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Bug 448562 - Nautilus opens files twice when double clicked in List View
Nautilus opens files twice when double clicked in List View
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Views: List View
Other Linux
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Paweł Paprota
Nautilus Maintainers
: 444150 537304 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-06-17 18:49 UTC by Alexander “weej” Jones
Modified: 2008-09-10 16:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.17/2.18

448562-dont-pass-activating-double-click-to-tree-view.patch (485 bytes, patch)
2008-04-27 07:03 UTC, Paweł Paprota
reviewed Details | Review

Description Alexander “weej” Jones 2007-06-17 18:49:31 UTC
From Ubuntu:
In list mode, and double-click mode to open a file.
If I double-click the same file many times, it will be opened twice the third time.
I am using feisty up to date.

You need to try this on a file with a program that won't reuse the same window. GEdit won't work, for example. Gnumeric does, however.

1. Double click file to open
2. Wait for Gnumeric to launch
3. Return to Nautilus and double click it again

2 more windows will open the second time.
Comment 1 Joe H 2007-09-17 14:11:50 UTC
I can reproduce this bug as well.  Here's another quick way to reproduce:

* Right click on desktop and "Create Launcher..."
** Type: "Application in Terminal"
** Command: "sleep 3"    [w/o quotes]
* Open nautilus and navigate to ~/Desktop
* Switch over to "View as List", if not already
* Double click the launcher, about 1/3 of the time it will launch two terminal windows instead of one. 

Before I found this bug report, I started a discussion on the ubuntu-users mailing list [1].  This thread contains some of the troubleshooting I went through.


Comment 2 Geert Jan Alsem 2007-11-01 17:15:49 UTC
I can confirm this bug is still present in Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon with GNOME 2.20.1.

For me the problem happens because I use VLC as default player for AVI videos, and VLC allows multiple instances.

In Nautilus with List View enabled:
* Double click a file. -> VLC opens it like it should.
* Close VLC.
* Double click (the still selected file) again. -> Two instances of VLC open.

Some things that should be noted:

* This bug only happens in List View, not in Icon View.

* It happens in List View regardless of zoom level.

* It only happens in Nautilus, not other applications/browsers that use a GTK list to view files! This rules out the possibility of it being a problem with my mouse, as suggested by someone in the discussion Joe H links to.

* Bug does not happen when I first select a file with a single click, wait, then double click it. The file must have been opened once before the bug can occur!

* I don't accidentally have "Single click to open items" enabled.
Comment 3 Nelson Benitez 2007-11-09 12:41:12 UTC
I did some investigation and filed bug 492884 as the root of this problem.
Comment 4 Paweł Paprota 2008-04-27 07:03:54 UTC
Created attachment 109972 [details] [review]

The problem was that evidently sometimes double click was passed to the tree view and row_activated was emitted after item activation had already been handled - hence double activation.
Comment 5 Christian Neumair 2008-04-27 08:10:08 UTC
Paweł: Thanks for your efforts, good catch!

That seems to be the right approach.

This bug was actually introduced 3 years ago:

I committed your patch together with a few other expander-related fixes to trunk and the GNOME 2.22 branch:

Closing bug report.
Comment 6 Olav Vitters 2008-06-09 05:45:58 UTC
*** Bug 537304 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-09-10 16:28:20 UTC
*** Bug 444150 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***