utils.cs needs to be revisited so that the Gtk.Arrow is added back in.
Comment 4 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 17:48:37 UTC
Created attachment 102530 [details] [review]
Put a down arrow on ToolMenuButtons

Committed to SVN Trunk (r1758).
Comment 5 Michael Monreal 2008-01-10 17:56:33 UTC
Thanks! One problem with this, though. I run GNOME with the "show only toolbar icons" mode. After your patch, the three affected buttons (fonts, tools, notebooks) also show the text label below the icon.
Comment 6 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 18:29:09 UTC
Hmm.  This could get pretty tricky.  I guess part of the problem here is that we're not really using a standard widget.  We need a widget that pops open a menu but is not like a standard ToolMenuItem (which is a combination between an Icon Button + down arrow button).
Comment 7 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 19:25:02 UTC
Created attachment 102533 [details] [review]
Draft attempt of adjusting to Gtk.ToolbarStyle

This patch moves us towards the right direction.  Everything works except for when the text appears to the side of the icon.

I don't have any more time today to work on this.  If someone else would like to take a stab, please go right ahead.  It's got to be something simple.

Comment 8 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-10 22:52:29 UTC
Went back and tried out the patch posted in comment #7 and it appears to work after all.  Can you retry this and let me know if it's working for you?

Committed to SVN Trunk (r1760).
Comment 9 Michael Monreal 2008-01-10 23:07:18 UTC
Thanks for your work but sorry I have to reopen again...

"Text below icons": looks fine

"Text besides": mostly fine: the normal toolbar buttons (search, link, delete) are drawn too wide (and without text label)

"Icons only": same as "Text besides", but "Notebook" display correctly ONLY after you manually change the toolbar label setting, and even then only for the active note (?)

"Text only": also suffers from search, link, delete being too wide

Also, I'm wondering if hiding the tag name in icon-only is the way to go. After all it is not a normal label, and actually useful: for "search", writing the string besides the icon is kind of redundant, but displaying the notebook name is something that should happen on all 4 settings IMHO
Comment 10 Boyd Timothy 2008-01-11 21:29:45 UTC
Created attachment 102627 [details] [review]
The code I've reversed temporarily

Since this isn't really working, I'm removing the code that puts an arrow in the button for now.  Hopefully someone will have time to rework the code again before we release the next stable version.
Comment 11 Boyd Timothy 2008-02-26 19:15:34 UTC
Setting the default assignee and QA Contact to "tomboy-maint@gnome.bugs".