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Bug 309510 - factor out eel_filename_strip_extensions
factor out eel_filename_strip_extensions
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: 2.24.x
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-05 10:22 UTC by Paolo Borelli
Modified: 2008-09-01 10:25 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

eel patch (1.62 KB, patch)
2005-07-05 10:23 UTC, Paolo Borelli
none Details | Review
nautilus patch (8.49 KB, patch)
2005-07-05 10:24 UTC, Paolo Borelli
none Details | Review
update nautilus patch (6.58 KB, patch)
2008-06-02 12:43 UTC, Jared Moore
committed Details | Review
new eel patch, using original stripping algorithm (1.20 KB, patch)
2008-06-02 12:45 UTC, Jared Moore
none Details | Review

Description Paolo Borelli 2005-07-05 10:22:35 UTC
There are many places in nautilus where there is custom code to strip the
extension from a filename and most of them get it wrong (ignore the .tar.gz case
and leak the extension itself by setting the extension start to \0 in the
original string).

The attached patches factor out a eel_filename_strip_extensions in
eel-vfs-extensions (not sure if there is a better file) and use it in nautilus
instead of the custom code. There may be some other places in nautilus that I
may have missed...
Comment 1 Paolo Borelli 2005-07-05 10:23:17 UTC
Created attachment 48664 [details] [review]
eel patch
Comment 2 Paolo Borelli 2005-07-05 10:24:05 UTC
Created attachment 48665 [details] [review]
nautilus patch
Comment 3 Christian Neumair 2005-07-05 12:35:34 UTC
I think a simple strchr should be enough. isn't really common.
If I remember correctly, we already came to the conclusion that the first dot
almost always separates the basename from the extension. I think moving
strip_extension to eel should be enough.
Comment 4 Paolo Borelli 2005-07-05 14:23:55 UTC
actually I don't agree with just looking for the first ".", sure
"" may not be that common, but I don't see what's wrong in
using a more accurate euristic espacially when the code is fairly simple.
Comment 5 Christian Neumair 2005-07-28 00:05:52 UTC
Paolo: I just don't see why we should use this algorithm when we almost never
encounter such patterns. Also, it produces bad results for filenames like
foo.xbel.gz by randomly assuming that each non-dotted sequence of the extension
is max. 3 chars long.
Comment 6 Paolo Borelli 2005-07-28 07:13:59 UTC
every euristic to detect the extension will fail in some cases, what I really
don't like of using the first "." is that it gives false positives: if a user
sees just the .gz of foo.xbel.gz highlighted he may understand while eaying half
of his filename is worse. There are some programs and devices which output files
containing dots, counting on the fact that on windows the simple euristic is to
search the *last* ".".
Also, just looking for the first "." fails on dot files (~/.foo).

Now, I'm not claiming that my simple function is the best thing since sliced
bread, the whole point of my patch is to abstract the "find the extension"
concept in a utility function instead of hardcoding it everywhere, so that if
needed we can change the function in just on place and so that the behavior is
always the same instead of looking for the first "." in some places and for the
last "." in other.

Note also that eel-vfs-extensions already contains (just above my function)
which is even more complicated, special casing tar.gz etc.
Comment 7 Christian Neumair 2005-07-28 08:18:24 UTC
> There are some programs and devices which output files
containing dots, counting on the fact that on windows the simple euristic is to
search the *last* ".".

Maybe you could get concrete here? Windows doesn't usually have nested archives
(everything is .zip, .doc, etc.). We haven't received any bug report either
about the current renaming behavior.
Comment 8 Paolo Borelli 2005-07-28 08:35:00 UTC
I seem to recall that some cams name pics with filenames including dots and I'm
pretty sure there are other examples, but no, I' can't get more specific or I
would have done it in the first place.

I really don't see why you have all this resistance to factor the code out in a
utility function, it's a clear win. Even if the function would simply do strchr,
it would be a win from the code cleanliness, readability and maintainability
point of view instead of having strchr everywhere. Especially since as said
above plain strchr gets wrong ~/.foo and may give false positives for some
filenames which is bad no matter how rare they are.

To me it sounds obvious. Whatever. I'm not going to argue this anymore.
Comment 9 Christian Neumair 2005-07-28 10:04:53 UTC
Yes, you are totally right that factoring out this function is a good idea. I
was just critisizing the proposed algorithm. 
Comment 10 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-02-26 09:54:06 UTC
This is still valid for SVN trunk.
Paolo, could you please update your patches if necessary and send them for review to Thanks!
Comment 11 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-03-07 14:39:00 UTC
I did not really want to set a GNOME target on this.
Comment 12 Jared Moore 2008-06-02 12:43:45 UTC
Created attachment 111950 [details] [review]
update nautilus patch

Updated patch applies cleanly to head. No changes from comment 2.
Comment 13 Jared Moore 2008-06-02 12:45:10 UTC
Created attachment 111951 [details] [review]
new eel patch, using original stripping algorithm

Stripping algorithm is directly factored out from nautilus with no changes.
Comment 14 Cosimo Cecchi 2008-08-26 11:14:26 UTC
The patches look fine to me. Christian?
Comment 15 Christian Neumair 2008-08-31 21:17:31 UTC
Yeah, they are fine. Please commit them to trunk Jared. It may also be a good idea to detect nested file types (i.e. .tar.gz) like eel_filename_get_rename_region().
Comment 16 Jared Moore 2008-09-01 01:56:15 UTC
Thanks for the review. I don't currently have a working copy of nautilus and eel SVN, so it would probably be better if somebody else committed these.

In regards to detecting nested file types, it looks like eel_filename_strip_extension could instead be implemented like so:

char *
eel_filename_strip_extension (const char* string_to_strip)
	char *result_str;
	int start, end;

	if (string_to_strip == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	result_str = g_strdup(string_to_strip);
	eel_filename_get_rename_region(result_str, &start, &end);
	result_str[end] = '\0';

	return result_str;

I don't have the time to test & commit any of this at the moment. If you'd like me to do that myself, I'll try to find time for it sometime later this week.
Comment 17 Christian Neumair 2008-09-01 10:09:39 UTC
> In regards to detecting nested file types, it looks like
eel_filename_strip_extension could instead be implemented (on top of eel_filename_get_rename_region).

I don't really mind, if you want to reuse code maybe eel_filename_get_rename_region() should be written on top of eel_filename_strip_extension() rather than vice versa. I'll cook a patch and commit it.
Comment 18 Christian Neumair 2008-09-01 10:25:39 UTC
Thanks for your efforts, I committed the Nautilus patch to trunk and rewrote the eel patch:
