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Bug 321462 - gnome menu icons change size on first view
gnome menu icons change size on first view
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other Linux
: Low trivial
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
: 325826 328004 345621 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-14 19:47 UTC by Joachim Noreiko
Modified: 2007-02-17 12:54 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.17/2.18

Description Joachim Noreiko 2005-11-14 19:47:33 UTC
Distribution/Version: Ubuntu 5.10

The first time I use the gnome main menu after booting, there is a tiny glitch
in the display of the icons.

They are displayed, and then about 1-2 seconds later their size is reduced by a
small amount, maybe only a pixel.

This appears to only happen with certain GTK themes, which change the height of
menu items.
Comment 1 Christian Kirbach 2005-11-16 16:04:06 UTC
Can you specify a theme causing this?

Comment 2 Joachim Noreiko 2005-11-17 08:34:32 UTC
I'm seeing this with the Clearlooks theme that comes with Ubuntu.
Comment 3 Christian Kirbach 2005-11-17 09:09:33 UTC
what version of clearlooks is that?

I am using the latest from cvs. I believe I can see what you mean, but you need 
to take a very close look even on a slow machine (1Ghz). It is best observable 
on very long menus,e .g. the "extras" or "games" submenu. When opening, fix your 
eye on where you believe the last items are going to appear. The menu opens and 
text is displayed without icons (when opened for the first time). Keep your eyes 
fixed. A few moments later (heck, not 1-2 seconds, maybe 1/4 second) the icons 
will show up. Notice that the text seems to "shift" vertically just before the 
icons appear. This effect seems to accumulate, i.e. it is strongest for the last 
items and the better visible the more entries the menu has. Could indeed be a 
one-pixel shift per entry, hardly noticable for short menus.

Is that what you are talking about?
Comment 4 Joachim Noreiko 2005-11-20 20:34:26 UTC
I'm using the clearlooks that comes with Ubuntu 5.10. I can't find any sort of
version information inside the theme files.

I think you're seeing the same thing. 1/4 of a second seems right (I'm on an
Athlon 3000+ with 1GB of RAM).
I notice it on the Applications menu, then on the Accessories menu. After that,
the menus are normal, as if whatever is resizing the icons has finished.
Comment 5 Christian Kirbach 2005-11-20 22:09:06 UTC
I am confirming this report. Priority is LOW as this does not cause major 

Olav asks me to blame Vincent .. assigning to gnome-panel then :)
Comment 6 Christian Kirbach 2005-11-20 22:11:34 UTC
Actually blaming Vincent now.... :)
Comment 7 Vincent Untz 2006-01-11 21:34:19 UTC
*** Bug 325826 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Vincent Untz 2006-01-21 21:03:40 UTC
*** Bug 328004 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Sebastien Bacher 2006-05-26 10:49:21 UTC
Ubuntu bug about that:

"Program menu size is not consistent with and without icons

When clicking Programs, Places or System it sometimes takes some times before the icons are loading.
When this happens the text is displayed first displayed. When the icons is loaded they are displayed at once, and the menu grows bigger.
This is a problem when you have moved your mouse over some text and tries to click at it, then suddenly you open a wrong program.
Also it is irritating for the eye that the menu changes size."
Comment 10 Sergej Kotliar 2006-06-23 23:21:47 UTC
*** Bug 345621 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Steve Baker 2007-01-06 04:11:51 UTC
I think that #321462 is the same as this bug, but occurs when the menu is in a top panel. Can someone with the permissions add #321462 as a depends-on?
Comment 12 Steve Baker 2007-01-06 04:14:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> I think that #321462 is the same as this bug, but occurs when the menu is in a
> top panel. Can someone with the permissions add #321462 as a depends-on?

Ignore this comment, it should have gone into #313813.

Comment 13 Christian Kirbach 2007-01-06 10:39:23 UTC
Actually, with Gnome 2.16, the icon size is constant for me. All I see only on the preferences menu is a slight vertical *text* shift when the icons get inserted. Joachim?
Comment 14 Joachim Noreiko 2007-01-07 11:26:43 UTC
I'm definitely seeing the text shift you describe.
I don't think I can see the icon size change any more. 
Comment 15 Christian Kirbach 2007-01-08 15:28:49 UTC
Thus closing this report since the original problem is gone.
Comment 16 Sebastien Bacher 2007-02-15 21:18:20 UTC
From a comment on the Ubuntu bug that's still happening with GNOME 2.17:

"I guess it depends on what is meant by a "text shift". The text does move around, but it's a lot more than the 1 pixel or so described in the linked bug. It's enough to be a problem: clicks can easily miss the intended target) The problem that I see (sometimes; it's hard to reproduce):

Click Applications menu.
Applications menu shows up, missing icons. spacing of menu items is the same as if icons were there.
After a time of several seconds during which the menu is insensitive to mouseover, the menu items move to the spacing they perhaps should have if there were no icons.
After another time of a few seconds (less than the previous step), the icons reappear and the menu items move again back to where they should be. They don't always all return at once."

reopening the bug
Comment 17 Vincent Untz 2007-02-17 12:54:15 UTC
Fixed in the development version. The fix will be available in the next major release. Thank you for your bug report.