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Bug 351751 - Running a script in a subdirectory with spaces in name is not possible
Running a script in a subdirectory with spaces in name is not possible
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 359377
Product: gnome-session
Classification: Core
Component: gnome-session
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Session Maintainers
Session Maintainers
: 352002 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-08-17 13:09 UTC by Sebastien Bacher
Modified: 2006-10-23 04:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.15/2.16

Description Sebastien Bacher 2006-08-17 13:09:47 UTC
That bug has been opened on

"Trying to run a script at startup with the gnome-session-properties was not possible. It has to do with spaces in my directory names.

I have added it to the gnome-session-properties program in 'start program' tab (System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs), but my script is not executed.

This will work: My script '' in my home directory, and adding "sh /home/jdo/" to the list.

However, If I add this to the list: "sh /home/jdo/Scripts and Settings/Bash Scripts/", the script is never executed.

I tried everything with double quotes, and backslashes before the spaces. Using the brows button, or typing it directly. There seems to be some kind of translation of the text after I click Ok. The result however never works.

Ubuntu: Dapper of 15 august 2006 with updates, upgraded from Breezy.
gnome-session or gnome-session2 ? : version 2.14.3-0ubuntu1
Kernel: K7



The workaround is simple. Edit the file ~/.config/autostart/nice.desktop directly (the file might be called different when viewed with nautilus, like "No name").

Now everything is like normal and next lines with both work:
        sh "/home/jdo/Scripts and Settings/Bash Scripts/"
        sh /home/jdo/Scripts\ and\ Settings/Bash\ Scripts/

But I have to remember not to press the 'edit'-button on that line in the 'start program'-tab of the gnome-session-properties. The gnome-session-properties do indeed translate the text: all double and single quotes and backslashes are removed. And that is the problem.

Comment 1 Tom Tromey 2006-10-02 00:49:51 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 352002 ***
Comment 2 Sebastien Bacher 2006-10-02 08:05:33 UTC
Marking the newer duplicate
Comment 3 Sebastien Bacher 2006-10-02 08:06:09 UTC
*** Bug 352002 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Tom Tromey 2006-10-23 04:19:18 UTC
This is fixed by the patch for bug #359377.
Closing as a duplicate of that.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 359377 ***