GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 469278
GtkSocket and GtkPlug for DirectFB Backend
Last modified: 2010-08-25 19:05:18 UTC
We have ported Mozilla Firefox over DirectFB, using GTKDFB. Mozilla uses GtkSocket and GtkPlug for its plugin architecture. The DirectFB backend has got the dummy implementation. If these two data types are implemented then Plugin integration in Mozilla on DirectFB platform will be very easy. Regards, Siddharth TATA Elxsi, INDIA
These are non trivial to implement. Not hard but its not trivial. If you want to do it we can talk over email on how to do it. I've not got time now.
Hi Michel, I am working on Gtksocket and Gtkplug to get Flash content to work on Mozilla firefox over DirectFb. Could you please suggest me how to proceed to port Gtksocket and Gtkplug to DirectFb or is there already ported sources with u? Thank You, Sreenivas
As long as the window are toplevel then they should have backing directfb windows. Child windows are lightweight and its not clear how they can be shared or embbeded. Anywone that wants to work on this should bring the bug up on the directfb-dev mailing list. Given a window ID you can create a IDirectFBWindow interface so.. The problem is as I said that DFBWindows are not mapped one to one with GdkDrawables so .. I would assume the first implementation would walk the trees on both sides till the GDKWindowID's were not null. In anycase probably take this to the DirectFB-Dev list. Is how to get a interface from and ID. My suggestion is the user is forced to walk the window tree until he gets a valid ID then you need to figure out what embedding two toplevel windows means. Its not that is hard to do just DirectFB works diferently enough that the design of gdk does not work with DFB.
The directfb backend has been removed form GTK 3
(In reply to comment #4) > The directfb backend has been removed form GTK 3 Thats too bad perhaps this will finally wake up the DirectFB community. All I know is its not something one person can maintain in their spare time. I tried to get people interested in it to understand that either its a community project or its gone. Gone is probably the right answer. Nothing wrong thats how open source works a lot of people benefited from it while it existed but few gave back. Looking into the future with OpenGL and programmable shaders and cairo I can see GTK moving to support this instead of multiple backends move the porting layer lower down and make it much easier to port. EGL is a start. I think such a platform can provide 95% of whats now done in custom code in the gdk layer and ports need only provide the final set of high level window interfaces. I just wanted to add this because there is a way forward thats interesting and out in the future. But the problems are really with the platforms and the costs in time money and energy in maintaining ports. Cairo/OpenGL solves a good chunk.
Hey Mike, don't take it as anything personal. I know that you've tried. But it seems better to remove this code than to give people expectations that cannot be fulfilled.
Trust me its not personal. Directfb/Gtk is just one aspect of the embedded opensource world and its not been fun trying to bring these two worlds together. Its getting there but it will take a lot longer than I thought.