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Bug 412794 - Right-click gives option to delete photo but not delete current version
Right-click gives option to delete photo but not delete current version
Product: f-spot
Classification: Other
Component: Editing
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: F-spot maintainers
F-spot maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-02-27 21:27 UTC by Aaron Schnabel
Modified: 2018-07-12 00:00 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

A small start at adding Delete Version function to the right-click popup menu (1.17 KB, patch)
2007-02-27 21:35 UTC, Aaron Schnabel
none Details | Review
Improved version of "Delete Current Version" option (1.74 KB, patch)
2007-03-14 01:35 UTC, Aaron Schnabel
needs-work Details | Review
delete-current-version.patch (2.48 KB, patch)
2007-11-09 22:40 UTC, Maxxer
needs-work Details | Review

Description Aaron Schnabel 2007-02-27 21:27:54 UTC
When right-clicking on a photo, the option to delete a photo from the drive and to remove the photo from the catalog are present. It would make more sense if we added an option to delete the current version of the selected photo (if only one photo is selected, and the version is not the original). Currently the only way to do so is through the File menu.
Comment 1 Aaron Schnabel 2007-02-27 21:35:12 UTC
Created attachment 83493 [details] [review]
A small start at adding Delete Version function to the right-click popup menu

I would appreciate any feedback on ideas to make this patch more useful. It is very brief so far.
Comment 2 Stephane Delcroix 2007-02-28 14:26:40 UTC
hi Aaron,

your patch is ok and should works fine. Some comments though:
- it should say 'Delete this version', or, even better, 'Delete this version (blabla)'
- we can't duplicate all commands in the popup menu, so even with the correct implementation and everything, I can't be sure that your patch will reach the trunk.


Comment 3 Aaron Schnabel 2007-03-07 06:03:30 UTC
So, is this addition something that should not be done? I think this could be a useful option, but if implementing it really is a problem then I can drop it.

Otherwise, I would like to know how I could add perhaps a version name to the option as you suggested, and maybe a way to disable this option when the current version is the original.
Comment 4 Aaron Schnabel 2007-03-14 01:35:46 UTC
Created attachment 84548 [details] [review]
Improved version of "Delete Current Version" option

I created a new version of the "Delete Current Version" option. This time it correctly disables the option instead of removing it completely from the menu, and it is disabled whenever multiple photos are selected or when the current version is the original version, which matches the Delete Version command in the File menu.

I'm a bit concerned this may not get accepted because I had to change a couple of methods in MainWindow.cs to public in order to use the functionality there. Any more feedback is appreciated.
Comment 5 Declan McGrath 2007-09-25 12:02:56 UTC
I've just begun to use f-spot and I found the lack of easy access to the 'delete a version' of a photo a real downer after being pleasantly suprised at the ease at which photos can be modified without harming the original.

When a user creates a modified photo for the first time, the first thing they will do is then try to delete it! This is because they are just playing around with the feature for the first time - they've not just created a masterpiece to be proud of :) They will then have a very tricky search to find the 'delete version' button. The first place the user will look is near the modified photo dropdown at the bottom right of the main screen in order to find some sort of 'delete this version' button. Then they will (if they are a reasonably experienced user) try the right-click context button whilst hover over the photo to find such an option. But they'll be out of luck.

I think sorting this out is a reasonable priority. I tried the above patch but I'm sure it is well out of date wrt the svn codebase.

If a popup menu option can't be added because of clutter what would people think of adding a little delete button beside the 'modified' dropdown at the bottom right of the main screen? It could be greyed out when the original is selected, otherwise enabled.
Comment 6 Maxxer 2007-11-09 22:40:12 UTC
Created attachment 98847 [details] [review]

I've updated the patch to the current svn, even if I couldn't make it sensitive of photo versions :(
I think it would really be useful!
Comment 7 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-24 14:42:27 UTC
Comment on attachment 84548 [details] [review]
Improved version of "Delete Current Version" option

Maintenance update: In the past we've been less than stellar in reviewing patches. As such we have a pile of patches in bugzilla which are outdated and don't apply anymore. Am currently marking all of these as "needs-work". My apologies for this.

Since I've become a maintainer of the project, I've set the personal rule of quickly reviewing all patches, to avoid that this happens again. If you (or anyone) wants to go through the trouble of updating this patch, please talk to us to figure out if it fits in the F-Spot long term roadmap.

Should you, in the future, notice a patch lingering around for too long, please notify us immediately and we'll look into it, to avoid situations like these from happening again.

You can filter these mails by searching for ###F-OLDPATCHCLEANUP###
Comment 8 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-24 14:42:31 UTC
Comment on attachment 98847 [details] [review]

Maintenance update: In the past we've been less than stellar in reviewing patches. As such we have a pile of patches in bugzilla which are outdated and don't apply anymore. Am currently marking all of these as "needs-work". My apologies for this.

Since I've become a maintainer of the project, I've set the personal rule of quickly reviewing all patches, to avoid that this happens again. If you (or anyone) wants to go through the trouble of updating this patch, please talk to us to figure out if it fits in the F-Spot long term roadmap.

Should you, in the future, notice a patch lingering around for too long, please notify us immediately and we'll look into it, to avoid situations like these from happening again.

You can filter these mails by searching for ###F-OLDPATCHCLEANUP###
Comment 9 André Klapper 2018-07-12 00:00:55 UTC
F-Spot has moved to

If this Bugzilla ticket is still valid in a recent version of F-Spot, please feel free to post this topic as a ticket in the F-Spot project on GitHub.

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping as we are planning to shut down GNOME Bugzilla in favor of GNOME Gitlab.