GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 361326
Speex 8K codec does not work
Last modified: 2008-05-06 13:07:34 UTC
Please describe the problem: Speex 8K codec does not work Steps to reproduce: Two machines (IP calls without registered accounts). Caller has all codec enabled, callee has only one (Speex 8K). When call is answered, it immediately terminates with 'Abnormal Termination' reported in comment field at bottom of main window. Actual results: Expected results: Call to start/complete with Speex 8K codec. Does this happen every time? Yes. Both to i386 and PPC Other information:
Created attachment 74456 [details] debug log
It has been reported upstream as bug #1588774. See the openh323 bugtracker on
Seems to have been closed upstream on 20-11-2006 (FIXED by csoutheren). Do we close here too ?
Perhaps somebody can first test that HEAD works with 2.0.3 and Speex NarrowBand/WideBand. If it works, then it can be closed.
Setting to NEEDINFO until someone provides relevant informations.
Closing this bug report as no further information has been provided. Please feel free to reopen this bug if you can provide the information asked for. Thanks!