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Bug 426562 - Equalizer support
Equalizer support
Product: banshee
Classification: Other
Component: Playback
git master
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 2.x
Assigned To: Banshee Maintainers
Banshee Maintainers
: 506674 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-04-05 11:13 UTC by Alex Hixon
Modified: 2008-04-22 10:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Proof of concept patch implementing equalizer. (26.43 KB, patch)
2007-04-05 11:19 UTC, Alex Hixon
none Details | Review
Ivan's Patch (9.00 KB, patch)
2007-04-25 20:00 UTC, Ivan Zlatev
none Details | Review
Updated equalizer patch (68.93 KB, patch)
2007-11-18 02:52 UTC, Alex Hixon
none Details | Review
Updated version of previous patch (68.90 KB, patch)
2007-11-20 08:40 UTC, Alex Hixon
none Details | Review
Final equalizer patch. (70.84 KB, patch)
2008-01-22 00:32 UTC, Alex Hixon
reviewed Details | Review
[Part 1/2] Patch to update equalizer GUI and logic files after mv. (36.94 KB, patch)
2008-01-22 23:27 UTC, Alex Hixon
committed Details | Review
[Part 2/2] Hook up Engine logic, patch Makefiles to build things, EqualizerSetting* (34.52 KB, patch)
2008-01-22 23:33 UTC, Alex Hixon
committed Details | Review

Description Alex Hixon 2007-04-05 11:13:23 UTC
"The Equalizer UI and some minor abstraction pieces were implemented many months ago, but never completed and no actual GStreamer equalizer was written. Add support for multi-band equalization in GStreamer and implement any remaining pieces to connect the UI to the engine, and implement presets."
Comment 1 Alex Hixon 2007-04-05 11:19:42 UTC
Created attachment 85844 [details] [review]
Proof of concept patch implementing equalizer.

This is simply a proof-of-concept patch to demonstrate how to hook together the equalizer in Banshee. It's rough around the edges, so there might be a few issues, however, once the code in the GStreamer glue code is cleaned up and working, it should be pretty close to be able to be commited (I hope). Preamp is yet to be implemented.

This patch adds an optional prequisite, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad from CVS (since the last stable release does not include the required plugin). Preamp should use ladspa-PreampIII available from the same package, when eventually implemented.

GStreamer pipeline to demonstrate functionality: 'gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location='blah.ogg' ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! ladspa-PreampIII gain=2 ! audioconvert ! equalizer-nbands ! alsasink

Bring on the critism/comments..! :)
Comment 2 Ivan Zlatev 2007-04-25 20:00:54 UTC
Created attachment 87026 [details] [review]
Ivan's Patch
Comment 3 Ivan Zlatev 2007-04-25 20:04:59 UTC
* EqualizerSupported and EqualizerBandCount

When I was initially hacking on the equalization abock said he would
like to have as an optional interface that a MediaEngine can
implement, so IEqualizer was born (and if it is not implemented there
is no equalization support).

* nband-equalizer

> My GStreamer code is fairly messy, and your implementation is much,
> much cleaner. However, I would have liked to see equalizer-nbands,
> rather than equalizer-10bands, since it may be possible later to have
> equalizers with an adjustable number of frequency bands.
> g_object_set(G_OBJECT(engine->equalizer), "num-bands", 10, NULL); can
> be used to emulate the current implementation.

Initially I implemented the equalizer support for my Xine media engine
and for Helix. They both have different number of bands and different
ranges of gains. So it was decided to have a fixed 10 band equalizer
with fixed frequencies and all the media engines should adapt to that.

* Preference Loading

> My code also has the added functionality to load preset values from
> the last session, enable/disable the equalizer, as well as hiding the
> menu item depending on if the GStreamer element can be found.

My personal opinion is that EqualizerView and EqualizerPresetComboBox
(and everything in the Equalizer.GUI namespace) are purely UI
controls, so they should not have the preference loading logic or any
other logic. All the logic should be in EqualizerManager.

> Hopefully the best bits of both patches can be merged, and then
> possibly work on the preamp started.

If you are okay with it, you can merge the following with my patch and
we can continue discussing any further issues:

 * fill in the amplifier related methods in gst-playback with the amp code
 * schema modifications


P.S: There is a bug GstChildProxy which prevents the equalizer from working, which was fixed yesterday in CVS. I
haven't yet tried if the equ works now (I don't have CVS of
gstreamer). I think i might have to change the code to pass gdouble
instead of a GValue as well.

P.S2: The attached is a slightly updated patch with minor changes in gst_playback_set_equalizer_gain
Comment 4 Alex Hixon 2007-05-10 07:49:26 UTC
I've attempted to add support for the preamp, but no luck.
It seems to be adding the element to the playbin correctly, but isn't linking up right. I've also added audioconvert on either side of the element, which should let it link with the other elements in the playbin fine, but again to no avail.

Otherwise, the rest of this patch is pretty much done.

Any ideas?
Comment 5 Ivan Zlatev 2007-05-10 11:26:12 UTC
Mind attaching the new patch as well? :-)
Comment 6 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2007-11-12 11:22:02 UTC
You should update the patch to the latest changes in GStreamer CVS, most notably the change of the gain property. It's now a dB value between -24.0 and +12.0.
Also, you should read the band frequencies instead of hardcoding them (or at least set frequency and bandwidth to your values instead). Yours are wrong anyway btw ;)

You can get the frequency of a band in C by:

gfloat freq;
GstObject *band = gst_child_proxy_get_child_by_index (GST_OBJECT (equalizer), i);
g_object_get (G_OBJECT (band), "freq", &freq, NULL);
g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (band));

For a larger example see:

Setting frequency and bandwidth ("bandwidth" property) works similar but I would suggest to use the default frequencies.

And then I would suggest to use a dB scale in banshee too, it's more intuitive than some random -100 to 100 scale.

Why do you want to add a preamp btw? What's different from the normal volume?
Comment 7 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2007-11-12 11:24:09 UTC
If you need some help with the C glue just ask btw, what exactly is not working, what should be done?
Comment 8 Alex Hixon 2007-11-14 10:27:44 UTC
The main reason you'd normally want a preamp is so that you can adjust the gain before putting it through the equaliser. You can then boost up the modified signal using the volume control.

I'll look at cleaning up my patches (some awful code there ;). I'll also try and catch you on IRC within the next few days if I need a hand doing the pipeline stuff.

Comment 9 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2007-11-14 10:33:13 UTC
Great, you can find me in #banshee most of the time. If I'm not there just write me a mail and you should get a rather fast answer...
Comment 10 Alex Hixon 2007-11-18 02:52:27 UTC
Created attachment 99264 [details] [review]
Updated equalizer patch

This is against SVN trunk.

Basically, a much cleaner patch containing elements of both original patches, and fixing the issues Sebastian raised. The code should be generally self explainatory.

The only thing I think that should be cleaned up a bit is the gst_equalizer_get_frequencies(...) function. At the moment, we return the pointer to each gdouble containing the frequency of each band; I'd like to return a gdouble array, but then we'd have to have custom marshalling, wouldn't we? Otherwise, I'm sure that could be trivially fixed.

Few minor changes to PlayerEngine API included in patch:
 * Abstract class PlayerEngine requires engines to provide bool SupportsEqualizer { get; }
 * New event for StateChanged - PlayerEngineState.Initalized
 * Engines that support the equalizer are required to implement IEqualizer (which has also been changed)
Comment 11 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2007-11-19 13:30:24 UTC
+    *min = (gdouble *)-12;
+    *max = (gdouble *)12;

these lines look wrong, you probably don't want the asterisk before the closing bracket ;)

Apart from that, what's so bad about the -24 to 12 dB range? Why is it bad that zero gain is not in the middle? :)
Otherwise it looks good from a short look... you could only simplify the frequency getter... IIRC you can do g_object_get (equalizer, "band0::freq", &freq0, "band1::freq", &freq1, ......)
Comment 12 Alex Hixon 2007-11-20 08:40:11 UTC
Created attachment 99380 [details] [review]
Updated version of previous patch

Few minor changes to the C glue, specifically:
 * gst_equalizer_get_frequencies(..) returns an gdouble array instead.
 * gst_equalizer_get_bandrange(..) determines the current band range depending on the equalizer elemnt, which means we support both the current element in CVS, as well as the old(er) one.
Comment 13 Gabriel Burt 2008-01-01 21:07:38 UTC
*** Bug 506674 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Alex Hixon 2008-01-22 00:32:07 UTC
Created attachment 103387 [details] [review]
Final equalizer patch.

Changes from previous patch:

* Applies cleanly to trunk.
* Creates a new preset if none exist (instead of making the dialog look a bit funny and forcing a creation of the preset by the user manually).
* Few formatting cleanups in the GStreamer code.
* Fix up returning a null double array after marshalling.
* Return the correct range for the older equalizer element (and added few other fallback cases).
* Added ChangeLog entry.
Comment 15 Gabriel Burt 2008-01-22 16:26:44 UTC

Thanks for the patch.  I see you're targeting trunk, which is great.  I would prefer to use "svn mv" to move source files from src/Core/Banshee.Base into the new structure where possible.  What do you think?  If you're ok with that, can you tell me what files should be svn mv'd and then produce a patch after I've moved them?
Comment 16 Alex Hixon 2008-01-22 23:27:47 UTC
Created attachment 103497 [details] [review]
[Part 1/2] Patch to update equalizer GUI and logic files after mv.


I only just remembered that the code was still in src/Core/Banshee.Base, and that a move would probably be easier (and a less hefty diff, hehe).

The following files need to be moved first:

src/Core/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Equalizer.Gui/*.cs -> src/Core/Banshee.ThickClient/Banshee.Equalizer.Gui/

src/Core/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Equalizer/EqualizerManager.cs -> src/Core/Banshee.Services/Banshee.Equalizer/EqualizerManager.cs

Once that's done, apply the diff attached to patch the Banshee.Equalizer(.Gui) code, and svn add src/Core/Banshee.Services/Banshee.Equalizer/EqualizerSetting.cs and EqualizerSettingEvent.cs created by the patch.

Then, apply the second diff to hook up the engine with the equalizer logic parts.

You might have to fiddle with the ChangeLog, now. :)
Comment 17 Alex Hixon 2008-01-22 23:33:12 UTC
Created attachment 103498 [details] [review]
[Part 2/2] Hook up Engine logic, patch Makefiles to build things, EqualizerSetting*
Comment 18 Gabriel Burt 2008-01-24 22:01:07 UTC
Committed, thanks so much Alex, everybody.
Comment 19 Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek 2008-04-22 09:28:56 UTC
Is it included in Banshee 1 Alpha 3?
Comment 20 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2008-04-22 09:36:58 UTC
Yes but it's disabled currently because of gstreamer or alsa issues that nobody fixed yet. There's another bugreport for this which I can't find ATM :/
Comment 21 Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek 2008-04-22 10:07:14 UTC
Quit funny... Old XMMS does this from years, while GStreamer can't implement it :> .
Comment 22 Sebastian Dröge (slomo) 2008-04-22 10:19:47 UTC
It is implemented just fine in gstreamer and other applications like sonance and songbird (iirc) are using it already without problems. And for rhythmbox at least a patch exists.

IMHO the problem that people had with banshee are caused by an already fixed bug in alsa-lib but nobody of the people who had this bug could confirm or decline that yet *shrug*