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Bug 334750 - View, Edit, Revision, Track, get in the way
View, Edit, Revision, Track, get in the way
Product: website
Classification: Infrastructure
Other Linux
: Low enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: John Hwang
GUADEC Website Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-03-16 11:38 UTC by Murray Cumming
Modified: 2012-09-19 16:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Murray Cumming 2006-03-16 11:38:32 UTC
Editing is important, so it should have a button somewhere, though it doesn't need to be at the start of the page.

Viewing should just be the default. It doesn't need to seem to be the title of each page. 

Revisions and Track are rarely-used features that should definitely not be at the top of that page getting in the way.

Drupal should make it easy to create web sites, without getting in the way.
Comment 1 Quim Gil 2006-03-19 00:46:08 UTC
This is the default behaviour, visible to users with corresponding permissions only. It should be possible to have these editing options on a side or the bottom using CSS magic, though.
Comment 2 Murray Cumming 2006-03-19 21:35:34 UTC
We should aim for everyone to be able to easily edit the site, with only login as a very small hurdle in the way of doing that. Like the wiki.

So, this would be in the way of most people. Yes, moving them would be nice.
Comment 3 John Hwang 2006-03-28 07:31:33 UTC
This is how drupal is designed by default... I'm going to label this as "by design for now," until we can come up with a better design.  I don't feel this is urgent issue nor a particularly intrusive UI.  I promise to tackle the UI issue in the near future(ie after 1.0 release).
Comment 4 Quim Gil 2006-03-28 08:13:30 UTC
If you say we are going to check this in the future, it is not a WONTFIX. Reopening as low priority and enhancement, according to the comments made about this bug here.
Comment 5 Murray Cumming 2006-03-28 08:21:24 UTC
> This is how drupal is designed by default... I'm going to label this as "by
design for now,"

Drupal should make it easy to create web sites, without getting in the way. We want a web site, not a drupal site. Drupal is just a way to make a web site.

Comment 6 Quim Gil 2006-03-28 08:52:17 UTC
Murray, agreed. We only need to have a proper website first that accomplished the primary function of being useful to regular userrs and potential participants of GUADEC.

Once this is done then we will start optimizing the tool for a better and wider usage.

Yesterday we had 22 bugs, most of them for now. I guess this is what tavon was trying to say.  :)

As you know, we are really interested getting a high performance of the GUADEC website in order to make it an example for This is why enhancement requests as yours are so useful and need to be taken carefully.
Comment 7 Murray Cumming 2006-03-28 08:58:11 UTC
Yes, I should make it clear that I'm being pushy because I want you to have every chance to prove if this can work for doesn't need to be perfect.
Comment 8 Murray Cumming 2012-09-19 16:54:17 UTC
Closing as ancient and irrelevant.