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Bug 165933 - optional scanning
optional scanning
Product: NetworkManager
Classification: Platform
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Williams
Dan Williams
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-02-01 15:07 UTC by Sven
Modified: 2005-07-08 02:11 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Sven 2005-02-01 15:07:38 UTC
NM constantly scans for AP changes. when connected, this causes the card to
disconnect and interrupts data flow, which is more than frustrating for media
streaming or internet telephony (ie, skype). it should be possible for the user
to prevent NM from scanning. at least for me, my laptop is pretty stationary
most of the time (home, office) and does not need to scan constantly since
nothing changes anyway.
Comment 1 Stefan Zechmeister 2005-02-01 16:40:01 UTC
i second that!

if i'm at home i definitly know that there is only one access point!

maybe add a configuration option to supply the scan interval. or even better
implement some sort of a policy. e.g. when essid="something" is encountered it's
not necessary to scan for additional access points and when essid="another" scan
interval of Xsec should be used etc.
Comment 2 Paul Ionescu 2005-02-01 21:33:13 UTC
me too.

A configuration option can be "Automatic/Manual scanning" and when Manual
scanning is selected, we will have another button in NMI that says "Scan now".
And/or when we click on NMI, we perform a scan and then we update the AP list.
Comment 3 Dan Williams 2005-02-10 05:51:44 UTC
Implemented via right-click menu in the applet with "Pause wireless scanning"
and "resume wireless scanning".  Will that be sufficient?

I hesitate to add lots of UI stuff to support optional scanning (like
essid-based policy or scan now buttons) because that just bloats up the UI.  I
could be convinced to put in a GConf key that would specify scanning be on/off
by default though :)
Comment 4 Sven 2005-02-10 17:59:02 UTC
Pause/Resume wireless scanning function pretty much serves my needs ;-) but if
it doesn't take much convincing, i'd be very much in favor of a gconf key -
maybe even an entry to specify the scanning interval? just a thought...
Comment 5 Paul Ionescu 2005-02-10 21:48:13 UTC
How about making a gconf key and storing in it the right value when we
'Pause/resume the wireless scanning' ?
I mean, when I "pause wireless scanning", the gconf value is set to "true" or
something, and next time NM starts, it remembers the user's policy.

Another question is are we talking about "wireless scanning while not
associated" or a general "wireless scanning" behavior ?
I would like to have wireless scanning when not associated, and wireless
scanning disabled when associated.
A gconf key for scan interval would be nice also.
Comment 6 Dan Williams 2005-05-17 01:40:00 UTC
Paul:  good idea.  I'll do that, but I'm not sure when I'll get it done.  (by
"that" I mean a persistent scan switch that controls scanning when the card is
associated.  scanning when not associated won't be affected.)
Comment 7 Dan Williams 2005-07-08 02:11:10 UTC
Should be fixed now.