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Bug 503629 - Show results from documentation index in beagle-search
Show results from documentation index in beagle-search
Product: beagle
Classification: Other
Component: General
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Beagle Bugs
Beagle Bugs
: 370949 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-12-14 17:12 UTC by Debajyoti Bera
Modified: 2008-02-03 03:42 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Debajyoti Bera 2007-12-14 17:12:06 UTC
Beagle-search does not show results from documentation index. Showing documentation results did not work well with best so it was disabled. It remained like that since then but beagle-search should not have any problem displaying them.
Comment 1 Lukas Lipka 2007-12-15 12:42:10 UTC
It is very easy to add support for showing documentation to beagle-search, but what do we use to open man files for example?
Comment 2 Debajyoti Bera 2007-12-15 13:26:33 UTC
Just making random guesses here ... can we call yelp to open a man file ?
Comment 3 Joe Shaw 2007-12-15 15:30:29 UTC
Yeah, Yelp can open man files.  I would think that it would be like any other file type.
Comment 4 Lukas Lipka 2007-12-15 15:44:15 UTC
Awesome. I will implement this on the frontend side. Meanwhile someone could fix indexing Monodoc files, becasuse currently they don't work.

From what I've been able to trace is that FilterMonodoc correctly generates the child indexables from the monodoc zip files, correctly sets text/html mimetype on them. But in FilterFactory when we try to open the file it fails, becasue the path of the child item is set to file:///usr/lib/monodoc/sources/

  if (path != null)
    successful_open = candidate_filter.Open (path);
  else if ((text_reader = indexable.GetTextReader ()) != null)
    successful_open = candidate_filter.Open (text_reader);
  else if ((binary_stream = indexable.GetBinaryStream ()) != null)
    successful_open = candidate_filter.Open (binary_stream);

Of course that is a file in the archive, so it fails to open it. The correct stuff is in the indexable.GetTextReader.
Comment 5 Debajyoti Bera 2007-12-15 16:01:37 UTC
Are other archived documentation files working correctly ?
Comment 6 Lukas Lipka 2007-12-15 16:16:58 UTC
Calling beagle-extract-content on a zipped man page:

lipec@frappr:~/svn/beagle/beagle$ beagle-extract-content --show-generated /usr/share/man/man1/du.1.gz 
Filename: file:///usr/share/man/man1/du.1.gz
Debug: Done reading conf from /home/lipec/.beagle/config/Daemon.xml
Debug: Done reading conf from /home/lipec/build/etc/beagle/config-files/Daemon.xml
Debug: Loaded 58 filters from /home/lipec/build/lib/beagle/Filters/Filters.dll
Debug: Verifying filter_cache at /home/lipec/.beagle/filterver.dat ... cache is dirty ? False
Filter: Beagle.Filters.FilterArchive (determined in .38s)
MimeType: application/x-gzip

Filter-generated indexables:

  Timestamp = 2007-12-13 10:56:50 (Utc)
  beagle:FileType = archive


Text extracted in .01s


Filename: file:///usr/share/man/man1/du.1.gz#du.1
Parent: file:///usr/share/man/man1/du.1.gz
Filter: Beagle.Filters.FilterMan (determined in .00s)
MimeType: text/troff

  Timestamp = 2007-12-13 10:56:50 (Utc)
  beagle:ExactFilename = du.1
  beagle:Filename = du
  beagle:FilenameExtension = .1
  beagle:FileType = documentation
  beagle:NoPunctFilename = du
  beagle:SplitFilename = du
  fixme:inside_archive = true
  fixme:relativeuri = du.1
  parent:beagle:FileType = archive

.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.35. ... <text truncated>

Calling beagle-extract-content on a monodoc zip file:

lipec@frappr:~/svn/beagle/beagle$ beagle-extract-content --show-generated /usr/lib/monodoc/sources/ 
Filename: file:///usr/lib/monodoc/sources/
Debug: Done reading conf from /home/lipec/.beagle/config/Daemon.xml
Debug: Done reading conf from /home/lipec/build/etc/beagle/config-files/Daemon.xml
Debug: Loaded 58 filters from /home/lipec/build/lib/beagle/Filters/Filters.dll
Debug: Verifying filter_cache at /home/lipec/.beagle/filterver.dat ... cache is dirty ? False
Filter: Beagle.Filters.FilterMonodoc (determined in 1.20s)
MimeType: application/zip

Filter-generated indexables:


  Timestamp = 2007-11-19 22:37:39 (Utc)
  beagle:FileType = documentation

(no content)

Text extracted in .00s


Filename: file:///usr/lib/monodoc/sources/
Parent: file:///usr/lib/monodoc/sources/
Warn: Error in filtering /usr/lib/monodoc/sources/ with Beagle.Filters.FilterHtml, falling back
No filter for text/html



Comment 7 Debajyoti Bera 2007-12-15 18:34:18 UTC
Ahh... you are right. FilterMonodoc is missing the child.StoreStream() part - don't know whether the requirement was added after the monodoc filter was written, but adding the StoreStream,CloseStream fixes the actual problem (svn r4292).

But I also noticed a huge blowup in memory in trying to index the huge docfile ... so I also took the liberty of replacing the existing child-indexable generation approach by a generator based approach. 4292 contains that change too.
Comment 8 Debajyoti Bera 2007-12-17 21:00:29 UTC
*** Bug 370949 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Debajyoti Bera 2008-02-03 03:42:55 UTC
0.3.3 contains the final fixes for this. Documentation results require domain specific knowledge to be handled correctly and it is best left to yelp or other docbook apps. In the mean time, beagle-search --search-docs will do a simple search in the documentation index.