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Bug 316498 - Unsafe protocols lockdown setting breaks the internet
Unsafe protocols lockdown setting breaks the internet
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: General
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: 1.8
Assigned To: Epiphany Maintainers
Marco Pesenti Gritti
: 330470 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-09-16 17:26 UTC by Vincent Untz
Modified: 2006-02-11 19:37 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Vincent Untz 2005-09-16 17:26:29 UTC
When you disable unsafe protocols with the lockdown key, epiphany becomes a
useless web browser: scrollbar and forms don't work. And it seems css is also

<chpe> vuntz: ah! chrome:// must be added to our builtin safe list
<chpe> vuntz: it's a problem because if we allow chrome:// the user could also
input the chrome:// url of the cert manager etc... :|
Comment 1 Christian Persch 2005-11-18 19:24:45 UTC
I added chrome: and resource: to the safe list, there's no way around that :(
Comment 2 Crispin Flowerday (not receiving bugmail) 2006-02-11 19:37:36 UTC
*** Bug 330470 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***