GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 407553
Seems to consider only the initial permissions on a file
Last modified: 2011-05-18 02:39:14 UTC
This bug was reported to the Debian BTS. "Using Gedit, the user opens a read-only file, then makes it writable, but then has to re-open the document in order to write to it. Gedit is only interested in the initial state of the file, which is an annoying bug, minor as it may seem to someone else. Gedit, however forgets this initial-state operation when the user closes the application, at which it gives a warning that the document has not been closed, and is able to save that document. It's a mess." The behavior described above about Gedit forgetting the state when closing does not seem to apply to 2.16.
I can confirm this bug.
This bug appears to still exist in gedit 2.22.3, but is fixed in 2.24.
Thank you for the reporting the bug. I can also confirm that this is fixed so I'm closing it.