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Bug 160803 - extremely high load (lots of IO?); can make system completely unresponsive
extremely high load (lots of IO?); can make system completely unresponsive
Product: gnome-control-center
Classification: Core
Component: [obsolete] theme-manager
Other Linux
: High critical
: ---
Assigned To: Control-Center Maintainers
Control-Center Maintainers
: 166305 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-12-08 20:07 UTC by Luis Villa
Modified: 2005-02-23 17:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 2.10.0
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

short bzip'ed strace (71.09 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-12-09 02:58 UTC, Andrew Johnson
gdb backtraces (8.68 KB, text/plain)
2004-12-09 14:31 UTC, Andrew Johnson
Stack traces of apps crashed while using theme-manager (16.20 KB, application/x-gzip)
2004-12-22 19:15 UTC, Francisco Camenforte Torres
One possible way to break the infinite loop (1.08 KB, patch)
2005-02-01 23:49 UTC, Elijah Newren
none Details | Review

Description Luis Villa 2004-12-08 20:07:28 UTC
I've had this happen several times now; I first noticed it with 2.6 code but it
may be older than that. Basically, open g-t-m, play around a bit, watch system
load rise constantly until system is completely unresponsive. Today was the
first time in ages I've had to reboot because of application software, and it
sucked. :/

I seem to get a lot of these when the problem is worst, but that may be coincidence:
(gnome-theme-manager:6360): capplet-common-CRITICAL **:
generate_theme_thumbnail: assertion `async_data.set == FALSE' failed

Maddeningly, I can't duplicate (now that I'm set up to debug) the runaway loads
I saw at least four times this morning. Grr. But even casual use (change theme,
change theme details) causes a load of 2+ on my laptop that disappears as soon
as I close g-t-m.
Comment 1 Andrew Johnson 2004-12-09 02:58:46 UTC
Created attachment 34646 [details]
short bzip'ed strace

I can repeatedly duplicate. happens 99% of the time for me. Attaching a short
Comment 2 Andrew Johnson 2004-12-09 03:05:08 UTC
It would apear then when the manager is started if you are using one from the
list it doesn't happen. However if you start with a custom theme, or
subsequently modify the details, it happens quite reliably.
Comment 3 Andrew Johnson 2004-12-09 03:47:01 UTC
It would seem for some reason "window_settings_changed" is getting called ad
infinitum when using a "custom" theme. Can't quite make out why yet, but that
seems to be the source of trouble.
Comment 4 Andrew Johnson 2004-12-09 14:31:45 UTC
Created attachment 34657 [details]
gdb backtraces

Two GDB bt's, as per request. Don't think they will be much good, but here is
Comment 5 Francisco Camenforte Torres 2004-12-22 19:15:58 UTC
Created attachment 35138 [details]
Stack traces of apps crashed while using theme-manager

I played with the theme manager, switching gtk2 themes frantically
(*clickclickclickclick*). The results: I got a gtk crash galore. I attach the
stacktraces, compresesd for your leisure.

BTW, trash-applet and epiphany were both visible and didn't crash. Xchat did
but wouldn't produce an stack trace, bugbuddy-less as it is.
Comment 6 Francisco Camenforte Torres 2004-12-22 19:19:33 UTC
Sorry for forgetting this: using gnome HEAD on Debian Sid. The system usage of
theme-manager was quite high, as described in this bug.
Comment 7 Francisco Camenforte Torres 2004-12-22 20:29:45 UTC
Also, when starting the theme-manager, the following themes were being
thumbnailed: mist, crux, glider, grand canyon, big print, ocean dream, traditional.

When I select for example "crux" (hard cause the list keeps scrolling up, as if
thumbnailing fails and tries in an endless loop - easier if you use the down
arrow in your keyboard), it gets rendered and thumbnailed after a short while,
and all the themes too. Then CPU usage gets to stable levels.
Comment 8 Dennis Cranston 2005-01-27 05:54:07 UTC
I have been seeing the same cpu usage bug.  After the patch in bug #149236 was
applied the problem is better.  I am now observing cpu usage between 2-3% as
long as I have one of the prebuilt themes selected; however, when I click theme
details and modify a theme and the selected theme becomes the "Custom theme",
the cpu usage jumps to 100% and remains there.
Comment 9 Kjartan Maraas 2005-01-27 09:14:37 UTC
I'll try to reproduce this while running under valgrind to see if there's any
clue there.
Comment 10 Kjartan Maraas 2005-01-27 09:19:48 UTC
I've seen the same crash myself that is reported in #5, but it only resulted in
crashes in metacity while browsing through themes. The bug has been there for
ages and it's about time we get this fixed. It looks like a bug in the smooth
engine, but I couldn't find it myself. Finally some progress on these theme
related issues...Marking with 2.10.0 milestone.
Comment 11 Kjartan Maraas 2005-01-27 15:35:47 UTC
Please try the updated patch in bug #149236 to see if that helps with this
problem too. I know there's still a crash in the smooth smooth engine, in
addition to some leaks, but getting the crashes sorted out has to be the top

Traces from valgrind wrt the smooth engine problems:

First a leak:

==28583== 3528 bytes in 55 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 145 of 170
==28583==    at 0x1B904BA9: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:175)
==28583==    by 0x1C1EAA6B: IA__g_malloc0 (gmem.c:154)
==28583==    by 0x1CC468D7: smooth_rc_style_init_data (smooth_gtk2_rc.c:79)
==28583==    by 0x1CC46A51: smooth_rc_style_init (smooth_gtk2_rc.c:123)
==28583==    by 0x1C1A440F: IA__g_type_create_instance (gtype.c:1596)
==28583==    by 0x1C18F0C3: g_object_constructor (gobject.c:1045)
==28583==    by 0x1C18E589: IA__g_object_newv (gobject.c:942)
==28583==    by 0x1C18EFBF: IA__g_object_new_valist (gobject.c:985)
==28583==    by 0x1C18F099: IA__g_object_new (gobject.c:823)
==28583==    by 0x1BC3B480: gtk_rc_style_real_create_rc_style (gtkrc.c:1125)
==28583==    by 0x1BC3C02E: gtk_rc_init_style (gtkrc.c:2111)
==28583==    by 0x1BC3C55C: IA__gtk_rc_get_style (gtkrc.c:1713)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF3D8: gtk_widget_reset_rc_style (gtkwidget.c:4466)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF44E: reset_rc_styles_recurse (gtkwidget.c:4948)
==28583==    by 0x1BC18885: gtk_menu_shell_forall (gtkmenushell.c:778)
==28583==    by 0x1BB93C3C: IA__gtk_container_forall (gtkcontainer.c:1265)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF435: reset_rc_styles_recurse (gtkwidget.c:4951)
==28583==    by 0x1BB5C388: gtk_bin_forall (gtkbin.c:166)
==28583==    by 0x1BB93C3C: IA__gtk_container_forall (gtkcontainer.c:1265)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF435: reset_rc_styles_recurse (gtkwidget.c:4951)
==28583==    by 0x1BB5C388: gtk_bin_forall (gtkbin.c:166)
==28583==    by 0x1BB93C3C: IA__gtk_container_forall (gtkcontainer.c:1265)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF435: reset_rc_styles_recurse (gtkwidget.c:4951)
==28583==    by 0x1BCDF492: IA__gtk_widget_reset_rc_styles (gtkwidget.c:4961)
==28583==    by 0x1BC3B91D: gtk_rc_reset_widgets (gtkrc.c:1325)
==28583==    by 0x1BBDE903: icon_size_settings_changed (gtkiconfactory.c:1066)
==28583==    by 0x1C1A0658: IA__g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM (gmarshal.c:531)
==28583==    by 0x1C18BD28: IA__g_closure_invoke (gclosure.c:437)
==28583==    by 0x1C19E949: signal_emit_unlocked_R (gsignal.c:2485)
==28583==    by 0x1C19F8CF: IA__g_signal_emit_valist (gsignal.c:2244)

Then the crash:

==28586== Invalid read of size 1
==28586==    at 0x1B90553A: strcmp (mac_replace_strmem.c:249)
==28586==    by 0x1C1B7E5D: IA__g_str_equal (gstring.c:69)
==28586==    by 0x1C194C3E: IA__g_hash_table_lookup (ghash.c:203)
==28586==    by 0x1C19084D: IA__g_quark_from_static_string (gdataset.c:592)
==28586==    by 0x1CAEF1B6: smooth_rc_style_parse (smooth_gtk2_engine.c:76)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1A639: gtk_rc_parse_style (gtkrc.c:3204)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1AC85: gtk_rc_parse_any (gtkrc.c:2424)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1B36B: gtk_rc_context_parse_one_file (gtkrc.c:827)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1B451: gtk_rc_context_parse_file (gtkrc.c:893)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1B635: gtk_rc_parse_named (gtkrc.c:644)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1BA08: IA__gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (gtkrc.c:1525)
==28586==    by 0x1BE1BA68: gtk_rc_settings_changed (gtkrc.c:540)
==28586==    by 0x1C161658: IA__g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__PARAM (gmarshal.c:531)
==28586==    by 0x1C14CD28: IA__g_closure_invoke (gclosure.c:437) ==28586==   
by 0x1C15F949: signal_emit_unlocked_R (gsignal.c:2485)
==28586==    by 0x1C1608CF: IA__g_signal_emit_valist (gsignal.c:2244)
==28586==    by 0x1C160B1B: IA__g_signal_emit (gsignal.c:2288)
==28586==    by 0x1C14E7BA: g_object_dispatch_properties_changed (gobject.c:593)
==28586==    by 0x1C14DCC4: g_object_notify_dispatcher (gobject.c:234)
==28586==    by 0x1C14EE0A: IA__g_object_notify (gobjectnotifyqueue.c:123)
==28586==    by 0x1BE2744F: _gtk_settings_handle_event (gtksettings.c:1319)
==28586==    by 0x1BDE6A24: IA__gtk_main_do_event (gtkmain.c:1232)
==28586==    by 0x1C0A1499: gdk_event_dispatch (gdkevents-x11.c:2220)
==28586==    by 0x1C1A0D70: IA__g_main_context_dispatch (gmain.c:1947)
==28586==    by 0x1C1A264E: g_main_context_iterate (gmain.c:2578)
==28586==    by 0x1C1A28CF: IA__g_main_loop_run (gmain.c:2782)
==28586==    by 0x1BC5A07C: bonobo_main (bonobo-main.c:297)
==28586==    by 0x1BC5876E: bonobo_generic_factory_main_timeout
==28586==    by 0x1BC587DB: bonobo_generic_factory_main
==28586==    by 0x1B90F8CA: panel_applet_factory_main_closure (panel-applet.c:1669)
==28586==  Address 0x1C8C59E8 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
Comment 12 Kjartan Maraas 2005-01-31 11:51:49 UTC
Has anyone here tested with current CVS to see if that helps?
Comment 13 Elijah Newren 2005-02-01 17:48:48 UTC
I avoided the smooth engine in order to avoid the crashes.  I have gathered a
couple profiles using oprofile.  In case 1, I merely switch between non-custom
themes (Bluecurve, Crux, Ocean Dream).  In case 2, I go into the theme details
and switch my gtk2 theme from Bluecurve to something else.  As pointed out by
Dennis, the first case uses very little cpu, and the latter basically pegs one
of the CPUs and makes the other one pretty busy too.  The profiles of just
gnome-theme-manager are at

The system wide profiles are at

Hope that helps...
Comment 14 Elijah Newren 2005-02-01 18:16:51 UTC
Sorry for the spam, but with this patch:

Index: common/theme-thumbnail.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-control-center/capplets/common/theme-thumbnail.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -p -u -r1.2 theme-thumbnail.c
--- common/theme-thumbnail.c    2 Jul 2003 11:12:35 -0000       1.2
+++ common/theme-thumbnail.c    1 Feb 2005 18:14:58 -0000
@@ -460,6 +460,9 @@ generate_theme_thumbnail (GnomeThemeMeta
   gint i, rowstride;
   char *pixels;

+  static int count = 0;
+  g_print ("Called this function for the %dth time.\n", ++count);
   g_return_val_if_fail (async_data.set == FALSE, NULL);

   pixbuf = g_hash_table_lookup (theme_hash, meta_theme_info->name);

it is apparent that generate_theme_thumbnail is called exactly twice per theme
change when using a non-custom theme, and is incessantly called approximately
3.5 times per second otherwise.
Comment 15 Luis Villa 2005-02-01 19:03:21 UTC
It was suggested in the email thread on d-d-l about this bug that there was a
race condition with gconf and set/gets, is there any way to see from your trace
if that is causing the generate_theme_thumbnail, Elijah?
Comment 16 Elijah Newren 2005-02-01 19:17:03 UTC
Appears to be--I'm trying to look closer.
Comment 17 Sebastien Bacher 2005-02-01 19:45:11 UTC
I think the comment was from me

"I've made a patch for a similar bug with the background capplet some time ago.
The capplet is writting a gconf value in the callback function of the monitor on
the same key (#153419). According to the capplet maintainer it works fine on his
system and should not loop so he has not included the patch. BTW it fixes the
issue we had with the package I've patched ... perhaps that's the same kind of
problem here ?"

if that can help ...
Comment 18 Elijah Newren 2005-02-01 20:28:37 UTC
Here's the infinite loop:

gnome-theme-manager.c:meta_theme_selection_changed ->
  gnome-theme-apply.c:gnome_meta_theme_set ->
    gnome-window-manager.c:gnome_window_manager_change_settings ->
      metacity-window-manager.c:change_settings ->
        <gconf calls to change the various settings>
metacity-window-manager.c:value_changed ->
  gnome-window-manager.c:gnome_window_manager_settings_changed ->
    gnome-theme-manager.c:window_settings_changed ->
      gnome-theme-manager.c:update_settings_from_gconf ->
        <sets up idle handler>
gnome-theme-manager.c:update_settings_from_gconf_idle ->
  gnome-theme-manager.c:add_custom_row_to_meta_theme ->
    gtk_tree_view_set_cursor [which emits selection_changed signal]
gnome-theme-manager.c:meta_theme_selection_changed (ouch)
Comment 19 Elijah Newren 2005-02-01 23:49:34 UTC
Created attachment 36850 [details] [review]
One possible way to break the infinite loop

This patch fixes the problem.  There are probably other ways as well, given the
length of the cycle, but this seemed the most obvious way to me.
Comment 20 Elijah Newren 2005-02-02 00:35:31 UTC
Applied to both head and the gnome-2-8 branch (Kjartan approved it).
Comment 21 Elijah Newren 2005-02-04 18:03:50 UTC
*** Bug 166305 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22 Frederic Crozat 2005-02-23 16:38:03 UTC
Reopening : patch was not committed on gnome 2-8 branch (only changelog was) and
missed 2.8.2 tarball release :(
Comment 23 Elijah Newren 2005-02-23 17:19:06 UTC
I have no idea how I missed committing the real patch but got the changelog. 
Anyway, fixed now though you'll have to ping Kjartan or Sebastien or someone
about whether they want to roll a new release.