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Bug 157899 - Display of burningspeed
Display of burningspeed
Product: nautilus-cd-burner
Classification: Deprecated
Component: cd-burner
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus CD Burner Maintainers
Nautilus CD Burner Maintainers
: 171487 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-11-10 21:56 UTC by Daniel
Modified: 2006-01-17 02:44 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch implementing the requested functionality (with some help from hal) (10.68 KB, patch)
2006-01-13 06:29 UTC, Allison Karlitskaya (desrt)
none Details | Review
new api (11.98 KB, patch)
2006-01-17 02:02 UTC, Allison Karlitskaya (desrt)
committed Details | Review

Description Daniel 2004-11-10 21:56:42 UTC

I think the drive speed listing in nautilus-cd-burner is a bit bad. If I don't
whant tp burn at maximum speed i get to choose from a list with all the speeds
from 1-48x even though the burner only suppports CD speeds x=2^n. And x=1*n for
DVD. It should only show these pure speeds.  

Other information:
I've browsed the cvs and came over this piece of code in nautilus-cd-burner.c:

	gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
	for (i = 1; i <= rec->max_speed_write; i++) {
		name = g_strdup_printf ("%dx", i);
		item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label (name);
		g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item), "speed", GINT_TO_POINTER (i));
		gtk_widget_show (item);
		gtk_menu_shell_append (GTK_MENU_SHELL (menu), item);
		g_free (name);
if I run cdrecord -prcap, I get:

  Write speed # 0:  8467 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  48x, DVD  6x)
  Write speed # 1:  7056 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  40x, DVD  5x)
  Write speed # 2:  5645 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  32x, DVD  4x)
  Write speed # 3:  4234 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  24x, DVD  3x)
  Write speed # 4:  2822 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD  16x, DVD  2x)
  Write speed # 5:  1411 kB/s CLV/PCAV (CD   8x, DVD  1x)

so isn't it possible to do a pipe from that?

I see the problem to detect if a DVD or a CD i in the tray, a way is to display
the above list with both speeds.

thats all. 


Comment 1 Caleb Groom 2004-11-11 05:06:55 UTC
Daniel, thanks for requesting this feature addition.  I'm changing the severity
to enhancement and confirming this report.

You might also want to keep an eye on bug 152428.  It is where you'll find
discussions about the DVD vs CD burning speeds.
Comment 2 William Jon McCann 2005-03-31 00:09:03 UTC
*** Bug 171487 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2006-01-13 06:29:58 UTC
Created attachment 57264 [details] [review]
patch implementing the requested functionality (with some help from hal)

I've posted a patch to the HAL list that causes HAL to provide this information.  It hasn't appeared on the archive page yet but it should appear there soon:

I've also written a patch for nautilus-cd-burner to use this functionality.  If you don't use HAL for obtaining hardware information then the behaviour is the same as before (except that the burn speeds are now in a more intuative descending order).  More information is in the ChangeLog of the attached patch.

Comment 4 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2006-01-13 06:34:36 UTC
It looks like the encoding of the file got messed up on upload.  My version is clean.
Comment 5 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2006-01-13 06:57:44 UTC
Comment 6 Allison Karlitskaya (desrt) 2006-01-17 02:02:58 UTC
Created attachment 57509 [details] [review]
new api

HAL 0.5.6 just shipped with my patch included.

The API has changed slightly (list of strings instead of a comma-separated list inside a single string).  This is an updated patch to account for that change.
Comment 7 William Jon McCann 2006-01-17 02:44:07 UTC
Really nice work.  I've committed this to HEAD with a few minor changes.  The write_speeds should be stored in the private data, few brace style inconsistencies, bumped the HAL requirement, and added the information to list_cddrives.

Thanks for doing this!

After this I think one of the only other missing features in HAL is: