GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 342223
Scrolling weirdness
Last modified: 2007-01-30 14:11:50 UTC
When I'm scrolling a document with the index sidebar open, evince seems to scroll very weird. As far as I can see, the "skipping" happens when a new row in the index treeview is selected.
Looks like gtk_tree_selection_select_path() which is called from update_page_callback_foreach() (called when scrolling) triggers the selection changed callback function selection_changed_callback(), which in turn changes the view, causing the weird behaviour.
hmm, I don't know whether I understand what you mean. AFAIK the only problem (which is a known issue) is when several index items have the same page number. In this case, when scrolling a document and the current page changes, the first item in the sidebar that points to the new page is selected. This is the desired behaviour, since we try to keep the consistency between the view and the index sidebar.
When the selection is changed, the view scrolls, even though the signal handlers appear to have been blocked (from a glance at the source).
This bug is really annoying when scrolling documents with multiple index items on the same page, as is the case with lots of pdfLaTeX pdfs. The view jumps over certain parts of the page, making it almost impossible to read the document.
That's high priority in mine todo
This bug just bit me in a strange way. I can't even view page 5 (except by clicking it in the side bar). Any scrolling to it sends me to the bottom of page 6. The snapping effect is very annoying. Even if it is desired in some cases, there should at least be an option do disable it. Jumping around when scrolling is disorienting. This is on a PDF made with PDFLaTeX.
I think it should be higher priority
This bug hits me REALLY HARD every once in a while. Please disable the so-called "feature" until this pretty annoying bug is fixed.
In current HEAD everything seems to work fine for me, otherwise, please give a way to reproduce this behaviour.
I'm noticing this problem with evince 0.6.1 (I don't know to which released version the 2006-08-27 CVS HEAD correspond), and it happens with the index side pane closed as well. More specifically, when I read a document with an index and I scroll down using the mouse wheel, sometimes when the focus moves from the page I'm reading to the next page, who includes a section header (an index item), the view jumps to the beginning of the new section. This is particularly annoying when the new section starts at the end of the page, because I miss a whole page of text. NB. Sometimes this doesn't happen, I couldn't find a trigger, because this bug could happen or not with the same document. example: page 5 +----------------+ | | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | X last line XX | | | +----------------+ page 6 +----------------+ | | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | text text text | | | | SECTION HEADER | | text text text | | XX last line X | | | +----------------+ When I want to read the "last line" of page 5, I scroll down, the focus moves to page 6 and the view jumps to "Section header" in page 6 (the first line displayed in the evince window is "Section header"), so I have to scroll back.
I'm marking this bug fixed for now. I can't reproduce with the latest version. Feel free to reopen if it's reproducible for you with a recent version.