GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 377885
Cannot drag and drop from smart playlist into iPod
Last modified: 2007-01-17 01:12:55 UTC
Please describe the problem: Created a smart playlist for refilling an iPod shuffle. The playlist is filled, and the tracks selected, but when they're dragged over the iPod entry in the sidebar, tracks are not copied onto the iPod. Steps to reproduce: 1. Plug in an iPod so that it appears in the Banshee sidebar. 2. Create a smart playlist. 3. Go to the smart playlist and select one or more tracks which aren't on the iPod already. 4. Drag and drop the selected tracks onto the iPod sidebar entry. 5. Go to the iPod playlist to confirm if the track(s) were added. Actual results: On "drop", the tracks "spring back" from the mouse pointer into the main playlist window (in the same way that files would if they'd been dragged and dropped back to where they came from, or to somewhere that files could not be dropped). Nothing is copied onto the iPod and I'm forced to use gtkpod instead. Expected results: Tracks are added to the iPod's playlist, ready to be sync'ed. Gtkpod gets uninstalled. Does this happen every time? Yes Other information: Dragging from the smart playlist and dropping to the desktop, or a Nautilus window, is working and makes a copy of the selected tracks. Dragging tracks from the "whole library" list into the iPod works as expected. Could the drop areas in the UI be wrong when viewing the smart playlist, causing Banshee to think that I'm dropping the tracks back into the playlist they're already in?
I have the same problem. :(
this issue tangentally related to bug:
Created attachment 78168 [details] [review] SourceView.cs.diff to allow drag&drop with smart playlists SourceView.cs.diff to allow drag&drop with smart playlists
this is resolved by this simple patch: Index: src/Banshee.Base/Gui/SourceView.cs =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/gnome/banshee/src/Banshee.Base/Gui/SourceView.cs,v retrieving revision 1.62 diff -r1.62 SourceView.cs 415a416 > SourceManager.ActiveSource is Banshee.SmartPlaylist.SmartPlaylistSource || but this introduces a kind of race condition when the user selects data from a smart playlist and wants to copy it to someplace else and the smart playlist refreshes while the drag event is in progress. however, i cannot even get this to reproducibly occur. and this condition is cleanly handled with this code: LogCore.Instance.PushError(Catalog.GetString("Could not import tracks"), e.Message); at line 514 of SourceView.cs...
Works great! Thank you very much! :D
Is there any chance that this would also work with Mass Storage USB DAPs?
Committed, thanks. Chris, next time please generate unified diffs (cvs diff -u, though irrelevant now since svn diff automatically makes them).