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Bug 314137 - 'open folder' icon never reverts to closed after window is closed
'open folder' icon never reverts to closed after window is closed
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: Desktop
Other Linux
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-08-22 05:18 UTC by Luis Villa
Modified: 2013-03-25 12:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.11/2.12

Description Luis Villa 2005-08-22 05:18:36 UTC
With the latest HEAD builds, if I click on a folder on my desktop, I get the
'folder is open' icon and the folder opens. Good so far. I then close the
folder, but the icon stays 'open'. The only way to get the folder to revert to
'closed' is to restart nautilus. Tentatively marking a showstopper, just because
it is so visible.
Comment 1 Christian Neumair 2005-08-24 22:23:01 UTC
I'd really like to know what Lil' Luis did to his box to get this bug.
Maybe you could printf-debug
by adding a

g_warning ("got pixbuf icon request: %s", icon_name);

statement right before the nautilus_icon_factory_get_pixbuf_for_icon statement,
telling us the output when opening/closing an (empty) folder that is on the desktop.
Comment 2 Christian Neumair 2005-08-24 22:32:07 UTC
Oh, and if you don't know how to pipe Nautilus stdout into a terminal, consult
[1]. In short: Open a terminal, gnome-session-remove nautilus, and enter
NAUTILUS_DEBUG=1 nautilus.

Comment 3 Christian Neumair 2005-09-06 14:26:58 UTC
Comment 4 Luis Villa 2005-09-06 14:29:24 UTC
Sorry, was traveling. I'll try to duplicate now.
Comment 5 Christian Neumair 2005-09-12 12:57:26 UTC
14:53:33 <luis> Manny: at any rate, I can't duplicate the bug anymore with
distro 2.12 (I had been seeing it with jhbuilt 2.11.9x)
14:53:41 <luis> Manny: so I guess it should just be closed
14:53:50 <luis> sorry I couldn't get more useful information :/
Comment 6 Brent Smith (smitten) 2005-09-18 19:00:59 UTC
Normally this works fine for me, but for some reason it stopped working for me 
today.  I'm adding the debug statement and recompiling to see if I can reproduce 
the issue.


I applied the following patch, and followed the instructions regarding 
removing nautilus from the session and then starting it in a terminal with
the debug env variable set.  I do not get any warnings upon opening and
closing the folder.

Index: nautilus/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-container.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/nautilus/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-container.c,v
retrieving revision 1.396
diff -u -r1.396 nautilus-icon-container.c
--- nautilus/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-container.c      1 Sep 2005
09:29:57 -0000       1.396
+++ nautilus/libnautilus-private/nautilus-icon-container.c      18 Sep 2005
18:59:02 -0000
@@ -5050,6 +5050,8 @@
        if (icon == details->drop_target) {
                modifier = "accept";
+       g_warning ("got pixbuf icon request: %s", icon_name);

        pixbuf = nautilus_icon_factory_get_pixbuf_for_icon
Comment 7 Christian Neumair 2005-09-19 10:00:55 UTC
Thanks for your efforts Brent!

I would like you to take a closer look at nautilus_icon_container_update_icon,
by similar means. Does it get called when hovering? Also, it would be
interesting whether nautilus-icon-dnd.c:set_drop_target is called and what
codepath exactly is taken. You can find out this with code like:

g_message ("old icon: %p, new icon: %p", container->details->drop_target, icon);

that way, we can see whether the drop target is unset correctly when
set_drop_target is called. When hovering the icon, it should return two
identical addresses, when leaving the drop target, it should instead return an
address > 0 for old_icon and 0 for icon.
Comment 8 Christian Neumair 2005-09-19 10:02:04 UTC
Sorry, please ignore comment 7. This is not a DND issue.
Comment 9 Christian Neumair 2005-09-19 10:09:53 UTC
Brent: I'd like you to debug nautilus_file_set_has_open_window in a similar way,
i.e. by adding

g_message ("setting has open window: %s - bef. %d, after %d",
           file->details->uri, file->details->has_open_window, has_open_window);
Comment 10 Brent Smith (smitten) 2005-09-19 15:06:23 UTC
Did you mean file->details->activation_uri or file->details->relative_uri?
Comment 11 Christian Neumair 2005-09-19 15:37:17 UTC
using relative URI should be enough. It's just important to identify whether the
file belonging to the open window is affected.
Comment 12 Christian Neumair 2005-09-19 18:59:45 UTC
Brent and me had quiet an extensive debugging session. All we found out is that
the destroy method is called for the spatial window and
spatial_window_destroyed_callback, but the finalize function is not called. We
were unable to find out where a potential additional ref came from, even with
the g_trap_object_ref magic :/.
Comment 13 António Fernandes 2013-03-25 12:12:02 UTC
There is no spacial mode anymore. I assume this is obsolete.