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Bug 47631 - home icon on desktop and the real home directory have separate sets of emblems
home icon on desktop and the real home directory have separate sets of emblems
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Backgrounds Emblems and Themes
Other All
: Low trivial
: 2.24.x
Assigned To: Paweł Paprota
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-03-09 20:10 UTC by duane
Modified: 2010-08-02 12:26 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.23/2.24

Description duane 2001-09-10 01:13:16 UTC
OS: Red Hat 7.0
Nautilus: Mar 9 04:27:34 2001 (1.0 candidate)

What Happens:
-> When you change the emblems in your home directory (example in this case is
/h/duane) it does not affect the emblems on your desktop home directory.
HOWEVER, if you then do a right-click and Show Properties on your 'duane's Home'
icon on your desktop and click the emblems tab it states that you have the
emblems selected.

Step To Reproduce:
1. Launch Nautilus.
2. Click the Home icon in the navigation bar.
3. Click 'Edit'->'Backgrounds and Emblems...'
4. Drag all of the emblems into your sidebar (and therefor onto your home
-> Note that you will not see any changes being made to your desktop home icon.
5. Right-Click on your desktop home icon and select 'Show Properties'.
6. Click the emblems tab.

Expected Results:
-> No emblems should be selected since you can not see any of them.

Actual Results:
-> All of the emblems are selected.

-> Not sure how this feature is supposed to work, but something is definitely
wrong. Either we need to completely separate the actual home directory with the
desktop home icon, or we need to make changes made to one dynamically affect the

------- Additional Comments From 2001-03-09 15:11:50 ----

This is working as expected, but it could use some improvement, I think.

------- Additional Comments From 2001-03-09 15:23:16 ----

The main problem I see though is that the emblems in the 'Show Properties' area
do not match the actual emblems shown. If I drag the OK emblem onto the desktop
home icon it then shows that emblem. However the show properties area still
shows all of them selected. None the less, it certainly is not 1.0 worthy so
working on this later is definitely the solution.

------- Additional Comments From 2001-03-26 11:12:02 ----

QA Assigning to self.

------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-09-09 21:13 -------

The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,

Comment 1 Aschwin van der Woude 2002-11-16 23:11:17 UTC
I can reproduce this with 2.1.2. When dragging emblems to the
information pane for my home-dir, they don't show up on the
'home'-icon on my desktop.
Comment 2 Sebastien Bacher 2003-12-02 21:35:37 UTC
still here with nautilus 2.4.1 => GNOMEVER2.4
Comment 3 Vincent Noel 2004-08-04 21:42:43 UTC
Still here with nautilus 2.7.2.
Comment 4 Sebastien Bacher 2005-06-19 13:42:53 UTC
the properties show the right emblems' pane with 2.11. Not sure if both icons
should have the same emblems.
Comment 5 Mindaugas Tamosevicius 2005-07-23 07:52:53 UTC
Still here with nautilus 2.10.0
Comment 6 Paweł Paprota 2008-05-04 18:32:36 UTC
Confirming with 2.22.2.
Comment 7 Cosimo Cecchi 2010-08-02 12:26:10 UTC
'Backgrounds and Emblems' have now been removed from nautilus master, see [1]. Closing this as OBSOLETE.
