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Bug 318754 - Sources should be ordered better
Sources should be ordered better
Product: rhythmbox
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: RhythmBox Maintainers
RhythmBox Maintainers
: 323869 331115 335769 339740 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 336492
Reported: 2005-10-13 10:33 UTC by Tom Kirby
Modified: 2006-06-04 10:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch (20.63 KB, patch)
2006-05-31 12:23 UTC, Jonathan Matthew
none Details | Review
also sort daap shares (22.30 KB, patch)
2006-06-04 03:24 UTC, Jonathan Matthew
committed Details | Review

Description Tom Kirby 2005-10-13 10:33:09 UTC
Please describe the problem:
When you start Rhythmbox, my DAAP sources are placed above my playlists. As new
DAAP sources appear, they are placed below my playlists. The effect of this is
rather a confusing, mixed list of DAAP sources and playlists.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start Rhythmbox on a network where it can see some DAAP sources, and add a
playlist or two locally
2. Wait for some more DAAP sources to come online

Actual results:
The new DAAP sources end up below the playlists, but the old ones remain above them.

Expected results:
All the new DAAP sources should appear in the same place as the old ones.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
I checked RB out of CVS on October 12th, and built it with DAAP support on my
Gentoo system. P.S. it's great to have such a good music player on Linux.
Rhythmbox has improved hugely in the last few months.
Comment 1 James "Doc" Livingston 2005-10-14 03:08:13 UTC
We should definitely have a better way of sorting sources. I'm retitle the bug
to make it clear that this isn't just a daap problem.

Currently what happens is that sources get put in the order that they appear in
the order that Rhythmbox disovers them, with the exception that playlists are
user-orderable. As I see it there are four types of sources

1) permanent sources - i.e. the library and internet radio. Also podcasts if
that patch is applied.
2) playlists
3) transient sources - e.g. daap shares
4) removable media - iPods, audio cds (with that patch applied), etc.

I've got (3) and (4) being distinct, because (4) normally only appear and
disappear via user actions such as pluggin in an ipod or ejecting a cd - whereas
(3) are out of the user's control.

I think the best ordering would be
1) permanent sources, in the order Library, Radio, Podcasts
2) playlists, in the user-definable order
3) transient sources, in alphabetical or time-based order
4) removable media, in alphabetical or time-based order

although 3 and 4 might be better the other way around. Child sources, such as
ipod or daap playlists, should be in alphabetical order unless there is some
defined specific defined.
Comment 2 Tom Kirby 2005-10-14 10:08:34 UTC
I thought it might be a better idea to group the sources under expandable
headers the way iTunes does. This would be especially relavent for those on a
large internal network (like myself), where large numbers of DAAP sources are
available that might otherwise clutter up the sidebar.
Comment 3 James "Doc" Livingston 2005-12-13 00:28:36 UTC
*** Bug 323869 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Alex Lancaster 2006-02-14 11:59:18 UTC
*** Bug 331115 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 James "Doc" Livingston 2006-03-24 02:30:56 UTC
*** Bug 335769 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Alex Lancaster 2006-04-04 03:20:03 UTC
*** Bug 337121 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Alex Lancaster 2006-04-04 03:20:34 UTC
From bug #337121:

>There should be a seperator between the DAAP/itunes shares and playlists,
>podcasts, etc.
Comment 8 Jonathan Matthew 2006-04-25 20:59:54 UTC
*** Bug 339740 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Jonathan Matthew 2006-05-31 12:23:42 UTC
Created attachment 66522 [details] [review]

- adds a property on RBSource, specifying a source list grouping (fixed, persistant, removable, or transient)
- adds marker rows to the source list model, used to insert new sources within the group; these are also shown as separator rows when appropriate
- limits reordering of sources to within groups (except for fixed sources, which cannot be reordered)
Comment 10 Jonathan Matthew 2006-06-04 03:24:36 UTC
Created attachment 66720 [details] [review]
also sort daap shares

Now sorts transient sources (daap shares) by name, and prevents reordering.
Comment 11 James "Doc" Livingston 2006-06-04 07:02:48 UTC
Looks good, and works from my quick testing.
Comment 12 Jonathan Matthew 2006-06-04 10:20:28 UTC
I've committed an updated version of this that gets the separator visibility right when sources are removed.