GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 306537
Wrong 24x24 icon for System Monitor
Last modified: 2006-07-05 15:30:43 UTC
Distribution/Version: Ubuntu Breezy In current CVS, the 24 pixel gnome-monitor icon is using the icon from the resolution switcher.
Just noticed that this is due to the gperfection merge, so I changed the subject so that this this bug can be used for tracking wrong icons. another wrong one is 24x24/apps/postscript-viewer.png (this is the pdf, not the ps icon)
postscript-viewer.png is fixed now, but the System Monitor icon is still wrong. 24x24/apps/gnome-monitor.png This looks a lot like but that doesn't make sense here, and the arrows imply that gnome-system-monitor has something to do with scaling/res switching, which it does not. The oscilloscope shown in 48x48/apps/gnome-monitor.png is much more fitting. Either draw a new 24x24 version of this of just remove the current icon as the 48x48 icon scales very well.
Created attachment 51415 [details] compare the two icons
There is an ubuntu bug about that:
is anybody working on that?
Now that g-i-t is switching over to tango styled icons, the gnome-monitor icon in question has been replaced by a tango version... but STILL this is wrong, this is NOT the right icon for gnome-system-monitor but gnome-display-properties!
I just nioticed that this mixup has gone even further... now I will discribe again: First, we have "System Monitor" (gnome-system-monitor) with the icon "gnome-monitor" which is available in 16x16 (new), 22x22 and 48x48. Note that the 48x48 pixel version looks much different from the other two (this was the original mixup). Here's a reference to compare: and also the tango version: Then we have "Screen Resolution" (gnome-display-properties) with the icon "display-capplet.png" which is available in 24x24 only. You can see that here: There is a Tangerine version which uses the same metaphor as what I would call the fitting Tango icon: and this metaphor seems to be used by the 16 an 22 pixel gnome-monitor icons in g-i-t! In the and we need 16, 22/24 and scalable versions of both gnome-monitor and display-capplet.png. I would suggest to use the 16 and 22 pixel versions of the current gnome-monitor icons for display-cappletm drop the drop the 24x24 icon entirely and drop 48 pixel version and design a new scalable version fitting the "screen with stretching arrows in it" metaphor also used by tango and tangerine. Now only gnome-system-monitor would need a set of new icons...
48x48 will likely go _completely_. App icons will be reduced in count, only the generic apps such as this system montior or terminal will remain. Other app icons will be shipped with applications themselves. I don't think I follow you on the resapplet vs system monitor. Are you saying they are too similar?
Jakub, the 22/24 px gnome-monitor icon is just wrong. Also, I don't think any of the versions of gnome-monitor should be based off of the video-display icon. I like the medical monitor metaphor that we have in Tango. We should probably transfer that to the "gnome-monitor" icon in git. It also needs to be renamed to utilities-system-monitor instead of gnome-monitor.
Created attachment 68403 [details] display-capplet / gnome-monitor / resapplet This shows a bit better what I was saying: first look at gnome-monitor (gnome). Before 2.14.x, there was only the 48x48 icon using the metaphor dobey is talking about. on the right to that, you see the tango version, which is ok. the confusion begins when the 22 pixel verison of the gnome-monitor icon (based on the old resapplet icon?) was added in g-i-t 2.12 or 2.14. Now, as you see, we have newstyle versions of this for 16 and 22 pixel but the original 48 pixel version is still in place and does not fit with the rest at all (it never did with the 22 pixel version introduced back then and that was why I filed this bug originally: scaling the 48x48 icon down as it was in previous releases was nicer than the new icon imho) To make things worse, there's also the display-capplet (screen resolution switcher, so this is basicly a non-applet version of the resapplet): there is only a 24x24 version if the icon in g-i-t, and no icon at all in tango. Though there is a matching icon in Tangerine, based off the current resapplet design. The pic also shows an older version of the tango resapplet icon which jakup had on his page at some point and a matching set of icons for g-i-t using the same metaphor taken from the new gimp theme. Dunno how this will be sorted out but I propose the following: - Use the current resapplet icons also for display capplet. This should be ok, if you look at today's applet icons, there are quite a few where an applet and an application share an icon (see system monitor). Put the current resapplet icon into tango-icon-theme as "resolution-switcher.png" or something and link to display-capplet.png and resapplet.png. Also design a fitting icon for g-i-t (monitor with those stretch arrows). - Completly forget about what is in g-i-t for gnome-system monitor currently and do something new in the look of the gnome-monitor icon in Tango (perhaps keep the green from the old 48x48 icon) So much to say for a few icons =)
OK, I've went ahead and redrawn a utilities-system-monitor with the correct metaphor. The icons might suck worse than what Jakub would draw, but they're there now, and he can fix them if need be, without being confused by the "monitor" metaphor. :)