GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 458941
Banshee returns partial search results
Last modified: 2008-04-16 18:45:14 UTC
Please describe the problem: In Czech language, there is the letter "ch" as a single char. Not like in English, where this is two chars: "c" and "h". This causes that the search feature doesn't work well -- it only shows some titles (not all), where the char "ch" (in metadata) is presented. Switching to LC_ALL="en_US" fix that since there is no char like "ch". Maybe this is because of different Unicode interpretations between "c" and "h" (two normal letters) and "ch" (one single letter). Steps to reproduce: 1. Make sure you have some songs with the "ch" inside their metadata. 2. Run banshee with LC_ALL="cs_CZ.UTF-8" and try to to search a string containing songs described in 1) 3. Run banshee with LC_ALL="en_US" and repeat step 2 Actual results: Expected results: Does this happen every time? Yes Other information: This could be a Sqlite's issue??
Rhythmbox seems to work well. I am currently using newer version (Banshee 0.13.1) and the problem is still remaining.
Seems that special characters should be matched to equivalents where possible. For example, Šefránek should also be matched by "Sefranek", etc.
Andrew: All other specials chars work well, except for that typically czech "ch"
(In reply to comment #3) > Andrew: All other specials chars work well, except for that typically czech > "ch" oh wait... how does banshee does that? we had that discussion for evolution some months ago (searching for a message with s/t does not bring up chars like š/ť) and wondered if there are some kind of matching tables or low-level implementations for this.
On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Gabriel Burt <> wrote: Search in stable was implemented as a C# loop iterating over all the TrackInfo objects in a Source (eg Library, Playlist, etc) and doing string comparisons - the code is here: - see OnSimpleSearch and DoesTrackMatchSearch. What allows it to ignore accents etc is the use of CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.Compare in src/Core/Banshee.Base/StringUtils.cs. However, in trunk search has been completely rewritten. It is parsed and turned into SQL using src/Libraries/Hyena/Hyena.Query. So, we don't have the advantages of the CultureInfo library. What we really need is a custom sqlite function for doing both case-insensitive matching (currently only works for ASCII chars) and for accent-less matching. Should probably google some more since it's quite likely others have solved this for sqlite already. If not, I would suggest either looking into making a C/C++ function for sqlite, or see if it can be done efficiently enough in C# - - SQLiteFunction.cs
Fixed as of Banshee 1.0 Alpha 3 (0.98.3)