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Bug 415167 - LDTP should recognize window or widget by any of property of its.
LDTP should recognize window or widget by any of property of its.
Product: LDTP
Classification: Other
Component: ldtp
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: LDTP maintainers
LDTP Development Mailing List
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-03-06 03:56 UTC by lavi
Modified: 2008-08-28 09:50 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description lavi 2007-03-06 03:56:13 UTC
From at-poke, we can see each widget has many properties on it, like position, size, label, etc,
from appmap, we can also see each widget has other properties on it, like index, parent, etc.
But for now, ldtp only use label to operate them, like btnNew for hasing 'New' text on one button.

For position we think we can also test on some unknown widget, for index, we can test
for some dynamic changing label, etc,  if only ldtp supported.

Is it convenient to add thoes feature to ldtp?

I met following issues if ldtp plan to add:)
1. For passing param as widget for componentName, how to define these properties, like coordinate,
index, etc.

2. In one window, if there are two widgets have same child_index but the parant are difference,
	btnGoto={class=push_button,parent=flr11,child_index=2,label=Go to}

however, for testing, we hope that we can deal with btn0 and btnDetails by ordered index,
like click('frmtasks', 'btn#1') and click('frmtasks', 'btn#2'), so how to resolve this problem?
Comment 1 Nagappan Alagappan 2008-01-17 23:18:25 UTC
Two widgets should not have same child index and parent. Then there is a bug. Could you help me to reproduce this issue with an application in GNOME environment  ?
Comment 2 lavi 2008-02-23 04:41:30 UTC
I'll try later
Comment 3 Nagappan Alagappan 2008-08-27 18:51:28 UTC
Lavi, fixed them as part of 1.3.0 release, could you please retry the format btn#1, btn#2 etc ? As of now, this doesn't work well for window title ! except that, things are working fine in my test environment.
Comment 4 lavi 2008-08-28 09:26:20 UTC
It's quite amazing, I will try that asap, much appreciated, nags.

Comment 5 lavi 2008-08-28 09:50:22 UTC
Oh, yes, it fixed. Congrats !!

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar  7 2008, 04:10:12) 
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
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>>> import ldtp
ldtp>>> frm = '*-gedit'
>>> ldtp.getobjectlist(frm)
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
[u'mnuAutocheckSpelling', u'lbl', u'mnuVB.NET', u'mnuDTD', u'mnuCSS', u'mnuPerl', u'mnuBottomPane', u'mnuEdit', u'lblDocuments', u'tchDocuments', u'mnuFindNext', u'mnuContents', u'mnuMakefile', u'mnuIncrementalSearch', u'stat0', u'mnuEmpty', u'btnRedo', u'mnu.desktop', u'mnuSelectAll', u'mnuDiff', u'uknprint', u'mnuDocuments', u'mnuReportaProblem', u'ukngtk-file', u'mnuFind', u'mnuLaTeX', u'btnclose', u'uknopen', u'mnuGAP', u'mnuC++', u'mnuVerilog', u'ptabUnsavedDocument1', u'btnNew', u'mnuEmpty1', u'mnuHighlightMode', u'mnuEmpty2', u'mnuTexinfo', u'mnuEmpty3', u'mnuErlang', u'mnuEmpty4', u'pnl0', u'mnuEmpty5', u'pnl1', u'mnuEmpty6', u'pnl2', u'mnuInsertDateandTime', u'mnuEmpty7', u'mnuPageSetup', u'pnl3', u'mnuEmpty8', u'pnl4', u'mnuEmpty9', u'pnl5', u'pnl10', u'mnuGotoLine', u'mnuUnsavedDocument1', u'pnl6', u'pnl11', u'pnl7', u'pnl12', u'mnuScripts', u'pnl8', u'pnl13', u'mnuOpenLocation', u'pnl9', u'pnl14', u'mnuUndo', u'btnFind', u'pnl15', u'pnl16', u'pnl17', u'pnl18', u'lblINS', u'pnl19', u'mbr0', u'scpn0', u'scpn1', u'mnuSaveAs', u'mnuC#', u'statLn1,Col1', u'mnugettexttranslation', u'mnuSearch', u'btnCut', u'flr10', u'mnupkg-config', u'mnuPascal', u'btnclose1', u'mnuCloseAll', u'mnuCheckSpelling', u'lbl2', u'statINS', u'mnuScheme', u'mnuObjectiveCaml', u'mnum4', u'btnUndo', u'mnuPrintPreview', u'mnuHTML', u'mnuTranslateThisApplication', u'mnuTcl', u'mnuYacc', u'mnuChangeLog', u'lblLn1,Col1', u'pnl20', u'ptabDocuments', u'mnuScientific', u'mnuStatusbar', u'mnuSave', u'mnuQuit', u'mnuDPatch', u'mnuC/C++/ObjCHeader', u'mnuClearHighlight', u'mnuIDL', u'ukndialogerror', u'mnuToolbar', u'mnuNew', u'mnuEmpty10', u'mnuEmpty11', u'mnuEmpty12', u'mnuJava', u'tbl0', u'mnuAda', u'mnuClose', u'mnuPHP', u'mnuSources', u'mnuSetLanguage', u'ptl0', u'ptl1', u'mnuObjective-C', u'ukn10', u'mnuNextDocument', u'ptl2', u'mnuMSIL', u'ukn11', u'btnSave', u'mnuJavascript', u'mnuBoo', u'mnuFortran95', u'ukn12', u'mnuHaskell', u'mnuLua', u'mnulibtool', u'mnuGetHelpOnline', u'mnuXML', u'mnuNone', u'tbar0', u'mnuOpen', u'mnuOCL', u'mnuCut', u'mnuGtkRC', u'mnuSaveAll', u'mnuVHDL', u'mnuLiterateHaskell', u'mnuCopy', u'mnuMarkup', u'mnuTools', u'mnuOthers', u'mnuC', u'ukn0', u'mnuSidePane', u'mnuD', u'ukn1', u'mnuFile', u'mnu.ini', u'ukn2', u'mnuNemerle', u'ukn3', u'txt0', u'ukn4', u'ukn5', u'mnuHelp', u'ukn6', u'mnuRevert', u'ukn7', u'btnPaste', u'ukn8', u'ukn9', u'mnuAbout', u'btnOpen', u'mnuView', u'mnuPreferences', u'mnuDocumentStatistics', u'btnPrint', u'mnuR', u'mnuRPMspec', u'mnuVala', u'splt0', u'splt1', u'btnReplace', u'mnuPython', u'btnCopy', u'mnuawk', u'mnush', u'mnuFindPrevious', u'flr0', u'mnuOctave', u'flr1', u'tbtn0', u'flr2', u'mnuRedo', u'mnuDelete', u'flr3', u'mnuDocbook', u'mnuSQL', u'flr4', u'mnuRuby', u'mnuPaste', u'flr5', u'frmUnsavedDocument1-gedit', u'mnuMovetoNewWindow', u'flr6', u'flr7', u'mnuReplace', u'flr8', u'mnuPreviousDocument', u'flr9', u'mnuPrint', u'uknsave']
>>>, 'btn#1')
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
>>>, 'btn#0')
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''
>>>, 'btn#20')
Warning: AT-SPI error: pre method check: add: Unknown CORBA exception id: ''

(ldtp:12534): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_insert: assertion `hash_table->ref_count > 0' failed

(ldtp:12534): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_hash_table_insert: assertion `hash_table->ref_count > 0' failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  • File "<stdin>", line 1 in <module>
  • File "", line 576 in click
    raise LdtpExecutionError ('click failed: ' + _responseStatus [1])
ldtplib.ldtplibutils.LdtpExecutionError: u'click failed: Unable to find object name in application map'