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Bug 40303 - Crux themes need complete icon sets
Crux themes need complete icon sets
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] Visual Design
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2000-03-14 14:20 UTC by Darin Adler
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Darin Adler 2001-09-10 00:44:29 UTC
When a file has a type-specific icon, as determined by gnome_mime_get_value
(mime_type, "icon-filename"), we run into a design problem.

The type-specific icon is available at only one size, so it doesn't take
advantage of the tuned scaled icons we have made. Also, the type-specific icon
doesn't participate in the icon theme system.

This is especially bad because many of the type-specific icons look exactly like
the generic document icon from the default GNOME icon theme. This means that
these icons look just like other documents, but they don't change with the theme
nor do they look good when zoomed in or out.

------- Additional Comments From 2000-04-20 13:41:09 ----

some of this is coding, and some of it is designing icons; there probably should
be two separate tasks.

------- Additional Comments From 2000-05-04 00:20:22 ----

I'm moving this back to required since I have too much for May

------- Additional Comments From 2000-08-01 11:00:42 ----

actually, the required part of this was already fixed when we integrated the
mime-type icon mechanism into gnome-vfs.  The only remaining issue is
determining which icons must be present in all of the themes, and actually
designing them for each theme.  I'm going to change the name of the bug to
reflect this, and de-rate it to usable, since it's in the realm of bug-fix

I'm reducing the time to the time it will take to integrate the icons, not to
design them - Arlo and Susan should include that in their tasks.

------- Additional Comments From 2000-09-06 21:44:34 ----

I'm demoting this to "release" since all we have to do is add the icons to the 
themes, which can be safely done toward the end.  It's also not that important 
since we already handle the most important types.  Susan and Arlo are both 
working one it - Arlo should define the list of exactly which types are required.

------- Additional Comments From 2000-09-08 15:29:57 ----

Setting all bugs to P6 to start official bug-prioritization plan. Please don't
set the priority to anything other than P6 unless you've got the gold seal of
approval for doing so.

------- Additional Comments From 2000-10-16 19:35:18 ----

Batch-assigning QA ownership of remaining bugs to

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-06 15:24:02 ----

Arlo, what work still needs to be done here?  Is this truly a 1.0 blocker?  Or
something we can safely do later?

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-06 15:49:37 ----

We can do it later... I suppose.

BTW, this is one of those "Arlo, why don't you ever work on your theme 

anymore" types of bugs.  The farther out these types of bugs get pushed, 

the longer it will be before my stuff is ever done.

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-15 23:20:32 ----

Not a 1.0 blocker.  Sorry.

------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-16 16:34:27 ----

Note that not being in 1.0 doesn't mean it *can't* be done for 1.0, just that it
doesn't *need* to be done for 1.0.

------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-09-09 20:44 -------
Bug blocks bug(s) 40639.

The original owner ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 John Fleck 2002-01-05 04:20:39 UTC
Changing to "old" target milestone for all bugs laying around with no milestone set.
Comment 2 Steve George 2002-01-25 14:32:10 UTC
If I understand this correctly it is resolved.

I am using the default theme and have a PGP (file.pgp) in my home dir.
 When I increase the magnification the file icon scales properly and
looks smooth.

Using Ximian 1.0.6 on RH 7.0