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Bug 334800 - openvpn dialog is too large for screen with "optional information" expanded
openvpn dialog is too large for screen with "optional information" expanded
Product: NetworkManager
Classification: Platform
Component: VPN: openvpn
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Williams
Dan Williams
: 391467 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-03-16 19:21 UTC by Christopher Aillon
Modified: 2016-01-09 04:58 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Streamline the gui and consolidate it with other NetworkManager vpn clients (77.21 KB, patch)
2007-02-17 04:44 UTC, Jon Nettleton
none Details | Review

Description Christopher Aillon 2006-03-16 19:21:02 UTC
This dialog is freakin' huge.  We probably should split it up somehow.
Comment 1 Teppo Turtiainen 2007-01-30 17:06:11 UTC
*** Bug 391467 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Jon Nettleton 2007-02-17 04:42:02 UTC
Okay the first try has been committed to CVS, but seriously we can do better.  Here is my attempt at something that is compact and functional...nothing flashy.  I have moved most the instructional verbosity to tooltips. Personally I would kill the top bit as well, but I will leave that up to the maintainers to decide.  I think we are good up to 640x480 with these changes, but I haven't tested.
Comment 3 Jon Nettleton 2007-02-17 04:44:49 UTC
Created attachment 82720 [details] [review]
Streamline the gui and consolidate it with other NetworkManager vpn clients
Comment 4 Dan Williams 2007-02-20 14:36:10 UTC
Fixed in 0.6.x.  Would you possibly like to do these patches for trunk as well?  It shouldn't be too much different, but the OpenVPN one doesn't apply.