GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 17728
Change default icon with the MIME types tool
Last modified: 2009-08-15 18:40:50 UTC
Package: control-center Severity: normal Version: 1.0.53 (French) >Synopsis: Change default icon with the MIME types tool >Class: sw-bug Distribution: Linux Mandrake release 7.0 (Air) System: Linux 2.2.14-1mdklinus i686 unknown C library: glibc-2.1.2-9mdk C compiler: 2.95.2 glib: 1.2.7 GTK+: 1.2.7 ORBit: ORBit 0.5.1 gnome-libs: gnome-libs 1.0.58 gnome-core: gnome-core >Description: The icon associated with a mime type returns to the original icon after commiting the icon change (in the icon selection dialog box). >How-To-Repeat: I edit the sdw Mime type (for StarOffice) and browse to the staroffice icon collection directory to chose the "/usr/local/Office52/share/kde/icons/sdw.xpm" file and click OK. The new icon appears in the main "mime type edit dialog box". I then commit all the changes. When I come back to the same Mime types preference in the control panel, the icon for the *.sdw files returns to the original "/usr/share/pixmaps/mc/c/gnome-application-x-generic-spreadsheet.png". The same default icon appears of course with gmc. ------- Bug moved to this database by 2001-01-27 16:33 ------- This bug was previously known as bug 17728 at Originally filed under the control-center product and general component. Unknown version 1.0.x in product control-center. Setting version to the default, "unspecified". The original reporter ( of this bug does not have an account here. Reassigning to the exporter, Reassigning to the default owner of the component,
This bug is still in the latest version Christian
Reassigning to Richard.
This appears to have been fixed in the latest version (1.5.8).
This bug is still here in 1.5.11
If the bug is still there in 1.5.11, it should be marked 'new'.
Updating all cc bugs that have the GNOME2 keyword set to the GNOME2.0 milestone, to help jrb triage/prioritize cc bugs. Filter on 'luis doing GNOME2 work' to ignore this spam.
I changed the call to sync the mime registry in where it saves the mime type info when Ok is clicked. It remebers the icon now. 2 things though 1) I forgot if it worked before or not. 2) More importantly, next time when I run this capplet, the changed mime type doesn't appear under its previous category (say before I was changing of type .txt, which is under Documents). But under a blank category, which I'm guessing is pertaining to the user's personal mime database, but then why is the toplevel category blank. should be something like "User's Mime Database" or something.
Created attachment 8314 [details] [review] Here's the patch.
Is this still relevant to anders-the-mime, guys?
Not really, but the patch going in the right direction. There is no harm in applying it.
I can not replicate the problem but it seems like a good idea, and the leak patch is definitely useful.
This bug still exist in I reopen this bug.
I can not replicate the problem as described. Can you give me the precise recipe that you are using ?