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Bug 162510 - enhancement: Command/Apple key can be Control key on Macintosh keyboard
enhancement: Command/Apple key can be Control key on Macintosh keyboard
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: Keyboard
Other other
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-12-30 04:28 UTC by twt
Modified: 2005-02-03 01:16 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.7/2.8

Description twt 2004-12-30 04:28:44 UTC
Distribution: Debian 3.1
Package: control-center
Severity: enhancement
Version: GNOME2.8.1 unspecified
Gnome-Distributor: Debian
Synopsis: Command/Apple key can be Control key on Macintosh keyboard
Bugzilla-Product: control-center
Bugzilla-Component: keyboard
Bugzilla-Version: unspecified
It would be handy to have a GNOME keyboard option that maps the Control 
key function to the Command / Apple key on a Macintosh keyboard. This is 
especially nice when using Mac-on-Linux (MOL) because most Mac native 
application commands use the Command/Apple key in exactly the way most 
GNOME and KDE applications use the control key.

(The Command/Apple key is immediately to the left of the space bar on US 
Powerbook/iBook keyboards or to the left and right of the space bar on 
external Macintosh keyboards. I'm not sure about the layout of 
International keyboards.)

This Macintosh-style key mapping feature exists in KDE [(Keyboard) 
Shortcuts control module, Modifier Keys tab, "Macintosh Keyboard"
checkbox and "MacOS-style modifier usage" checkbox]. However, when using 
Gnome applications under KDE, the feature stops working as soon as 
gnome-settings-daemon starts up.

------- Bug moved to this database by 2004-12-29 23:28 -------

Unknown platform unknown. Setting to default platform "Other".
Unknown milestone "unknown" in product "control-center".
   Setting to default milestone for this product, '---'
The original reporter of this bug does not have
   an account here. Reassigning to the person who moved
   it here,
   Previous reporter was
Setting to default status "UNCONFIRMED".
Setting qa contact to the default for this product.
   This bug either had no qa contact or an invalid one.

Comment 1 Sergey V. Udaltsov 2005-02-03 01:16:07 UTC
It is not up to GNOME to do these things. It should be fixed in the XKB
configuration database of the respective X server. Welcome to xorg bugzilla (and
xkeyboard-config project).