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Bug 470934 - Creating & Printing new Page views suggestion
Creating & Printing new Page views suggestion
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Calendar
3.0.x (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-calendar-maintainers
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-08-28 03:06 UTC by Bill Case
Modified: 2021-05-19 11:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

correcting the mime type (10.56 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2007-08-28 03:13 UTC, Bill Case

Description Bill Case 2007-08-28 03:06:20 UTC
A brief description of what *I* would like to see:
a) and b) below printed in landscape orientation.

a) Monthly calendar printed on one side of the page.
        I would like the calendar to start with the current week, Monday
        first, five work days across + Sat and Sun as half days.
        I would like the monthly calender to show 5 consecutive weeks.
        For example, I don't, and I think most other people don't, need
        to see appointments that have passed if they are carrying a
        paper calendar.  Currently, if today is Aug 27, I would like
        that to show on the first line, not somewhere near the bottom
        where I would be unable to write or pencil in a future
        appointment for Sept 20.  N.B.  this calendar should be printed by counting weeks i.e the day printed is the 29th the week starting the 27th should be shown.

b) A trifold or 3 panel printout for the other side of the page.
        Panel 1, would show for the day of the printout, a daily
        appointment sheet with (set to 1/2 hour, 1/4 hour, whatever)
        time slots and currently scheduled appointments.

        I have included an alternative Panel 1 in the attachment.  Sometimes work etc requires lots of 'meets and greets'.  With a full appointment schedule, a person my want to print their calendar daily.  At other times, however, they may not be as busy, have a lot of slack time, or have set aside time to actually get some work done.  Then they only need a weekly panel, set out something like I have shown in "Bill's Slack Schedule".
        Panel 2, would show phone no.s and/or URL for the contact names
        listed in the appointment dialogue.  This would require being
        able to add a contact name field to the new appointments
        dialogue. Contact names would be selected at the time of
        scheduling a new appointment.
        Panel 3, a configurable TODO list like already exists.

I would fold the two-sided printout along the trifold dividing lines (or
spaces); fold it once more in half; and carry it around with me in my
hip or shirt pocket.  By the end of the day (or week depending how busy
I was) I would have handwritten notes all over it, which I could then
transfer to the appropriate category (i.e. appointments, new contacts,
TODOs, or notes).

Bill Case, Fedora 7, Linux 2.6
Comment 1 Bill Case 2007-08-28 03:13:05 UTC
Created attachment 94477 [details]
correcting the mime type

Mathew Barnes asked to see a mockup of the suggestion
Written in OOo Writer *.odt
Comment 2 Akhil Laddha 2009-02-18 11:28:53 UTC
Did you try after mailer printing was rewritten ?  
Comment 3 Matthew Barnes 2009-02-18 11:38:04 UTC
I haven't made any progress on this yet.

If I can find time I'd like to take a month to just focus on printing bugs, especially in the calendar.
Comment 4 Bill Case 2009-02-18 15:46:06 UTC
Glad to see that someone is going to take this on.  The only reason I use M$ Outlook these days is to once a week print myself a pocket paper calendar.  M$ is close but still not exactly what I want.

Comment 5 Matthew Barnes 2009-02-18 16:03:11 UTC
Got'cha.  Other than perhaps emails, Evolution's printouts need a complete overhaul and facelift.  Just that we're a bit short on manpower these days.
Comment 6 Bill Case 2009-02-28 15:33:20 UTC
To Matthew Barnes;

If you plan to undertake this project, I would like to offer to help.

My programming skills are very rudimentary but I do have some.  Rather than waste your time getting a newbie started, I would be happy to write, edit and/or test for you -- or anything else that might be of use.

Regards Bill

P.S.  I didn't offer sooner because I have had a bad cold for the last 10 days.
Comment 7 Barbara Tobias 2009-09-28 13:47:59 UTC
If you do tackle calendar printing, I would like to see the ability to set page size with File/Page Setup so that it prints a small page to fit in my daytimer and then prints a week at a time.  Almost any format that will fit on the page (roughly 4.5" x 6.5") and shows appointments for the week would work for me.  

I don't have programming skills, but would be glad to help test.

           Barbara Tobias
Comment 8 Bill Case 2011-01-15 17:08:53 UTC
Is this Request for Enhancement still alive?  If so I would be happy to muck about seeing what I could do.  What modules, templates or whaterver for printing and for forms should I be looking at to get started?  I want to take a look at what exists first to decide whether it is beyond my skills or not.
Comment 9 Bill Case 2011-08-15 18:17:01 UTC
Just sending myself a reminder that this request is still alive.  Have offered to help on several occasions.  There has been some improvements in the latest Evolution 3.0.2 -- but not by much.  For example, the view now lets you scroll through the monthly calendor 1 week at a time.  But the printed copy only goes by full month rather than 5 weeks starting with the current week.  The font size for the date numbers are too small to read.  They seem to be 3 pnt when they need to be 8 or 9 point.  The printing requires landscape which is used by the printer, but the print preview is not rotated and is presented as portrait. 

The Daily or Weekly view needs a whole extra view as shown in my mock up.

I really want this.  Or I want a way that a user can create his own print view.
Comment 10 André Klapper 2021-05-19 11:12:04 UTC
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of 
As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in
which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately
quite limited so not every ticket can get handled).

If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent
and supported software version, then please follow
and create a new enhancement request ticket at

Thank you for your understanding and your help.