GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 319386
Changing the reporting period by buttons/hyperlinks in the report
Last modified: 2018-06-29 20:54:00 UTC
It might be nice to have buttons for easy navigation of reports (changing the period options of the report), like 'previous month', 'next month', 'this month', 'this year', etc Other information:
Err... this is a slightly more difficult request. The reports a HTML. We've added pseudo-URLs that will open account registers, which can then easily be used by inserting <a href=...> into the report HTML. To add your enhancement request, we would need to add yet more pseudo-URLs which will call a different report, i.e. one with different report settings. A similar thing exists with the callbacks in the graphical reports. Nevertheless this is not quite trivial.
I hadn't seen the code before posting this request, indeed this looks tricky. At first I imagined actually adding buttons to the toolbar or adding a toolbar, but indeed extending the hyperlinking infrastructure would probably be a more proper way to do it. Anyway this is just a feature request, nothing more, i guess the current focus should be getting g2 out of the door. But it would be a damn nice feature imho ;)
Personally I think an easy access to Customize is enough.
What do you mean by "easy access"? IMHO clicking the toolbar icon "Edit Report Options" or using the context menu (not overly crowded too), provide such such access. When you just want to quickly show successive data, you need not close the options dialog but rather only apply the changes.
:) Stand corrected Andreas. Yes, currently GnuCash has "easy access" to the report options :) It would be nice to have these extra buttons... But, which buttons? Next Month ? Next Account ? I think it is good as it is.
This bug is a strong argument for using something like e-guile. With e-guile, the report writer could add a link that connects to a new call to the renderer with the options tweaked for next or previous period. There's a lot of handwaving there, but I think the idea is sound. Note that I'm not fully advocating e-guile, just pointing out that this is one possible benefit of it.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your enhancement request. The described enhancement is a good proposal and would be an advantage for the software. However, as a volunteer-driven project with limited resources, the GnuCash developers have to set priorities on which features are most likely being worked on in the near future. In that sense, the current GnuCash developers decided not to work on your proposed feature in the next 4-6 months. In case you would like to have this feature implemented in any case, you have the following option: 1. Start to program in gnucash yourself - see . 2. Convince someone who is not yet part of the GnuCash team to join the team and implement your feature. 3. Pay some of the GnuCash developers to implement your feature - ask on the mailing list in that case. Thank you very much. Feel free to file other bugs or enhancement requests that you find, though.
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