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Bug 242032 - color labels not read from or stored to imap message store
color labels not read from or stored to imap message store
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: Mailer
pre-1.5 (obsolete)
Other All
: Normal normal
: Future
Assigned To: evolution-mail-maintainers
Evolution QA team
: 209941 234258 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-04-28 17:09 UTC by Tommy McNeely
Modified: 2005-09-20 21:12 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

stores labels and junk on imap server (12.75 KB, patch)
2005-08-15 08:00 UTC, Not Zed
none Details | Review
updated patch with groupwise workaround (15.39 KB, patch)
2005-08-16 06:09 UTC, Not Zed
committed Details | Review

Description Tommy McNeely 2003-04-28 17:09:00 UTC
Please fill in this template when reporting a bug, unless you know what you
are doing.
Description of Problem:

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Use Moz 1.3/1.4 to "label" a message as Personal (green) 
(really any color, but for the sake of this example we are green)
2. login directly to IMAP

a fetch 74 flags
* 74 FETCH (FLAGS ($Label3 NonJunk))
a OK Completed

see it has the "$Label3" or "Personal" or "green" label stored on the server

3. login to Evolution ... no color whatsoever (not read from IMAP server)

4. set the "Work" (orange?) label in evolution...

5. login directly to imap server...
a select INBOX
* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Label1 $Label2 $Label3
$Label4 $Label5 $Forwarded $MDNSent Junk NonJunk)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Label1
$Label2 $Label3 $Label4 $Label5 $Forwarded $MDNSent Junk NonJunk \*)]  
* OK [UNSEEN 75]  
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1016827544]  
a OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
a fetch 74 flags
* 74 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen))
a OK Completed
0 logout
* BYE LOGOUT received
0 OK Completed

Beautimus.. it has not only *not* set the "Work" flag.. but it has cleared
the flag that Moz set on the message in the process.

6. (FOR ADDED FUN) .. rm -rf ~/evolution (or if you so prefer, just move it

7. re-start evolution, setup imap account, and login... and POOF.. the
color is gone again.. it stores the labels in the local cache, but not the

Actual Results: Evolution does not play nicely with the $Label[1-4] imap flags

Expected Results: it should read the flags from imap and thus colorize the
messages, also it should respect the ones that are there when it sets the
flags *** especially if they come as an unrequested fetch *** and it should
also store the flag in IMAP instead of locally

How often does this happen? every time

Additional Information:

I can provide imap traces (via Sun ONE messaging server telemetry feature)
if necessary.
Comment 1 Tommy McNeely 2003-04-28 17:13:05 UTC
Also, as a side note... this bug also affects the Evolution that comes
with Red Hat 9, but strangely enough it seems Red Hat is further
behind than Sun :) -- evolution-1.2.2-5

Comment 2 Craig Ringer 2004-02-17 10:45:25 UTC
The use of cutom IMAP server flags to store labels would be extremely
handy, especially for those of us using shared mailboxes at home and
at work.
Comment 3 Not Zed 2005-01-31 07:23:27 UTC
hmm, this should be doable, although we use a mechanism which doesn't
use flags for these labels.

what does mozilla do if you have multiple labels on the message, does
it allow that?
Comment 4 Not Zed 2005-08-08 06:09:48 UTC
*** Bug 209941 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Not Zed 2005-08-11 03:39:55 UTC
*** Bug 234258 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Not Zed 2005-08-15 08:00:10 UTC
Created attachment 50715 [details] [review]
stores labels and junk on imap server

Unfortunately, this patch can't be applied yet.  It appears to work fairly well
with some servers, but others fail terribly.  Groupwise advertises \*, and lets
us store all of the custom flags as we wish - but it doesn't let us store any
custom imap flags in an APPEND command.

The 1 line changed to do_append could be removed and it would work though, so
that may be worth considering.	It would mean message moves (inter-server)
would lose the flags though, i.e. not fix 209941.
Comment 7 Not Zed 2005-08-15 08:20:36 UTC
With the above patch labels interoperate fairly well with thunderbird, and the
junk setting partially interoperates with thunderbird (thunderbird seems to
ignore changes to the flag by other clients).

It should transparently 'upgrade' old installations, uploading label's to the
server when flags are synced.

It probably wont interoperate terrible well between older versions of evolution
- they may just wipe out the labels because of the way they store flags to the
Comment 8 Not Zed 2005-08-16 06:09:44 UTC
Created attachment 50764 [details] [review]
updated patch with groupwise workaround
Comment 9 Daniel Holbach 2005-09-20 21:12:55 UTC
did the patch get a review yet?