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Bug 443989 - gnome-speech 0.4.13 compile failure
gnome-speech 0.4.13 compile failure
Product: gnome-speech
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Willie Walker
GNOME Speech Maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-06-04 15:43 UTC by Robin Cook
Modified: 2007-06-04 23:33 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.17/2.18

complete compile log with config.log attached at the end. (11.23 KB, application/x-bzip)
2007-06-04 18:07 UTC, Robin Cook
Patch to add -cp to javac command line (424 bytes, patch)
2007-06-04 23:32 UTC, Willie Walker
committed Details | Review

Description Robin Cook 2007-06-04 15:43:21 UTC
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13/java'
/usr/lib/j2sdk/bin/javac -source 1.4 org/GNOME/Speech/*.java
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeakerOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface Speaker extends SpeakerOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeechCallbackOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeechCallback extends SpeechCallbackOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SynthesisDriverOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SynthesisDriver extends SynthesisDriverOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
42 errors
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13/java'
make[2]: *** [org/GNOME/Speech/*.class] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Comment 1 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 16:50:54 UTC
I'm not sure this is specific to 0.4.13 since very little has changed in this space for a long time.  I definitely compiled and tested this on my Ubuntu machine with Sun's Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105).  As for what might be going wrong on your machine, I don't know.

What parameters did you pass to ./configure?  What was the output of ./configure?  In addition,is it possible you might not have the prerequisites for building the gnome-speech Java support?  Here's the relevant section from the the gnome-speech README:

"2.3 GNOME Speech Java Package

If the Java SDK version 1.4.1 is detected when building GNOME Speech,
gnome-speech.jar is built.  This Java package requires code from the
java-access-bridge module, and is required to build GNOME Speech
drivers written in the Java(tm) programming language."

Finally, if patches are needed, I'm happy to accept them!  :-)
Comment 2 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 18:07:03 UTC
Created attachment 89346 [details]
complete compile log with config.log attached at the end.
Comment 3 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 18:11:12 UTC
That is why then I don't have java-access-bridge installed, and didn't have java installed when I compiled 0.4.12.  

If it is auto detecting and doesn't find java-access-bridge shouldn't it not do the java compile then?
Comment 4 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 18:22:03 UTC
I tried adding  --without-java-home and --with-java-home=no and it still tries to compile the java.
Comment 5 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 18:24:45 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> That is why then I don't have java-access-bridge installed, and didn't have
> java installed when I compiled 0.4.12.  
> If it is auto detecting and doesn't find java-access-bridge shouldn't it not do
> the java compile then?

The fact that you didn't have Java before and now have it might be the problem.  But, even if I delete the java-access-bridge, I still cannot seem to reproduce the problem you are seeing.  So, this is very strange.  I'm not sure what's going on here.  What kind of machine are you running this on?

Can you also try doing some things by hand from your gnome-speech java directory?

idlj -emitAll -i /usr/share/idl/bonobo-activation-2.0 -i ../idl -pkgPrefix GNOME org -pkgPrefix Bonobo org.GNOME -fallTie ../idl/GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl 

javac -source 1.4 org/GNOME/Speech/*.java

find org/GNOME/Bonobo/

I'm not sure how much they will help.
Comment 6 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 18:48:37 UTC
root@pheuri:/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13/java# idlj -emitAll -i /usr/share/idl/bonobo-activation-2.0 -i ../idl -pkgPrefix GNOME org -pkgPrefix Bonobo org.GNOME -fallTie ../idl/GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver.idl

root@pheuri:/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13/java# javac -source 1.4 org/GNOME/Speech/*.java

org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeakerOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface Speaker extends SpeakerOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeechCallbackOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SpeechCallback extends SpeechCallbackOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SynthesisDriverOperations  extends org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
public interface SynthesisDriver extends SynthesisDriverOperations, org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown, org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity 
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
  public org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown queryInterface (String repoid)
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeakerOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SpeechCallbackOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         this.ref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         this.unref ();
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = null;
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: class org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverPOA
         $result = this.queryInterface (repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
         org.GNOME.Bonobo.UnknownHelper.write (out, $result);
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method ref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method unref()
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
org/GNOME/Speech/ cannot find symbol
symbol  : method queryInterface(java.lang.String)
location: interface org.GNOME.Speech.SynthesisDriverOperations
    return _impl.queryInterface(repoid);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
org/GNOME/Speech/ package org.GNOME.Bonobo does not exist
                org.GNOME.Bonobo.Unknown $result = ($in);
42 errors
root@pheuri:/usr/src/gnome-speech-0.4.13/java# find org/GNOME/Bonobo/
Comment 7 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 18:50:34 UTC
How about "echo $CLASSPATH"?  Can you think of anything else you might have done above and beyond the Java installation?
Comment 8 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 18:58:29 UTC
This is on a dual athlon-mp system with 2 gigs of ram.

Comment 9 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 19:58:07 UTC
> JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk
> CLASSPATH=/usr/share/antlr-2.7.7/antlr.jar
> ANT_HOME=/opt/ant

Interesting.  What if you try unsetting CLASSPATH?
Comment 10 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 22:04:52 UTC
Removing the CLASSPATH allowed it to build.
Comment 11 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 22:15:37 UTC
Does something need to be added to classpath for it to build without unsetting it?
Comment 12 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 22:28:30 UTC
Yeah!  Glad to hear clearing CLASSPATH fixed things.  I'd guess that maybe adding "." to the CLASSPATH would let it build.

Can you also try changing java/Makefile.amin your gnome-speech directory as so (it just adds a '-cp .' argument to the javac command line)?  You'll need to redo the ./configure to regenerate the Makefile:

Index: java/
--- java/    (revision 287)
+++ java/    (working copy)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
        $(JAR) -cf gnome-speech.jar $(GNOME_SPEECH_CLASS_FILES)
        $(IDLJ) \

I'd be curious if this fixes the problem for you.
Comment 13 Robin Cook 2007-06-04 23:13:53 UTC
Yes that patch works without needing to unset CLASSPATH
Comment 14 Willie Walker 2007-06-04 23:32:59 UTC
Created attachment 89367 [details] [review]
Patch to add -cp to javac command line

Thanks!  I've checked the patch in.  It will go out with the next release, which I'll most likely do in conjunction with GNOME 2.19.4.