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Bug 335556 - can't select device to record in gnome-sound-recorder
can't select device to record in gnome-sound-recorder
Product: gnome-media
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Gnome-Sound-Recorder
Other opensolaris
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome media maintainers
gnome media maintainers
: 343891 401749 496666 496753 496794 496826 497384 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-03-22 19:14 UTC by Daniel Holbach
Modified: 2007-11-16 16:05 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.15/2.16

Description Daniel Holbach 2006-03-22 19:14:27 UTC
Forwarded from:

I can't select the device to record from in gnome-sound-recorder, it switches back to line-in or microphone whatever is enabled in the volume-control. If I enable both (by enabling the mic icon in the volume control) it switches to microphone. However, recording with my laptop only works from the "capture" device.
I can record once from the capture device and play it back. However, when I record more then once, I can't select the capture device again.
Also, I get multiple device lists after the first recording.

Let me explain this:
When I open gnome-sound-recorder, I can select the capture device. I have (in that order) Line-In, CD, Microphone, Phone, Aux, Capture as a choice. I now select Capture and click on Record (the button on top). I hit stop after 1 second or so and click the play button and hear my recorded sound.
I see "Unbekannt-2" (Unknown-2) in the title (why not 1? - I didn't record anything before that). I then click record again and I see "Unbekannt-3" in the title, however the capture device switched back to Microphone and it doesn't record anything. Additionally, I now have 2 times the devices in that list (the above list 2 times in a row), each "Record" more, I get another list appended to the list. If I select any device in this (wrong) list, gnome-sound-recorder outputs
** (gnome-sound-recorder:8383): CRITICAL **: gst_alsasrc_mixer_list_tracks: assertion `this->mixer != NULL' failed
to the console.
Pressing the "New" button gives a new window with "Unbekannt-*" with * being +2 the one I had before (why not only 1 - probably the same fault as mentioned before, but I can now select the "Capture" Device, I have only 1 of each device in my device list and recording works. Pressing record again returns me to the original problem.
Comment 1 Daniel Holbach 2006-05-17 16:03:59 UTC
Another comment:

I am having the duplicated sources problem myself... i was about to file a bug report for it but it looks like it's not worth it, anyway here are the steps to reproduce the bug on my system:

- pick a sound source to record from from the drop-down list
- start and stop recording
- choose a different sound source
- start and stop recording
- choose a different sound source
- enjoy duplicated entries in the drop-down list :)

hope this helps, andre
Comment 2 Sebastien Bacher 2006-05-17 21:23:39 UTC
The duplicate entries is bug #329922
Comment 3 Elijah Newren 2006-06-05 16:57:08 UTC
Possible duplicate of bug 311278?
Comment 4 Elijah Newren 2006-06-05 16:57:14 UTC
*** Bug 343891 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Serge 2006-06-17 16:19:16 UTC
The bug I reported was not a problem in gnome-sound-recorder but in gstreamer.
I was able to resolve my problem with the patch from this bug-report:

Comment 6 Ronald Bultje 2006-08-25 22:21:45 UTC
With updates to gnome-media to not have duplicates (i.e. cvs), do you still see this?
Comment 7 Sebastien Bacher 2006-09-04 14:56:47 UTC
Still happening with 2.16.0:
- start the app
- select an input source, CD by example
- start recording, wait a few seconds, stop recording
- change the input source
- start recording

The source is changed to "Capture"
Comment 8 Sebastien Bacher 2006-09-04 15:00:50 UTC
Other Ubuntu bug about that:

"Sound recorder in Dapper doesn't respect input selection on second recording. On the first recording input selection is respected and the correct input is used.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start sound recorder.
2. Select input
3. Record
4. stop recording
5. Select input again (it has been reset)
6. record

When recording is started the second time, input is reset back to capture before the recording actually starts."
Comment 9 Bastien Nocera 2007-09-07 09:52:30 UTC
2007-09-07  Bastien Nocera  <>

        * src/gsr-window.c: (record_cb), (record_input_changed_cb),
        (fill_record_input), (gsr_window_init): Remember the current
        capture track when restarting a record, so it doesn't
        revert back to "Capture", Avoid a warning when trying to set
        the new capture track after the pipeline has been stopped
        (Closes: #335556)
Comment 10 Bastien Nocera 2007-09-07 10:05:58 UTC
*** Bug 401749 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 palfrey 2007-11-15 14:58:51 UTC
*** Bug 496753 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 palfrey 2007-11-15 14:58:57 UTC
*** Bug 496666 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 palfrey 2007-11-15 14:59:01 UTC
*** Bug 496826 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 palfrey 2007-11-15 14:59:04 UTC
*** Bug 496794 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 palfrey 2007-11-16 16:05:11 UTC
*** Bug 497384 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***