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Bug 438743 - printing styles only misses the beginning
printing styles only misses the beginning
Product: Gnumeric
Classification: Applications
Component: Printing
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Andreas J. Guelzow
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-05-15 22:28 UTC by Andreas J. Guelzow
Modified: 2007-05-17 19:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Andreas J. Guelzow 2007-05-15 22:28:19 UTC
In the page setup dialog, selecting that one wants to print also styles without content only adds styles to the left and below the content rather than all styles.

This is due to the fact that

sheet_get_printarea uses sheet_style_get_extent (sheet, &r, NULL);

The code documents that sheet_style_get_extent:
 * A simple implementation that find the max lower and right styles that are
 * visible.  If @most_common_in_cols is specified it finds the most common
 * style for each column (0..SHEET_MAX_COLS-1) and ignores that style in
 * boundary calculations.

This does conflict with the plain language of the name of this function.
sheet_style_get_extent is also used in 
plugins/excel/ms-excel-write.c   and
so I don't know whether sheet_style_get_extent should be changed to find the true extent or whether sheet_get_printarea should determine the right-top limit of the print area by itself.
Comment 1 Andreas J. Guelzow 2007-05-15 22:35:11 UTC
Note: plugins/excel/ms-excel-write.c uses only the end point of this extent. plugins/openoffice/openoffice-write.c on the other hand also uses the beginning point and so would potentially also affected (if we had implemented exporting those styles)
Comment 2 Andreas J. Guelzow 2007-05-16 19:52:59 UTC
I see, that should be easy to fix. I'll do that by tomorrow.
Comment 3 Andreas J. Guelzow 2007-05-17 19:47:38 UTC
This problem has been fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major software release. Thank you for your bug report.