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Bug 320286 - Cut/Copy/Paste UI Problems
Cut/Copy/Paste UI Problems
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Cut Copy Paste Undo
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-10-31 02:39 UTC by SymGeosis
Modified: 2013-03-03 19:18 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description SymGeosis 2005-10-31 02:39:07 UTC
Currently, there are two ways to transer files (that I know of).

1) To cut/copy and paste,one can "Select the files -> Right Click -> Copy" and
then go to the desired destination and "Right Click -> Paste"


2) Select files and drag to destination.

The only "problem" (and I hesitate to call it that) with number one is that this
simply requires more steps than neccesary.

The problem with number two is that this behavior isn't consistent over
partitions and disks. For example, if one drags a file from a location on
Partition A to a location to Partition B it copies the file. Whereas, if one
drags a file from a location on Partition A to another place on Partition A it
cuts and pastes the file. This difference isn't obvious or intuitive to most users.

The solution (to both problems 1 and 2): to have a copy/cut/paste system
similiar to ROX or Konqueror. IE: One selects the files, drags the files to
desired location and a menu pops up asking to Cut or Copy.

In the very least it would be nice to have an option for this. This not only
helps make the process more intuitive, logical and uniform but also decreases
the time, effort and Key/Mouse strokes required to do such a simple and common

Other information:
Comment 1 Sebastien Bacher 2005-11-13 14:45:27 UTC
Thanks for your bug. You can get this option by using the middle click instead
of the left button to do the dnd action, does it solve your issue?
Comment 2 SymGeosis 2005-11-13 17:08:25 UTC
It does, thanks. However, I still feel that it might be preferable to make the
normal drag and drop for cut/copy uniform over multiple partitions and disks as
this can be confusing and troublesome for new users.
Comment 3 Sebastien Bacher 2005-11-13 17:52:14 UTC
I don't think that having a list on every dnd would be efficiant. Cc usability
for getting their opinion on this
Comment 4 SymGeosis 2005-11-13 18:09:24 UTC
While having a list on every dnd *is* one solution, that wasn't what I was
suggesting in my last comment. I apologize if I was unclear.

I feel that it would be more intuitive to have dnd uniform whether it be on a
single partition or from one partition to another. Currently drag-and-dropping
from partition 1 to partition 2 copies the file. Whereas drag-and-dropping from
one place on partition 1 to another place on partition 1 cuts and copies the file.

To the lesser technically inclined user this makes little sense. Infact the user
may not even know that there are other partitions or drives if the user isn't a
system admin (ie corporate workstations).

Even if the default dnd behavior doesn't gain a menu like a had previously
suggested (though it would be nice if this could be set via gconf) I still feel
that the over-all, basic behavior should be the same no matter what the
partition or disk layout is; it shouldn't be a guessing game of whether or not
it is going to simply copy or cut and paste the file(s).

I hope that this clears up the suggestion that I was making and I apologize if I
wasn't clear enough in my previous posts. Thoughts?
Comment 5 Vidar Braut Haarr 2005-11-13 21:32:03 UTC
I thought it was possible to change the "drop action" from the default by
clicking and holding Shift/Ctrl/Alt before dropping (on Win32 now, can't test)?
Comment 6 Calum Benson 2005-11-30 19:44:29 UTC
Yes, that works, and as noted above, you can also middle-drag or Alt-drag if you want a menu to pop 
up when you release the mouse button, to choose what to do.

The whole copy/move between volumes thing has been discussed a few times before...  basically it's 
the way most desktops work, so it's difficult to say whether changing it now would cause more 
problems than it solves (let alone decide what to change it to).   Some random references:
Comment 7 Mike Williamson 2006-04-16 21:26:33 UTC
To me, I would say that the default behaviour should be to move the file - this seems to be most intuitive since, in real life, when you pick something up and move it, you don't expect it to reproduce itself. On the other hand, making a mistake and moving a file is worse than making a mistake and copying a file (when you expected it to do the other).

Perhaps, when moving files, Nautilus could do it without complaint, but then show a list on drag and drops to other partitions, rather than just copying. The list could include move, copy, always move, always copy?
Comment 8 Constantine Nosovsky 2011-04-04 15:26:01 UTC
I know this is an old thread, but I have some thoughts about it.
May be it's not worth to change the default behavior or add context menu each time you dnd, but I think there should be an option in Edit->Preferences->Behavior like a checkbox "Cut files when Drag&Drop"?
Comment 9 nodiscc 2012-08-01 16:48:00 UTC
The mouse cursor appearance now makes it pretty clear whether you are moving (arrow symbol) or copying (+ symbol) a file with dnd. 

>To me, I would say that the default behaviour should be to move the file - this seems to be most intuitive since, in real life, when you pick something up and move it, you don't expect it to reproduce itself.

Moving *is* the default behavior, copying is just an exception when you drag n drop files accross drives/partitions, so that you don't accidentally remove a file from your USB drive when you drop files on a friend's computer.

>basically it's the way most desktops work
Agreed. In addition, as dragging with right mouse button is currently unused, and middle-mouse drag is not so intuitive (many users i know do not even use the middle-mouse click), maybe we could have the popup menu also open when we drag files with the right mouse?

I'd file another bug for this, but can we close this one?

Comment 10 asterix 2013-03-03 11:18:45 UTC
Maybe the solution would be better visual feedback, as the cursor symbol is a bit subtle. Maybe use of notifications when moving to a different drive/partition, with a "remove original" option?
Comment 11 nodiscc 2013-03-03 19:03:26 UTC
For reference, during drag n drop operations, windows 7 shows a tooltip next to the mouse cursor detailing the action that will take place when the user releases the mouse button (copy,move,create shortcut).

I personally find this useful and this would make a good enhancement suggestion, would solve the valid "cursor is a bit subtle" concern.

So, we should file bugs for:
 * [drag n drop] show a tooltip next to the cursor, indicating action (copy/move/link)
 * [drag n drop] Enable middle-mouse-button behavior for right-mouse-button

and close this one. Please feel free to file these requests.
Comment 12 nodiscc 2013-03-03 19:11:47 UTC
First enhancement request filed at  [drag n drop] show a tooltip next to the cursor, indicating action (copy/move/link)
Comment 13 nodiscc 2013-03-03 19:18:57 UTC
Second request filed at [drag n drop] Enable middle-mouse-button behavior for right-mouse-button

Closing this one for clarity, feel free to open other bug reports for distinct feature requests.
