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Bug 403252 - unattractive borders inside the control center window
unattractive borders inside the control center window
Product: gnome-main-menu
Classification: Other
Component: libslab
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Scott Reeves
GNOME main menu maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-02-01 16:00 UTC by Sebastien Bacher
Modified: 2007-05-30 20:22 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Remove the top border (1.65 KB, patch)
2007-05-18 17:13 UTC, Denis Washington
none Details | Review

Description Sebastien Bacher 2007-02-01 16:00:41 UTC
That bug has been opened on

"The section containing the icons is contained in a container within the window. This leaves a small amount of emptiness around it and the metacity border, as well as the scrollbar and the bottom of the window. The container should extend to the top, bottom, and right sides to improve the appearance.
Screenshot describing the problem
Comment 1 Denis Washington 2007-05-18 17:13:30 UTC
Created attachment 88406 [details] [review]
Remove the top border

The problem is the usage of GtkFrame as parent class of ShellWindow. GtkFrame usually awaits a label widget; even though it isn't not used here, a 2-pixel spacing between the place where it would have been and the frame content is allocated - thus the top border. Changed ShellWindow to be a child class GtkAlignment instead.
Comment 2 Jim Krehl 2007-05-30 20:22:14 UTC
It was actually done that way on purpose.