GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 337201
Recurring meetings set before DST are off by one hour after DST adjustment
Last modified: 2006-06-19 04:46:49 UTC
Distribution: Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy) Package: Evolution Severity: Normal Version: GNOME2.12.1 2.4.x Gnome-Distributor: Ubuntu Synopsis: Recurring meetings set before DST are off by one hour after DST adjustment Bugzilla-Product: Evolution Bugzilla-Component: Calendar Bugzilla-Version: 2.4.x Description: Description of Problem: For meetings scheduled before daylight savings time (before April 2) that are recurring and continue after daylight savings time has taken affect the meeting times are off by one hour. Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Prior to DST accept a meeting invite like one for a meeting occuring at 8:00 - 8:30 AM CST. BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//TL//Python iCalendar parser//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT UID:E679AF08A8D9ABF18625713E007A7579-Lotus_Notes_Generated DTSTAMP:20060327T222502Z DTSTART:20060329T140000Z DTEND:20060329T143000Z SUMMARY:<SNIP> DESCRIPTION: <SNIP> RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;UNTIL=20060410T000000Z LOCATION:<SNIP> SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED TRANSP:OPAQUE ORGANIZER;CN=<SNIP> ATTENDEE;ROLE=CHAIR;CN=<SNIP>; PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED:MAILTO:<SNIP> ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;CN=<SNIP>; PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION:MAILTO:<SNIP> END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR 2. Set system calendar forward to a date after daylight savings took effect, meeting will now occur at 9:00 - 9:30 AM in the local timezone. Actual Results: Calendar entries are 1 hour off. Expected Results: Calendar entries do not shift 1 hour. How often does this happen? Half of my calendar entries are like this. I will probably need to drop evolution for corporate use because I can't affort to miss meetings because I thought they were happening an hour later than they really are. Additional Information: ------- Bug created by bug-buddy at 2006-04-04 14:33 -------
could be a bit related to bug 332911, i guess.
Created attachment 62765 [details] .evolution/calendar/local/1125780261.14379.1@host/calendar.ics Attaching a portion of calendar.ics from the system. There are two timezone stanzas and the calendar entry in question. The calendar entry does not base it's time from a timezone, it uses GMT. On the day the invite was sent the time offset was correct; 8:00 AM CST was 6 hours later than GMT and meetings were correct. Now after daylight savings 14:00 GMT is being mapped to 9:00 AM CST using the definition of (GMT-5).
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 332911 ***