GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 332673
support wildcard query: search on foo should also match barfoobar
Last modified: 2006-08-16 19:21:51 UTC
Nautilus search not built against beagle (presumably just find -name \*foo\*) finds jonathanzittrain.jpg when I search for 'zittrain'. Beagle does not, and should.
beagle doesnt support wildcard query (*foo*) currently. Its underlying lucene however does. Not sure why beagle doesnt support wildcard query. Changing summary to reflect reason.
Apparently voting is not enabled in this bugzilla setup, but I wish to second the opinion that wildcard searches would be a very welcome feature. As an example I have been looking like crazy for a Gaim log in which I know that a certain e-mail address was mentioned, but as I was only searching for the username part (only look for user iso Beagle did not come up with an answer although the file was indexed
*** Bug 340089 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 347243 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From #347243, Beagle search ability is great. But the lack of search based on partial filename seems to be a serious deficiency to me. I tried Beagle on and off for few months now, and I always have to go back to use "locate" 90% of the time. In statistical terms, I would say locate is not specific, but it is very sensitive. Which means yes there is plenty of wrong answers but it - almost - always contain the rigth one. I think it is more important to be sensitive than specific for Beagle to gain momentum. Search about content is a great evolution of search tool but filename will still remain the more likely element the user will remember - at least partially. ---- Example : I have a file named : myapplication.pdf query with "application" or "myapp" should return a hit even if the word "application" or "myapp" are not in the document.
Beagle is a nice application, but this really needs to be fixed.
I agree with Debajyoti above, I use locate instead of beagle for file searches because it more reliably returns the file I'm looking for. It should not be necessary to specify wildcards.
There is no reason to use two applications when beagle could easily satisfy both requirements.
I've just added support for wildcards to CVS. For a file named "foobarbaz.txt", you'll need to type in "foobar*" for it to match.
Thanks. This is a nice addition. To be thorough would "*foobar*" be an allowed search term ? so my example in #5 would be cover too.
Looks like foo*.txt is also not supported yet - at least it does not work for me. That's something people are very used to from the shell. So i think it's important to get it working, too. Reopening so we don't forget about it.
reopening as per last comment.
Checked again and it looks like it was the properties vs. content issue. Meta*ta will not return Metadata.cs but Meta* and Meta*ta* will just as it should be. Sorry folks...
Fixed now in CVS.