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Bug 381332 - Visually differentiate photos with versions
Visually differentiate photos with versions
Product: f-spot
Classification: Other
Component: Browsing
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: F-spot maintainers
F-spot maintainers
: 383480 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-12-01 16:42 UTC by Bart Vetters
Modified: 2018-07-12 00:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch for CVS version (9.46 KB, patch)
2006-12-01 16:44 UTC, Bart Vetters
none Details | Review
PixbufStack.cs (5.47 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-01 16:45 UTC, Bart Vetters
Patch with extra file included (14.88 KB, patch)
2006-12-01 21:19 UTC, Bart Vetters
none Details | Review
For the screenshots lovers (256.70 KB, image/png)
2006-12-04 12:50 UTC, Stephane Delcroix
Patch version 0.02 (15.81 KB, patch)
2006-12-20 11:15 UTC, Bart Vetters
none Details | Review
Patch version 0.03 (19.34 KB, patch)
2006-12-20 13:04 UTC, Bart Vetters
none Details | Review
New proposed patch - v1 (975 bytes, patch)
2008-08-27 21:49 UTC, Karl Relton
needs-work Details | Review
Screenshot show how it looks (156.52 KB, image/jpeg)
2008-08-31 18:33 UTC, Karl Relton
One shadow - square or rounded (279.93 KB, image/png)
2008-09-05 20:18 UTC, Karl Relton
Two shadows - square or rounded (281.22 KB, image/png)
2008-09-05 20:18 UTC, Karl Relton
One shadow - rounded and filled in (139.09 KB, image/png)
2008-09-05 20:19 UTC, Karl Relton
Single line with rounded corners (185.69 KB, image/jpeg)
2008-09-16 08:29 UTC, Karl Relton
Mock up with photo corner pulled up (365.51 KB, image/png)
2008-09-27 10:32 UTC, Karl Relton

Description Bart Vetters 2006-12-01 16:42:52 UTC
The attached patch implements a way of visually indicating photos which have some kind of multiple representations. It is used to indicate photos with different versions, but could be used as the base for other 'stacking', such as that mentioned in bug 311550. It also is a more or less direct solution for bug 363634.

It's very much a proof of concept patch, so there's still a lot of work wrg usability and presentation issues.
Comment 1 Bart Vetters 2006-12-01 16:44:42 UTC
Created attachment 77494 [details] [review]
Patch for CVS version 

You need the PixbufStack.cs file in src/ for this patch to work. That file should be attached to this bug as well.
Comment 2 Bart Vetters 2006-12-01 16:45:56 UTC
Created attachment 77495 [details]

Implements the stacked thumbnails
Comment 3 Stephane Delcroix 2006-12-01 19:53:17 UTC
will try your patch soon...

btw, you can add a new file to a patch like this:

cvs diff -upN > mypatch.patch
diff -upN /dev/null src/PixbufStack.cs >> mypatch.patch

Comment 4 Bart Vetters 2006-12-01 21:19:16 UTC
Created attachment 77511 [details] [review]
Patch with extra file included

New version of patch, with src/PixbufCache.cs included. Thanks Stephane for the tip on how to do this.
Comment 5 Stephane Delcroix 2006-12-04 12:50:36 UTC
Created attachment 77631 [details]
For the screenshots lovers

here's a screenshot of the effects of this patch

so... yes, it works. some issues and questions

- why do you call this a PixbufStack, not a ThumbnailStack or ThumbnailREpresentation or ... ? Also, this class should probably benefit from some inheritance...
- when a version use a different cropping ratio than the original, the display looks a bit strange...
- I'm not sure what to think about the graphical aspect, the gray border...
- I did'nt looked deep yet in the code, so no comment on that
Comment 6 Bart Vetters 2006-12-04 13:16:15 UTC
Thanks for the review. Some comments on the comments :) :

- I called it a PixbufStack because it might be used for other things than thumbnails, e.g. to stack tag icons. That is also why all of the logic that deals with versions is elsewhere.

- What are your ideas wrg to inheritance for this class? Inherit from Gdk.Pixbuf perhaps, so code using PixbufStack can manipulate the resulting image using a familiar interface?

- The cropping issue is well spotted. I currently scale the pixbufs according to the top one, but I'll have to do this for W/H ratios as well

- The gray border I'm unsure about as well. It's there to differentiate the various images in the stack from each other, but that will probably not be a problem without it. I'll ditch it.

Thanks again for the review!
Comment 7 Stephane Delcroix 2006-12-07 22:23:14 UTC
*** Bug 383480 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Bart Vetters 2006-12-20 11:13:36 UTC
I'm attaching a new version of the patch. Changes are:

- PixbufStack is now called ThumbnailStack. My argument above was bogus, as I use the PixbufCache to load the contents of the stack, which works with thumbnails. So ThumbnailStack is indeed a better name. 
- The border is gone
- Versions with different cropping ratio than default version now are shown with the cropping ratio of the default version (this turned out to be remarkably easy - just correct a mistake of mine :) ). This still looks a bit awkward when switching the default version.

Nothing has been done wrt to inheritance yet.
Comment 9 Bart Vetters 2006-12-20 11:15:16 UTC
Created attachment 78681 [details] [review]
Patch version 0.02
Comment 10 Bart Vetters 2006-12-20 13:04:12 UTC
Created attachment 78689 [details] [review]
Patch version 0.03

Added item in View menu to toggle displaying of version stacks
Comment 11 Karl Relton 2008-07-26 19:23:00 UTC
Any thoughts on this feature request and patch some 18 months on?

I would like this feature too.

Note though I don't think it is actually necessary to show the actual pictures of the other versions - they are almost completely hidden so all we actually need show is one or two 'shadow' like boxes to give the visual impression of a stack of versions. On my system there is not that much room to play with anyway - just about room for one extra outline.

We probably don't need a configuration option - showing that a thumbnail has versions is probably universally good.
Comment 12 Karl Relton 2008-08-27 21:49:48 UTC
Created attachment 117486 [details] [review]
New proposed patch - v1

Here is my proposal for a patch to give something of the desired functionality. It is much less invasive compared to the previous suggestions. Currently it just adds a simple box behind (and slightly shifted) the thumbnail, giving a simple impression of a stack.

These days there is not much spare space around the thumbnails, so even this extra single box barely fits. However this patch is just to show that some visual indication can be given in just a few lines of code, rather than to make it look really pretty.

If people agree this is the way to go, we can then agree on exactly how fancy (or not) to make it look.
Comment 13 Karl Relton 2008-08-31 18:33:38 UTC
Created attachment 117710 [details]
Screenshot show how it looks

To save people trying the patch, the attached screenshot shows how it would look with my proposed patch. Of course we could tweak how the box looks - but for me the basic idea of a simple box/outline behind the picture is enough to show the picture has multiple versions.
Comment 14 Karl Relton 2008-09-05 20:18:11 UTC
Created attachment 118120 [details]
One shadow - square or rounded
Comment 15 Karl Relton 2008-09-05 20:18:52 UTC
Created attachment 118121 [details]
Two shadows - square or rounded
Comment 16 Karl Relton 2008-09-05 20:19:47 UTC
Created attachment 118122 [details]
One shadow - rounded and filled in
Comment 17 Karl Relton 2008-09-05 20:27:24 UTC
Above are 3 attachments showing mock pictures of how different 'shadows' could possibly look.

Which is preferred?

Personally I would go with 'Two shadows - square', but I'm concerned that this will take up too much precious space (I think the gap between thumbnails would need to be increased). 'One shadow - square' is next best - I don't see the value in rounded corners (but thats just my opinion).
Comment 18 Stephane Delcroix 2008-09-15 08:32:15 UTC
I think I'd prefer having a rounded corner
Comment 19 Karl Relton 2008-09-16 08:29:57 UTC
Created attachment 118815 [details]
Single line with rounded corners

This picture shows a set of screenshot fragments, all with f-spot patched to show a simple shadow consisting of a single line with rounded corners.

The different fragments show the same thumbnail at different sizes. I coded the shadow to scale its size relative to the thumbnail size.

Things to note:
1) I used Gdk.Drawable.DrawArc for the corners. With only a few pixels to play with it of course can't render a perfect arc, but I think thats okay.

2) If we adopt such a shadow, I will adjust the patch to push down the text under the thumbnail so its clear of the shadow line.

3) The box drawn around a selected thumbnail can vary in its size, depending on the thumbnail size. At the moment this sometimes means my shadow is drawn outside the selection box. I would need to make the selection box always big enough to accomodate the shadow for a production-worthy patch.

What do you guys think? If you want to go with this, I will try and code the adjustments for 2) & 3). Otherwise feel free to re-direct my efforts.
Comment 20 Stephane Delcroix 2008-09-16 14:52:05 UTC
that's not what I mean by a rounded corner, I was talking about a rounded page corner. I'll try to mock that up

Comment 21 Karl Relton 2008-09-27 10:32:58 UTC
Created attachment 119468 [details]
Mock up with photo corner pulled up

Here's a mock - rounding up the photo corner to suggest there are other versions underneath ...
Comment 22 Ruben Vermeersch 2010-06-24 14:41:28 UTC
Comment on attachment 117486 [details] [review]
New proposed patch - v1

Maintenance update: In the past we've been less than stellar in reviewing patches. As such we have a pile of patches in bugzilla which are outdated and don't apply anymore. Am currently marking all of these as "needs-work". My apologies for this.

Since I've become a maintainer of the project, I've set the personal rule of quickly reviewing all patches, to avoid that this happens again. If you (or anyone) wants to go through the trouble of updating this patch, please talk to us to figure out if it fits in the F-Spot long term roadmap.

Should you, in the future, notice a patch lingering around for too long, please notify us immediately and we'll look into it, to avoid situations like these from happening again.

You can filter these mails by searching for ###F-OLDPATCHCLEANUP###
Comment 23 André Klapper 2018-07-12 00:04:43 UTC
F-Spot has moved to

If this Bugzilla ticket is still valid in a recent version of F-Spot, please feel free to post this topic as a ticket in the F-Spot project on GitHub.

Closing this report as WONTFIX as part of Bugzilla Housekeeping as we are planning to shut down GNOME Bugzilla in favor of GNOME Gitlab.