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Bug 384704 - Review Status Icon UI
Review Status Icon UI
Product: vino
Classification: Applications
Component: Server
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Vino Maintainer(s)
Vino Maintainer(s)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-12-11 13:25 UTC by Jonh Wendell
Modified: 2006-12-18 09:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Notification area with vino icon (just appears when someone is connected) (6.19 KB, image/png)
2006-12-11 13:26 UTC, Jonh Wendell
Popup menu when user clicks on icon (25.26 KB, image/png)
2006-12-11 13:27 UTC, Jonh Wendell
User clicked on machine name/ip to disconnect it. The confirmation dialog. (19.33 KB, image/png)
2006-12-11 13:30 UTC, Jonh Wendell
About dialog (21.51 KB, image/png)
2006-12-11 13:31 UTC, Jonh Wendell

Description Jonh Wendell 2006-12-11 13:25:11 UTC

As suggested by Mark, i'm opening this bug just for someone review the UI part of Status Icon patch (bug #154467).

I'll attach the screenshots.

Comment 1 Jonh Wendell 2006-12-11 13:26:55 UTC
Created attachment 78128 [details]
Notification area with vino icon (just appears when someone is connected)
Comment 2 Jonh Wendell 2006-12-11 13:27:56 UTC
Created attachment 78129 [details]
Popup menu when user clicks on icon
Comment 3 Jonh Wendell 2006-12-11 13:30:29 UTC
Created attachment 78130 [details]
User clicked on machine name/ip to disconnect it. The confirmation dialog.
Comment 4 Jonh Wendell 2006-12-11 13:31:33 UTC
Created attachment 78131 [details]
About dialog
Comment 5 Calum Benson 2006-12-14 18:20:22 UTC
I think the general behaviour of the icon looks fine.  (Some libnotify integration might also be nice, so you get a little popup balloon when somebody connects?)

Comments on the popup menu:

- I presume single-clicking the icon is the same as selecting "Preferences"? (It should be, according to the HIG).

- I  don't really like seeing 'headings' in menus ("Connected machines, click to disconnect")-- I'd prefer just a single "Disconnect <unique-id>"[1] menu item for each connected viewer, and possibly an additional "Disconnect All" menu item.

Confirmation dialog:

- Alerts shouldn't have titles, according to the HIG.

- Would be good to see the hostname or other unique id[1] in the primary text of the alert, rather than just "the remote machine".  Might need to adjust the secondary text accordingly.

- I think a "Cancel" button would be fine, rather than "Leave as it is", which seems a wee bit clumsy/idiomatic.  Or if "Cancel" might imply "Cancel the connection", perhaps something like "Keep Connection" instead?

[1] How are/can multiple different viewers from the same hostname be distinguished? (Assuming "mac-cpd-wendell" in your screenshot is just a hostname?)

Comment 6 Jonh Wendell 2006-12-15 11:22:29 UTC
>Some libnotify integration might also be nice, so you get a little popup balloon when somebody connects?)

This really sounds good, but if the server needs a confirmation, user confirms the incoming connection and a notify is showed? It sounds a bit redundant, do you agree?

>I presume single-clicking the icon is the same as selecting "Preferences"? (It should be, according to the HIG).

Well, actually it has the same behavior of right click, i.e., shows the popup menu. What do you think, Mark? Maybe we should replace the items in menu by a window that shows all machines connected (with a 'disconnect' button)?

>I  don't really like seeing 'headings' in menus ("Connected machines, click to disconnect")-- I'd prefer just a single "Disconnect <unique-id>" menu item for each connected viewer, and possibly an additional "Disconnect All" menu item.

Indeed. Read my previous comment about connected machines menu items.

>Alerts shouldn't have titles, according to the HIG

Indeed, if we change menu items by a window. Like it is now, there is no vino window opened, so, a confirmation dialog without a title can confuse the user, mainly if there are many windows opened in his desktop. I'm assuming he clicked on item and switched to another application.

>How are/can multiple different viewers from the same hostname be distinguished? 

Good question. Maybe a simple counter (sounds ugly). Any idea, Mark?
Comment 7 Mark McLoughlin 2006-12-18 09:29:27 UTC
Thanks Calum. 

I've logged the notification bubble suggestion here: bug #387095

2006-12-18  Mark McLoughlin  <>

        Implement Calum's suggestions from his review of the
        status icon UI. Also some code cleanups. Fixes bug #384704

        * server/vino-main.c: (main): set the default window icon here

        * server/vino-server.[ch]:
        (vino_client_disconnect): re-name from vino_server_disconnect_client()

        * server/vino-status-icon.c:
        (vino_status_icon_spawn_command): split this helper function out
        (vino_status_icon_preferences): user it here
        (vino_status_icon_help): and here
        (vino_status_icon_about): clean this up; add more authors
        (vino_status_icon_disconnect_confirm): split this helper function out
        (vino_status_icon_disconnect_client): use it here
        (vino_status_icon_disconnect_all_clients): add new function
        (vino_status_icon_popup_menu): clean this up and implement calum's
        (vino_status_icon_activate): pop-up the preferences dialog here