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Bug 347327 - "Failed to send buffer" displayed after scripts complete
"Failed to send buffer" displayed after scripts complete
Product: dogtail
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Framework
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Dogtail Maintainers
Dogtail Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-07-12 17:28 UTC by Len DiMaggio
Modified: 2011-02-07 06:06 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Len DiMaggio 2006-07-12 17:28:12 UTC
Please describe the problem:
Warning messages - several hundred at a time - are displayed when a Dogtail script completes:

** (process:2706): WARNING **: Failed to send buffer

Steps to reproduce:

Actual results:

Expected results:

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Comment 1 Dave Malcolm 2006-08-03 20:40:10 UTC
I've seen this in a few places.

Do you have a reliable way of reproducing this?
Comment 2 Len DiMaggio 2006-08-04 02:18:13 UTC
Not at will - it probably happens about 33% of the time. But, once it starts, I see it frequently. I'll ping you when next I see it...
Comment 3 Michal Babej 2007-12-13 11:42:01 UTC
This happens for example when the application dogtail is talking to dies. Since at-spi uses corba, and you obviously can't send messages to dead processes, you get a bunch of these warnings from orbit. There might be other reasons orbit can't deliver the messages, though - i'm not a corba expert.
Comment 4 Fabio Durán Verdugo 2011-02-07 06:06:11 UTC
dogtail development has been stalled and it has been unmaintained for a few
years now.
Maintainers don't have future development plan so i am closing bugs as WONTFIX.
Please feel free to reopen the bugs in future if anyone takes the responsibility for active development.