GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 167076
[dvdreadsrc] gstreamer crashes while reading DVD
Last modified: 2006-05-17 13:33:12 UTC
Steps to reproduce: When running the pipeline gst-launch-0.8 dvdreadsrc device=/dev/hdc title=0 ! dvddemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! progressreport name=video ! mpeg2dec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! gdkpixbufscale method=3 ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=540,height=360 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc quality=21 ! oggmux ! filesink location=/home/roland/x2-theora.ogg on an "X-Men 2" DVD, the pipeline runs nearly to the end (the resulting Ogg file goes all the way to the credits of the movie) but then crashes with libdvdread: Can't seek to block 17057895 ERROR: from element /pipeline0/dvdreadsrc0: Could not read from resource. ERROR: from element /pipeline0/demux: Internal GStreamer error: pad problem. File a bug. Additional debug info: gstpad.c(3392): gst_pad_pull: /pipeline0/demux: NULL buffer during pull on demux:sink Execution ended after 192849 iterations (sum 36811055393000 ns, average 190880198 ns, min 13000 ns, max 5558659000 ns). This is with gstreamer 0.8.9 from Ubuntu Hoary (up-to-date as of Feb 10 2005). Stack trace: Other information:
Can you read this disc using some other tool? If that's the case it should give smarter error message anyway, but we should make sure that DVD is actually readable.
Yes, I've read the whole disc with dvdbackup.
Hmm, ok. I don't have much clue about DVD, could someone knowledgeable ask correct questions here (Tim, Jan)?
is the DVD is CSS-protected and does libdvdcss the decode job ? if so it could be some uncatched decodeerror of block 17057895 in libdvdcss
got the same error using thoggen: ========= ERROR ========= th-job.c:1109: Could not read from resource. ((null)) ========= ERROR ========= th-job.c:1109: Internal GStreamer error: pad problem. File a bug. (gstpad.c(3392): gst_pad_pull: /thread15/thread14/demux: NULL buffer during pull on demux:sink) Preview element source pad caps: video/x-raw-yuv, width=(int)720, height=(int)576, framerate=(double){ 23.976023976023978, 24, 25, 29.970029970029973, 30, 50, 59.940059940059946, 60 }, format=(fourcc){ I420, YV12, YUY2, Y42B, YUV9, Y41B, AYUV } Probing dvddemux audio and video pads ... libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD access
Could you check whether this still happens with 0.10?
Probably the same issue as in the GStreamer-0.10 bug #340433, keeping the other one open as it contains more details and refers to 0.10/HEAD.