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Bug 29087 - Rework GtkFileSelection widget
Rework GtkFileSelection widget
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkFileChooser
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
: 17114 59747 82233 82791 92769 93818 98643 104269 105470 109926 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 64972
Reported: 2000-10-24 19:53 UTC by danfr527
Modified: 2011-02-04 16:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Various binary-compatable enhancements (71.11 KB, patch)
2001-02-23 10:51 UTC, Danny Colascione
none Details | Review
Patch made by Hongli Lai. Improves the existing fileselector, ABI compatible. (78.13 KB, patch)
2003-08-29 17:22 UTC, Raphael Bosshard
none Details | Review

Description danfr527 2001-01-27 19:48:45 UTC
Package:  gtk
Severity: wishlist
Synopsis: Homebutton
Class:    change-request

Distribution: Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)
System: Linux 2.2.16-22 i686 unknown
C library: glibc-2.1.94-3
C compiler: 2.96
glib: 1.2.8
GTK+: 1.2.8
ORBit: ORBit 0.5.3
gnome-libs: gnome-libs 1.2.4
libxml: 1.8.10
gnome-print: gnome-print-0.20-8_helix_1
gnome-core: gnome-core

It would ber nice to have a homebutton in the default opendialog.
Like the create dir.



------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-01-27 14:48 -------
This bug was previously known as bug 29087 at
Originally filed under the gtk+ product and general component.

The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here.
Reassigning to the exporter,
Reassigning to the default owner of the component,

Comment 1 Havoc Pennington 2001-01-28 05:24:08 UTC
Let's put all these file selection requests-for-enhancement that would
be significant changes to the current widget under one bug.
Comment 2 Havoc Pennington 2001-01-29 19:40:22 UTC
Put all GTK 1.3.x bugs on 2.0.0 milestone
Comment 3 Havoc Pennington 2001-01-29 19:49:41 UTC
Setting API-affecting bugs to the API freeze milestone
Comment 4 Havoc Pennington 2001-02-12 19:42:51 UTC
*** Bug 17114 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Havoc Pennington 2001-02-16 23:21:47 UTC
Not happening for 2.0
Comment 6 Danny Colascione 2001-02-23 10:51:44 UTC
Created attachment 326 [details] [review]
Various binary-compatable enhancements
Comment 7 Danny Colascione 2001-02-23 10:59:16 UTC
The above patch does a few things to make GtkFileSelection better:

* Removed the redundant label above entry
* Multiple, sortable columns in the CList
* _Configurable_ columns
* With #ifdef'ed gnome support, gnome-config support and 
  support for a column with mime types and scaled-down icon images
* A 'go to home directory' button
* Tooltips

It is also binary compatable with the old one, so there would be no
problems using it for existing programs. If build as an .so, it can be
LD_PRELOADed in fine.
Comment 8 Owen Taylor 2002-05-20 15:14:34 UTC
*** Bug 82233 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Havoc Pennington 2002-06-02 21:27:43 UTC
See thread starting at
Comment 10 Owen Taylor 2002-06-12 20:15:31 UTC
*** Bug 82791 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Owen Taylor 2002-06-12 20:16:38 UTC
Bug 82791 asks for the capability to make a "select multiple
directories" dialog; I don't think this is suitable as a
short-term addition to the current dialog, but "directory
selection" is something that should be considerd for the 
new widget.
Comment 12 Owen Taylor 2002-09-26 18:46:30 UTC
*** Bug 93818 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 Owen Taylor 2002-10-24 21:28:34 UTC
*** Bug 92769 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Owen Taylor 2002-11-17 15:33:25 UTC
*** Bug 98643 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 Matthias Clasen 2003-01-02 23:36:17 UTC
Move bugs which are tracking planned 2.4 features to the proper target
Comment 16 Sven Neumann 2003-01-23 23:04:41 UTC
*** Bug 104269 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Dennis Daniels 2003-01-23 23:28:58 UTC
can we add sorting files in the directory date/filename/type to the
wish list here?
Comment 18 Mantas Kriaučiūnas 2003-02-01 01:18:14 UTC
I don't understand why filedialog from
still not in gtk/gnome ?
Comment 19 Havoc Pennington 2003-02-01 01:24:26 UTC
That dialog is a mockup, no one has implemented it yet.
Comment 20 Hidetoshi Tajima 2003-02-04 00:46:12 UTC
I'd propose to add charset-encoding selection feature in both open and
save if not been proposed yet.
Comment 21 Philip Ganchev 2003-02-05 15:14:21 UTC
In case the mockup is a model for implementation:

Please rename "Open file" in the Save File dialog, to "Save file".

Please put the "File type" combo list before the "Emblem" one. 
Filetype is selected more often than emblems are assigned.  

Please rename the "Add folder" button to "New folder..." or "Create
folder..." -- those seem more clear.  The ellipsus hints that more
actions will follow after the button is clicked.

Consider replacing the "Emblem" list with a list of views: detail (as
in the current mockup), or simple icons.  A simple view is preferable
when detail is not needed.

For most file dialogs, folder selection controls are above the
filename textfield.  The only exception I know is MacOS X.  It seems
better to follow conventions, unless there are considerations to the
contraty.  But I think most users choose where to put or get their
file before they think about its name.  (Also, I think they only use
the filetype filter to check what other files of the type to be saved
are already in the current directory.)

To reduce clutter, consider making the description of each combo list
be the first list item.  For example, the first item of the Emblem
list could be "Choose Emblem..."; there would be no "Emblem:" text
label, and it would be understood that selecting "Choose Emblem..."
means that no emblem is chosen.  As far as I can see, this would not
violate the HIG.  

Perhaps it would help to have filetype icons in the filetype combo list.
Comment 22 Matthias Clasen 2003-02-07 22:08:35 UTC
*** Bug 105470 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23 Christian Neumair 2003-03-08 14:19:41 UTC
Owen Taylor <> has published a detailed description
of the requirements and a preview on a possible future API:

Comment 24 Sven Neumann 2003-04-04 06:08:27 UTC
*** Bug 109926 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 25 Lars Clausen 2003-04-28 21:11:09 UTC
Adding an entry for hiding "." and ".." entries and instead have "refresh" and "up" buttons.  Refresh might also be done automatically on non-NFS filesystems by stat'ing the dir.

Also should allow hiding dot-files -- most of the time the user wants a non-dot file and would have to scroll through them, esp. in the home dir.
Comment 26 Luke Hutchison 2003-05-29 20:18:05 UTC
Just a question (not a troll):

Is anyone seriously looking at adding XDS to the Save dialog?  (linked to from

This pages says "Coming soon" under GTK+ -- but has the API been
designed with XDS in mind?

It is a very useful functionality to have in a save dialog, since you
can now use your save dialogs with the file manager windows that you
already have open, without having to re-navigate to the directories
that you can already see on your screen in some file manager window.

It is also a useful feature to have working between applications --
drag-save to another application works like cut-n-paste.

Comment 27 Egle K. 2003-06-01 13:08:43 UTC
Any news about new fileselector ? In GTK 2.4 release plan
( I see this:
"1 June 2003  	All major features are in"

News fileselector is a major feature. Does anybody work on this ?
Is this now in CVS of GTK+ ?
Comment 28 Michael R Head 2003-07-14 16:17:40 UTC
I just did an apt-get upgrade in debian/sid and have a new file
selector which is just great! I don't know where it came from, but
it's very nice.

Comment 29 Owen Taylor 2003-07-14 20:25:13 UTC
Maybe Debian integrated the Ximian filesel hacks. I don't

No modified file selector is or will be supported by the
GTK+ team; the GTK+-2.4 file selector doesn't attempt
to fix the current file selector, it is a completely
new API.
Comment 30 Michael R Head 2003-07-14 21:16:19 UTC
After a little research, that's precisely what happened -- the debian
maintainer applies the ximian patch (and I love it!)
Comment 31 Michael R Head 2003-07-15 14:36:47 UTC
Re: the comment from Owen Taylor,

Where is the new widget? Are there at mockups/screenshots available?
Comment 32 Owen Taylor 2003-07-15 14:47:48 UTC
There aren't screenshots that reflect the final user interface
available. Most of the work so far has been on API and
Comment 33 Raphael Bosshard 2003-08-29 17:18:46 UTC
Hongli Lai has written a patch for gtk+ 2.2.2 which improves the
existing fileselector's interface and usability. Sofar it works
without problem, even Gimp (and the preview-thing it does) work.

This may be no final solution but does quite a good work.

I still hope the new API gets in place for 2.4.
Comment 34 Raphael Bosshard 2003-08-29 17:22:49 UTC
Created attachment 19605 [details] [review]
Patch made by Hongli Lai. Improves the existing fileselector, ABI compatible.
Comment 35 Owen Taylor 2003-08-29 18:18:44 UTC
We won't be applying any patches to change the current file
selector user interface. For one thing, GTK+-2.2.x is
maintainence only.
Comment 36 Mantas Kriaučiūnas 2003-08-30 19:22:24 UTC
Owen Taylor, do you think new fileselector API will be included in
GTK+ 2.4 ? It seems, that GTK 2.4 feature freeze is planned October,
only one month left...
If new API isn't ready for 2.4, then maybe Hongli Lai's patch is the
best solution?
Comment 37 Owen Taylor 2003-09-02 04:24:26 UTC
The new file selector is the one mandatory feature that we
will have in 2.4. 2.4 won't happen until we have the new
Comment 38 Yoav 2003-09-03 09:53:40 UTC 

what about this?!
this is ready arent it?
Comment 39 Mantas Kriaučiūnas 2003-10-03 00:11:56 UTC
GTK developers should really take code from

brief description of improvemens:

Enhanced file selector

    * The file selector now has Back, Up, Reload, Home, Bookmarks,
Terminal and File Manager buttons. All toolbar buttons have tooltips.
    * The file operation buttons are turned into toolbar buttons with
nice icons.
    * Removed the . and .. from the file list; they are now replaced
by the Reload and Up buttons.
    * UI cleanups: I changed the spacing in order to make the dialog
look nicer and more HIG-compliant.
    * The file list now has a Date and Size field.
    * Removed the "Selection: /foo" label since it's kind of
redundant. This also gives more space to the file list.
    * The pulldown menu has been changed to a combo box. This can also
be accessed using Ctrl+L.
    * It will remember the last directory you visited, even when the
GtkFileSelector widget is destroyed.
    * If the app is linked to gnome-vfs, the file selector will
display each file's file type name. If the app is linked to libgnomeui
too, the file selector will also display the file icons. This feature
does not add any dependancies to gnome-vfs or libgnomeui! Pure GTK+
will work like before, but GNOME apps will "magically" gain the
ability to display file types and icons.

also look at -
there are lot of good comments from users about this file selector.

Yoav, thanks for pointing to very usefull software.
Comment 40 Egle K. 2003-11-05 02:25:12 UTC
I've read in news, that in gtk+ 2.3.0 is new fileselector. Maybe
someone know where people can see screenshots of new fileselector ?
Comment 41 Federico Mena Quintero 2004-01-06 20:54:20 UTC
*** Bug 59747 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 42 bens1 2004-01-10 15:55:50 UTC
There where lot's of ideas in OsNews recently..
Why dont you use this:

This is excellent!
Comment 43 Sean Middleditch 2004-01-30 04:02:18 UTC
Here are some (hopefully more realistic ~,^ ) suggestions for the UI:

1) The Add/Remove buttons are not obviously related to the bookmarks.
 Especially not as they're right nex to the Up button.  I'd suggest
putting the add/remove buttons under the bookmarks, to make it a more
clear relation.

2) I get a popup telling me the add/remove buttons don't work with the
current backend - if they don't work with the backend, then either
remove them or (since that means the UI might change around) just make
them insensitive.  Popups are evil.  The buttons by being sensitive
'advertise' that they work.

3) Let us resize, add, or remove columns from the file list.  The
Modified column tends to be a heck of a lot wider than the file name
column, and the file names feel cramped.  Personally, i can't even
think of the last time I used Modified for sorting (of course that is
only one user, me).  Being able to remove/hide columsn (a la
Evolution's mail list) would be useful.  Resizing the columns is a *must*.

4) Should the Modified dates for directories be bold as well as the
file name?  Personally, I think it makes the dates over-power the file
name, sort of pscyhologically hiding them.  Just the file names should
be boldened.

5) Icons would be nice; assuming these are temporarily broken based on
certain mails/blog messages.  ~,^

6) The spacing around the buttons/label at the top of the dialog is
whacked.  It looks chincy.  Add/Remove (again) probabyl shouldn't even
be up there.

7) Context menues to add items to the bookmarks and to remove them
would be great, and increase consistency across the desktop (as
everything should have context menus).

8) The dialog size is waaay too small.  Impossible to use small.  Only
one folder/directory fits in the list by default.  And since the
dialog doesn't remember its size (per-app issue?) it's a bit of a pain
to use.

9) The separator between system bookmarks and custom user bookmarks
shouldn't be present if there are no user bookmarks - unnecessary
clutter.  Also, the separator has a margin from the left side of the
bookmarks container but not the right, the incongruity looks weird.

10) I think there are other spacing issues which need solving.  The
dialog as a whole just has odd spacing.  Very likely not HIG compliant.

11) *very evil* - when saving a file, the file name entry has (of
course) the file name.  when clicking on a folder, the folder name
over-writes the file name.  BAD!!

Of all the above, 11 is probably the worst - the rest are mostly
cosmetic (which can cause usability problems, of course) but 12
actually makes the dialog very, very difficult to use for saving
files, and is a serious regression from the (rather recently fixed,
iirc) previous file dialog.
Comment 44 Federico Mena Quintero 2004-02-04 23:07:14 UTC
Now that GtkFileChooser is in place, I'm going to close this bug.  I'm
sure many people will have questions, so please read the following as
it is likely to answer them:

To answer to the last comment's points:

1) It was this way initially, but it looked ugly.  I'm still not
completely happy with the way it looks right now.

2) This works now; it was bug #129872

3) Resizing is trivial to add; just add a call to
gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable().  A size column is trivial to
add, as the code already exists but is #if-ed out.  I'm not sure we
want configurable columns; in any case, it should follow the Natilus
setting.  This would require infrastructure work.

4) See gtkfilechooserdefault.c:list_mtime_data_func() if you wish to
change this.

5) This works now; it was bug #132314

6) Got concrete suggestions rather than "whacked" and "chincy"?

7) Good point; please attach a patch to a new bug report.

8) This is bug #129020

9) On the first point, good idea; please attach a patch to a new bug
report.  On the second point, GtkCellRendererSepText needs to be
enhanced to support this.

10) All the spacings are 12 pixels, which I think is the HIG standard.
 Please file a bug report for specific spacings that need to be corrected.

11) Known issue; I don't think a bug has been filed for it yet.